《Harry Potter imagines》Young Sirius Imagine



It was right after the holidays. I was relieved to finally get back to Hogwarts. It was the only home I've ever had. I was hiding all the bruises and scars under a long shirt and a long jean. Nobody should know what I had to go through every time I got home. I reached the train station just in time. The Hogwarts express was about to leave when I pulled my suitcase in and sat on the floor catching my breath. I always had to get everywhere alone. My parents never helped me. They hated me for what I was because it was wrong in their eyes.

I was just about to stand up when Sirius Black was standing right in front of me. Since the last year he seemed to be around wherever I was. "Need a hand?", he asked and pulled me up gently. "Thanks.", I muttered. "So how was summer honey?", he asked giving me a smile to die for. "Long.", was my answer. I never told anything about my family. "That's not very precise.", he smiled "Yeah.", I answered and turned away. "Hey, is everything alright?", he asked. "Yeah, just tired.", I answered "I... I need to find my friends.", I said and left.

*Sirius POV*

I was more than frustrated. She always seemed to run away from me. "Why?", I asked falling to my seat. "He met her again.", James laughed "Yeah and she ran away. Just like always.", I laid my face into my hands. "Maybe she simply doesn't like you." "No I don't think so. There must be something else. It's every time she comes from home. She is like... She looks like a beaten puppy." "That are her eyes Padfoot.", Remus said looking up from his book. "No. And I'll prove it, but you have to help me! James Lil is her best friend ask her about Y/N. I need to know more. I want to help her." "Maybe she doesn't need your help. Maybe she is fine." "No she isn't Rems. I can feel that.".



Some weeks had past now since we got back to school. I felt like Sirius was stalking me. He was just always there. He seemed to appear wherever I was and I hated that. He always tried to talk to me, tried to find out what was getting me around but I just didn't want to. I wanted to stay alone. But he was following me. I even saw him following me to the bathrooms one time and that was more than thrilling.

"Sirius please. I hate when you are always around!", I growled pushing him away "Just talk to me.", he begged and gave me those puppyeyes he usually only used when he wanted to get a girl into bed. "No. Don't you understand? I don't want to talk!", I turned and started to leave when he grabbed for my wrist. Accidently he pushed up my shirt a little bit. Some bruises were visible. "What is that?", he gasped "Nothing!", I said pulling my arm back pushing down my shirt again.

*Sirius POV*

I couldn't believe what I saw. Something was wrong with her even though she would always tell everyone she was alright. She wasn't and I knew. It was the next day when she wouldn't even show up in school. She just wasn't there. When I asked the professors they said she had an emergency at home. My mind was running wild. I had to get to hers and see what was wrong. So James and Remus helped me get to Hogsmead. From there I was able to get to her house.

I was right standing outside when I heard her screaming. I opened the front door and followed her screams. She was laying on the floor, getting beaten by her father. Anger grew up in me. "Stop!", I shouted. Her father looked at me "Who are you?", he asked but I looked at her. She was bleeding. I went towards her but was stopped by her father "You don't get too close to her." "She is my friend and I will take her with me." "I told you to go.", he growled but I went towards her and picked her up. "Lay her back on the floor." "No. She is my friend and I love her. I will not leave her here." "Sirius please. He will hurt you.", she begged but I shook my head "You are coming with me. I will get you safe.".



I don't even remember how we got out of the house but I woke up at Hogwarts. Sirius sitting next to my bed. "Hey honey.", he smiled "Thank you.", was the only thing I could say. He smiled "Were these words serious?", he smiled "I'm Sirius, I'm always serious.", I grabbed my pillow and threw it after him "Yes I did." "I... You love me?" "I guess I do.", he nodded. I started to smile "I... I love you too.".

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