《Legend of Concubine's Daughter Minglan 知否知否 應是綠肥紅瘦》C22 - Good Teachers Doesn't Drag Class


Part 1

As soon as Minglan finished speaking, everybody began to laugh. Mr. Zhuang's body shook as he laughed and his papers crumpled in his hand. The others were more subtle, holding in much of their laugher. Even Changbai, though shaking his head, joined in the laughter. There was even a light laughter that was clearly not from someone in the room. It seemed to come from beyond the curtain behind Mr. Zhuang, undoubtedly some naughty servant who had snuck into that room without permission.

The paused their laugher as they looked strangely towards the curtain. Changbai said with a deep voice, "Who's behind? How did you manage to trespass?"

In response, an adolescent walked out from behind the curtain. He was dressed in an long aqua blue shirt with its collar crossed and embroidered with silver thread. His hair, black as crows' feathers, was loosely held together with a jade crown. On his waist was a cerulean jade belt with a moon white purse, covered with sparking blue beads made out of tourmaline, shaped like a gourd [1]. He looked as though he had recently been outside as his shoulders had several pink peach blossom petals.

Upon seeing him, Mr. Zhuang chuckled, "Yuan Ruo, why did you come here? What about your mother?"

The juvenile stood in front of Mr. Zhuang before cupping his hands and bowed. After rising his head he said, "How do you do, sir, after parting ways in the capital, we can finally meet again today. My mother told me to wait outside yet, even after waiting for quite a while, you still didn't dismiss the class. I, this student, was very anxious and could wait no longer, thus I secretly entered through the back door on my own accord. Hope that the seniors here would not mind."

While saying so, he cupped his hands and paid respect to the Sheng children. The youth's deep red lips and white teeth created a gentle smile. His eyes were bright and eyebrows elegant. His posture was as tall and straight as a bamboo. Overall his appearance was akin to the rarest of all flowers in the country, when people see him, all would say 'such a beautiful boy!'.

By a look at the juvenile's attire, the Sheng children knew he was an important figure. They immediately stood up to show their respect to him. Mr. Zhuang waited for them finish before introducing his background. He was the only son of the envoy of the Salt Department [2], the second son of Qi Gong Gong. His mother is Xiangyang, also an only child and given the imperial edict to be titled as the dignified Pingning Princess.

His title is Qi Heng [3] and seemed to be one year younger than Changbai. A few years ago in the capital, he became Mr. Zhuang's' student but soon had to follow his father out of the capital due to work. Recently the Senior of Qi, under imperial order, needed to visit Deng Prefecture to inspect and rectify the salts. He estimated they need to stay for a while, so naturally his small wife accompanied him. Qi Heng heard Sheng Hong is sheltering Mr. Zhuang, so he asked his father to give a message notifying them of his visit.

Minglan noticed that Mr. Zhuang was very close to Qi Heng and feels that it's strange. These days while teaching, Mr. Zhuang's behavior when talking is like patiently waiting at the door in disdain for Wang Gong [4]. He had once publically pointout that the Earl Household's children were 'stupid insects', something that no one else had dared to. She also thought the same and even Changfeng has said, "I guess Mr. Zhuang is really proud. I shall call you my senior for now on." in a laughing manner while bowing.


Mr. Zhuang points to Qi Heng and laughs, "This kid has a great family background. They're officials that don't take anything from donation, all they have is from their own hard work. Last winter they helped me get a heater for my broken cottage, as the Princess was anxiously walking to district masters to handle matters."

Qi Heng's snow white skin was flushed a soft red, "Father often regrets not being able to take the exams and hopes that his descendants will have a better future. Luckily Old Madam Sheng invited Mr. Zhuang, Yuan Ruo can then only shamelessly impose."

He glances to the side to see the silent smile of Changbai. "Son of the Sheng couple, Brother Changbai, I heard that you along with your brother here, will go and take the home examination. I do not know if I may have a word?"

Changbai says: "Mr. Zhuang said that straightforward words are honest."

After the three big boys salute each other, Qi Heng towards the Sheng family's two son, gave advice and says, "Then, to Brother Changbai and virtuous Younger Brother Changfeng."

Mr. Zhuang not wanting to get scolded by Old Madam Sheng for dismissing them late, had been getting impatient. He had been wanting to dismiss the class early on but had been holding back until now, "You are too energetic that this old man is getting pedantic. Let your wish go for now as my class has not yet been dismissed." Minglan secretly thought that he has been waiting to dismiss the class, even before this official came.

The servants had finished setting up a table and chair for Qi Heng as they were speaking so, Mr. Zhuang called Qi Heng to sit down. Originally Changbai was on the right of the wall while Changfeng was on the left with their sisters behind them. The seat in front of Minglan was empty while Changdon sat behind her. Mr. Zhuang told Qi Heng to sit in the empty seat in front of Minglan, blocking her line of sight.

After Qi Heng sat down, he suddenly turned back and smilingly says: "Sixth younger sister is good."

Minglan was shocked this guy how...? and intuitively turns to check Molan and Rulan. They were really looking here...meanwhile Qi Heng had already settled back down and was looking forward silently.

The room went quiet until Mr. Zhuang cleared his throat and said, "Looks like the sixth lady and her maids have something they want to say, what is it? You may speak."

Changbai smoothly laughs, "Sixth younger sister say whatever you wish to say."

Chengfeng purses his lips, looks at Qi Heng with misgivings but no longer criticizes him. Molan and Rulan, though childish were still beautiful ladies of the household; hence were still annoyed to death watching Qi Heng and Minglan.

Qi Heng did not hold himself back with the intention of looking very cool and bright turned back to the front.

Mr. Zhuang did not comment, indicating that Minglan to sit down and asks Qi Heng: "Yuan if, you have just been listening for a long time behind what can you say about what she said?"

Qi Heng starts to get up and says: "This student had just come recently, how to say absurd things but..." He pauses and then laughs, "Sixth younger sister's last question... what she asked was excellent."

The atmosphere immediately loosened as everyone remembered the question and how funny it was, while Mr. Zhuang was pointing while shaking his head.

Mr. Zhuang says to the boys in the first row, "I'm only going to say today's words once, after I go out of this door I will not recognize this. When a man is loyal and patriotic, regardless of if the whether outside is windy or raining, it will remain in the past and locked up tightly. (Regardless what happens in the past should remain there). We must not be naive to fall into them. (We must not let them demons in our hearts and allow them to overcome our now). colleagues sometimes do unnecessary dispute, to be a loyal official is the only right thing (Being loyal to the emperor is the only way to succeed)!"


As all the students nod to this, Minglan thought, This old man is truly cunning, Saying that it does not matter if you do not legislate nor is it important where to stand, as long as you are loyal to the emperor until the end, it's fine. This should not be said but cannot help but say; as it's too painful to say that to truly complete a task; one can't do everything but can only rely on oneself.

Because Qi Heng wanted to pay his respect to Old Madam Sheng, the children would be eating their lunch together at Shou'an Hall. Old Madam Sheng observed Qi Heng carefully, her heart secretly happy, and then looks at the side where the three flowers - her three little granddaughters - were. Her heart inevitably made a move, thinking of Minglan, she could not help but sigh. Wang Shi stood at the side and especially made an elated introduction.

When Sheng Hong saw the message given by Madam Qi, he felt unhappy with Qi Heng personally looking for him and paying his respect to him on his own accord [5], at that moment he invited Qi Heng to the household to study. Madam Qi had been worrying about his son delaying his studies, at that time there were also speculations and rumors, after using their influence to dig around, there was actually a magical discovery - the Qi Houshold and Wang Shi's family had a close family relationship with each other.

Wang Shi smiles and says: "It was my maiden's family's distant relatives, though they're distant relatives, my family decided to be close again." This time, the used to be colleagues in the past had become relatives [6]. In the room, more people talk about the heat, even the sisters did not shy away.

Minglan after hearing Wang Shi's explanation, she understood why Qi Heng intimately called her sixth younger sister but she found it uncomfortable. During their discussion about the heat, Rulan had been calling him, 'brother Yuan Ruo' along with Molan who has also been prettily calling him that, Minglan could not help but shake her head and copy them. Qi Heng also courteous replied, "Fourth young lady, fifth young lady, and sixth younger sister."

Looking down at Minglan, he observed her and saw her coiffure, as she was just idly standing at the side; her fat little hand covering her mouth as she couldn't help but yawn, making her plump tender white fat cheeks that were like buns move. Qi Heng bent a little, suddenly he felt his hands itching.

Minglan had never felt a day would be tough as this day. The weather in the early morning wasn't good hence she didn't teach the little Changdong. While Mr. Zhuang refused to continue the class, at lunch time everyone was talking, unwilling to end the banquet. That afternoon that old tiger-like mother, Mrs. Zhuang wanted to slaughter her but she wasn't able to sleep last night while her two sisters obviously feel very beautiful and active today.

During the afternoon guqin class, Molan's guqin made sounds that flowed smoothly like water, moving emotions and changing the mood. Mrs. Zhuang closed her eyes as she appreciated this. Rulan had also changed and was no longer like in the past as became more intolerant, with a crook in her mouth, she laughed and bow down, Minglan was just listening to the song as her gaze went to see her and saw their face flushed and eyebrows stretch; it seemed happy to laugh out.

Minglan sighed; as she continues to pluck her own strings, spring ah...

Part 2

Studying like this, about three to five days have passed, Mrs. Zhuang tidied everything up then suggested to old madam, that she would teach the girls the arts of music (guzheng [7]), old madam Sheng did not agree at the beginning, afraid that she would exhaust everybody but Mrs. Zhuang confidently promised her that she would bring results. Minglan, who was resting inside the cabinet that had pearls engraved, overheard this conversation, came to a realization; no wonder Mr. Zhuang school fees are so high, it was worth every cent buy one get one free.

But free gifts aren't all that good either; Mrs. Zhuang is a lot stricter than Mr. Zhuang; Mr. Zhuang didn't assign homework and they could just sit through the lessons without being called up to answer questions but Mrs. Zhuang is petty about everything, in front of the girls is a seven string guzheng, Mrs. Zhuang would teach the ladies patiently one on one and they had to go through exams.

Having to learn all Do, Jiao, Shang, Wei and Yu [8] had caused Minglan to feel dizzy, both ears are hearing echoes, She finally understood that her body doesn't even have half a bit of cells that have musical talent, This guzheng class also made Rulan suffer, especially since she does not have the patience like Minglan and could only pluck a few strings since morning, on the other hand, Molan has natural talent, she was quick to learn, played smoothly, after Mrs. Zhuang praised her, she practiced even harder, causing birds within ten miles radius to fly away.

But the guzheng has its highs and lows, in this era, the ultimate goal of most people is to have food to eat and clothes to wear, a number of people that appreciates the art of guzheng would most likely be lesser than the number of pandas in the ancient China, Minglan reflected about her identity has a daughter of a sixth grade official and thought that in the future, as long as her husband doesn't critic her, not clingy and is accepting and observant then that's enough to make her happy, then she would not need to ask him to be able to appreciate this kind of high-class art.

About a month later, Hualan sent the Sheng Household her first letter from the capital, old madam Sheng's cannot see clearly, Wang Shi's is illiterate and there are rumors going around the young masters and servants of what the letter is actually is, so Rulan and Minglan worked together and roughly worked the letter out.

This was a peace letter, it is said that her married life is very happy, Yuan Wenshao is also quite considerate of her, but the original courtyard has only two rooms for young maidservants, it made Hualan's felt very uncomfortable but ever since she had married Yuan Wenshao she started to ignore it. Her father-in-law Count Zhongqin was happy and dotes on his new daughter, but then her mother had not much reaction, only spoiling the older daughter-in-law. Later then she had known, that the original daughter-in-law was the master's cousin -a young lady, no wonder she can't get friendly with her but because Yuan Wenshao is quite famous outside, so in that low-key Bo Household she still had to give face, Old Woman and the palace stewards did not dare look down on Hualan, living here is still okay.

Minglan while feeling good, reads at the side, father-in-law is a powerful man in the Bo household, in the end, having his likes is definitely a good thing, normally, when a father-in-law likes his daughter is a good thing as long as he doesn't take her to Tian Xiang Lou [9]!

After listening to everything, Wang Shi only let out a long breath, she knew that Hualan has always been picky; she would boast about one good thing when there are three benefits, now to say that it is estimated that her every day after the marriage would be very good.

"Parents relying on the eldest son is common, paying attention to the daughter is even more common, do not take it personally what the eldest lady said, had a good day with her filial piety in-laws, serving the husband..." Old Madam Sheng could not help but nags.

Wang Shi sighs and says: "I know this is the reason, but Hua'er since little was in the home of the head of the family, never called people over the past, and now... ah, to be divided later, after just coming to a new home, Anyway, Bo Household is a big place, Hua'er [10] the couple to live their own day is also good, state son is also capable."

If it's the usual, old Madam Sheng will certainly say a few, 'parents in the absence of home' like the big reason, but she in the end also have a heartache since she also raise the small Hualan, a heart will just pass along, says: "Whether if one follow the elders and learn their rules or not, after the person part ways from his family, they would be on their own, but if one can send home some peace letter is much more important."

Time flew by and the Sheng Household was peaceful and eventless. Old Madam Sheng had tidied up the rules of the house, the major power in the household slowly returned to Wang Shi's hand but people still had their own power in their courtyards and they would ask Old Madam Sheng whenever they had uncertainties. Upon seeing that the household was in order and the maids were able to manage the house better and were more obedient, Sheng Hong felt very satisfied. Only Concubine Lin complained. Regardless, Sheng Hong remembering Governess Kong's words, stubbornly chose to ignore Concubine Lin even when the siblings, Changfeng and Molan, interceded. Sheng Hong would respond by standing his ground and scolding them.

Concubine Lin refused to let things be. A good few years of spoiling her made her get used to being spoiled, so she resorted to underhanded means like a sudden illness, a sudden resentment, a child crying, a sudden provokation but Sheng Hong in the end, had been sharing a bed with her for more than a decade so no matter how many schemes she used it would be no more than an old trick. Because of this, Sheng Hong had built an immune system against these tricks. He was reminded of back when he was young, when Old Madam Sheng was still serving him; she had been kind to him. Thinking of how their relationship became how it was now made him feel that he was lacking filial piety. This caused an emotional domino effect, resulting in him having an even colder heart towards concubine Lin and devoting his heart into his job.

Encouraging farming, dispatching merchants, within just three years of service under the Deng Prefecture's governance the place became rich, turned over a lot of taxes, made good performances and with the help of his good connections, there would often be people taking care of things from afar. When the three-year term expired; he would retake and score the evaluation test, rise to a fifth rank officer and assume position again.

With the pride of an official and focusing on having a smooth career, Sheng Hong paid little attention to Concubine Lin's moods but rather against the poorly tempered Wang Shi, after arguing with her a few times; he got used to it. Today, when he stood his ground, Wang Shi also had nothing to retort. Every time she made mistakes, she would be criticized by Sheng Hong. 'Not filial', 'disrespectful ', 'not virtuous', after all these retorts had become useless against Sheng Hong, Wang Shi had no strength to fight back while Sheng Hong again and again emerged victorious. On his normal days he would go to the young and beautiful Concubine Xiang and Concubine Ping to soothe his mood and guide his children's school work; living quite leisurely.

Whenever Concubine Lin notices that the atmosphere was not right, she would go gentle on her schemes and did not dare to mention any request, spending almost all her energy trying to coax Sheng Hong.

Minglan concealed herself in Shou'an Hall with Old Madam Sheng accompanying her; a youngster and an elder coming together and spending their time harmoniously and laughing constantly. Every time Sheng Hong went to Shou'an Hall he felt that the atmosphere was very pleasing and comfortable, it relaxed his mind. The Old Madam was chatting more comfortable while sometimes holding Minglan's embroidery works. This new feeling of sincere love was quite pleasant, plus with Molan and Rulan working together, Changbai and Changfeng also considered being successful in their studies and with the wife and the concubines also holding their tempers, at first glance, it was all quite harmonious. Sheng Hong felt a new sense of peace and prosperity.

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