《Harry Potter imagines》Draco Malfoy - babysitting


Draco Malfoy had practically begged me to let him join me when my neighbours asked me to babysit when he came to stay; he was staying with me for a week whilst his parents went on a trip to see their cousins from Australia. Though, I'm not sure why Lucius and Narcissa decided to choose a week whilst Draco was actually home from Hogwarts to go away...

So I eventually agreed to let my boyfriend of almost a year join me. Draco had gained a sudden interest in getting to know more about me when we began dating, even though we had been friends for a good six months before hand, and that required meeting my muggle mother, and everything that came with being a half blood. At first, Draco's parents weren't too keen on the idea of Draco and I but they fell in love with me after a few meetings, in fact, since, I have been on several spa dates with Narcissa.

The neighbours had no idea about the wizarding world, being the oblivious muggles they are, they believe I go away to a top boarding school for the most part of the year.

"Just call my number if anything is wrong. But don't feel this is patronising, y/n, we've known you practically your whole life, we trust you. And you too, Draco. Any friend of y/n's is a friend of ours." Jonathon, the father, declared as he handed us his number.

"Taxi's here!" Anna yelled from the doorway. "Bye, y/n, Draco, we'll be back at 11, no later." And with that, they rushed out of the door to catch the taxi.

Draco gave me a small smile before tucking a strand of y/h/c hair behind my ear. I closed my eyes at his embrace, glad we could finally have some alone time. My parents watched us like hawks at home, we weren't even aloud to sleep in the same bed, even though we had already at Hogwarts.

"Y/n, I'm tired." Ben, the child we're babysitting coos. I had known Ben his whole life, I usually spend most of my time babysitting him whilst I'm at home.


"Are you, sweetie?" I ask, looking at the huge clock on the mantle. He nods his head and picks up his teddy. It's only 8pm, I'm surprised that a child of his age gets tired this early. I look to Draco and he nods, understanding his task.

"Come on, Ben. Should we get you to bed?" Draco asks, holding out his hand. Ben smiles and nods as he rubs his eyes, gladly taking Draco's slender, white hand, so large compared to Ben's small one. I watch in admiration at Draco's paternal instinct. He appears to be so good with kids, a part of me aches to see Draco with our own child, yet reluctantly snap out of it. We're still teenagers, we can't be dealing with that. Besides - we still have two years left at Hogwarts.

I put Ben's milk in the microwave and pull out his toothbrush from the holder, yet not finding his toothpaste. Starting to stress, I sift through all of the drawers, unable to acquire the stupid tube of kid's toothpaste.

"Is everything okay, love?" Draco asks as he notices me stressing.

"I can't find his toothpaste. Where's Ben?" I ask, realising Ben's bedroom is on the next floor.

"He's in bed, I just came down to ask where his bedtime books are, he wants me to read to him." Draco replies. "Besides, just use your wand to get the toothpaste."

I stare at my boyfriend in bewilderment. "I can't use my wand, Draco, we're only sixteen and we're in a muggle home. His bookshelf is in the front room." I return to my job of searching around for the stupid tube of paste when I eventually find it. I run to the kitchen to pick up the milk and up the stairs to Ben's room to give him his milk and brush his teeth.

When I get there, Draco and Ben look rather comfy on Ben's small toddler bed. "Y/n I want Draco to do it." I look at Draco and see his smirk. I I pout my lips and he raises an eyebrow with a smirk on his face.


"Okay Ben." I kiss Ben goodnight and peck Draco's cheek, knowing that he's missing out. "Night Draco."

I close the bedroom door and stand outside for a few moments, listening to the light chatter coming from inside. "So Henry went to save the land with his teddy, and get back his golden apple. In fact Ben, I know someone that likes to think he's a hero. Being a hero isn't always great, but I know y/n's friends with him so I don't go against it. I really like y/n, you know? One day, you'll know what it's like to have a girl that you'd do anything for. Even if it means falling in love with a Ravenclaw. Wait, pretend you didn't hear that last part." Draco said, in a very child-friendly voice. Ben giggled at the end of Draco's speech (of which made my heart full with warmth) and I knew Draco was the boy I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

It's weird. Before Draco met me, I used to glance at him in the library and at dinner time. He always looked so broken, he put up a defensive shield and I'll always be forever grateful be let me in. He used to be so mean to anyone that wasn't a pure blood, I'm surprised I survived the old Draco's wrath.

I slink down the stairs and turn the lamps on before searching the TV for a good film. I finally land on '10 Things I Hate About You', one of my all time favourites and lay out a blanket on the sofa. I rearrange the pillows so that they are more comfy and sneak into the cupboard Anna showed me years ago. After a good few years of babysitting Ben I've learned all the tricks of indulging myself.

Anna and Jonathon have provided me with my favourite chocolate and a note. 'Save some for Draco, he seems lovely. -A + J' I smile at the gift and put it on a plate, bringing it out to the living room. I lay down on the blanket, waiting for Draco to return from Ben's room so we can watch the film and I can finally snuggle up and cuddle Draco.

After a good 15 minutes of waiting, I hear a pair of light footsteps hop down the stairs, and follow into my presence. I smile at Draco, noticing his smile a mile wide. I hold my arms out indicating he needs to lay down with me so I can cuddle him. He follows suit, laying down so that we can both see the television and I rest my head on his chest and wrapping my left leg over his left leg as he wraps his arms around my frame.

I press play on the film. "I'm going to show you a muggle film, it's really good. I promise. It's my favourite." Draco chuckles, and snuggles into me as we watch together. I find it really cute how he had a running commentary of questions and snarky comments about how 'that wouldn't happen if they had wands'.

But despite everything, I wouldn't change a thing about Draco. "Y/n?" He asks. "Yeah?" I reply. "Can we babysit Ben more often, please. I really like him, and it means spending alone time with you, love."

"If that's what you want. But remember, you only have a week." I reply, chuckling at his new found adoration for Ben and the muggle world.

"We'll have to work away at your parents. I really love it here." Draco murmurs into my ear. "And I really love you, y/n. Even if you are a Ravenclaw."

I smile at his remark. Even though I may never admit it, to myself and to Draco, I find fatherly Draco super hot. But telling him that would give him an advantage on me, and we can't have that, can we?

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