《Legend of Concubine's Daughter Minglan 知否知否 應是綠肥紅瘦》C15 - Governess Kong's Trial


Governess Kong's expression turned ugly, merely smiling icily, she swept her eyes over the four girls. Her gaze turned sharp and freezing like a winter's gale and as her sight swept past them, the four sisters couldn't help but withdraw themselves, shivering. Unconsciously, they became deathly silent and stood aside well-behaved and respectful but couldn't help but betray their anxiety.

Currently, only Molan's soft sobs could be heard echoing through the room, she was gripping a damp handkerchief and crying dainty. She stole a look at Governess Kong, waiting for the Governess to enquire her grievances. Who knew that Governess Kong didn't spare her a thought. The Governess did not utter a word, strode up and sat on the chair in the center of the room. Governess Kong instructed the young maid to bring four sets of brushes, ink stone and four copies of《Examples for Women》[1], neatly arranging it before each of the four girls.

The girls were terrified, twisted their handkerchiefs around their thumbs and exchanged fearful looks with one another. Governess Kong's face was masked like frozen winter, even the trace of the smile dying from her face, she coldly said "Each person will copy this fifty times, if you are unable to finish, then you need not resume your studies under me."

Rulan indignant, refused to accept it and was just about to voice her complaint but was immediately silenced by Governess Kong's imposing and domineering glare and she withdrew timidly. Hualan chewed on her lips but picked up the brush and started copying. Minglan sighed silently and followed shortly. Only Molan was in somewhat disbelief and looked at Governess Kong, her tears refused to flow and were frozen in her eyes. Governess Kong did not look at the girls, picked up a roll of scriptures and tended to her own business. Molan had no other choice but to reluctantly start copying as well.

They copied till dusk creeped in and was almost time for dinner. Governess Kong still unmoved, merely asked the maids to light the lamps. She then let the girls resume copying without a word. Minglan copied till she no longer felt her stubby arms, feeling her head woozy, she raised her head to examine her fellow compatriots in suffering. Each one of them looked like the Chinese Goldthread,[2] doubly so for Rulan who would not stop craning her neck to peek outside.

Several maids stationed outside were sent to fetch the young misses to return for dinner. They softly enquired a few times, the girls were all starving and exhausted and raised their heads in hopeful expectation. Who knew Governess Kong ignored everyone and told the young maid to relay a message saying 'class is not over yet'. The four girls were all dispirited and lowered their heads. Minglan silently cursed endlessly 'She was innocent! Innocent! I tell you!'

Some time later, Governess Kong glanced at the water-clock and instructed the other maid "Please invite Master and Madame and also invite Concubine Lin over." The four girls were now terrified, they knew that this incident was about to become huge. The brushes in their hands started trembling, Hualan felt particularly uneasy, Molan secretly glanced at Governess Kong and Rulan was the most afraid of Sheng Hong. Minglan did not stop copying but she also felt inwardly nervous. The scene reminded her of when she was young and was made to stay in detention when she erred. The teacher-in-charge with a demon like face would be waiting for parents to retrieve their sp.a.w.n. Minglan did not expect that when she was reborn she would have the privilege to enjoy a similar treatment, it had the familiarity of meeting an old friend in a foreign land.


Shortly after, the Sheng Hong couple and Concubine Lin arrived. The four girls all buried their necks when their father's strict gaze swept past them. Governess Kong rose from the first seat offering Sheng Hong and Wang shi. Sheng Hong at first declined but then relented and sat down with Wang shi. Governess Kong sat upright on the chair with a rattan backrest and proffered Concubine Lin a short stool under the first seat. Concubine Lin bowed in appreciation but did not sit down and merely stood at the side. Since leaving Wang shi's rooms, Minglan had not seen Concubine Lin. Now she observed her slender physique filled with grace, dressed in a lily green dress with plum blossoms embroidery, looking refined and elegant. A white jade bell hairpin crowned her hair and with every step, the sound of bells softly jingled and was very pleasant to the ear. A drastic contrast to Wang shi who merely wore a simple beaded jade hairpin.

Governess Kong seeing everyone settling down waved her hands and the four maids by her side moved orderly as if they had repeated this a thousand times. Two of them went to distance the maids outside out of earshot of the room, the other two closed all the windows in the room. Only a few personal maids remained in the room.

Once everything was tidied, Governess Kong smiled towards Sheng Hong and warmly said "I apologise for disturbing everyone today. Originally this matter need not be alerted to so many people but the Old Madame has entrusted them to me, so I dare not disappoint and that is the reason I have alerted Master and Madame. Moreover, Young Lady Mo is raised under Concubine Lin's roof thus I have also disturbed Concubine Lin."

Sheng Hong immediately cupped his hands [4] and said "If there are any words Governess has to speak, please speak them unreservedly. Surely these evil creatures have caused trouble and angered Governess." Having said that he glared at his daughters, making the four girls shrink to the corner and not daring to utter a word.

Governess Kong warmly shook her head and softly said "It cannot be said that I am angry, it's merely that the young ladies are now all older and ought to be able to distinguish right from wrong. Yan'er, come over and give a clear account of what happened this afternoon." Having said that, a young maid emerged from behind Governess Kong, she walked to the middle of the room, greeted and clearly repeated the whole quarrelling incident. Although the maid was young but was eloquent and her voice rang clear and loud. She repeated every word the four girls spoke per verbatim when they were quarrelling. Not a single word omitted and not a single word added. When the four Lans heard the recount, they turned red from shame and were silent.

Listening, Wang shi felt that they were making a fuss over nothing. It was merely a quarrel between sisters but the more Sheng Hong listened, the more furious he got. After he heard the whole tale, he slammed down on the table with great force and shouted in fury "You evil creatures! Still unrepentant! Still unwilling to kneel down!"

The girls were so scared that they knelt immediately but were stopped by Governess Kong "The weather is cold and the ground hard, it's not right to freeze the knees of the young ladies." Who knew Governess Kong in all her compa.s.sion instructed the maids to withdraw four thick brocaded praying mats and placed them on the floor. After she merely lowered her jaw, indicating that they could now kneel. The girls knelt in a row. For Minglan in the n.o.ble skill of kneeling was a rank amateur, swaying unsteadily from side to side but Governess Kong was kind enough to help correct her posture.


The slam Sheng Hong gave the table practically shook the roof with its reverberations. Pointing at the kneeling girls "Evil creatures[3]! Evil creatures! Being uncultured to this extent and squawking nonsense. What difference is there between you and vulgar country b.u.mpkins. What face do you have to keep calling yourself the descendants of the Sheng family. The only saving grace is that all of you are girls, if you were sons, it will be inevitable that you guys will rob the household of its wealth and properties. Would it not give birth to a calamitous inner strife? Fine! Fine! Fine! Why don't I just beat you all to death right now!"

Having said that he told them he was going to evoke the family law. Minglan had not seen the family law in action, Rulan was ignorant therefore was fearless. However Hualan and Molan were terrified into tears. Wang Shi had originally wanted to plead for mercy but seeing Sheng Hong in extreme fury, bit her handkerchief and dared not open her mouth. Using her eyes she pleaded silently to Governess Kong. Governess Kong smiled and waved her hands "Master need not anger yourself, punishing blindly is also not appropriate. We have to inform them where they have wronged. I have brought shame to my position as the little girls' governess. If I may be so bold, I am also considered to be half their master. Why not let me ask them?"

Sheng Hong was enlightened and apologetically said towards Governess Kong "Governess' self-restrain and knowledge are all at the epitome and an example for us all. When you were in the palace, you were asked to and those n.o.ble families. What more these few evil creatures, there is no harm in Governess asking."

Governess Kong swept a look across the four kneeling girls and said "Do you girls know how you have wronged?" The little Lans immediately chorused that they knew their mistakes. Governess Kong then asked "Where have you wronged?" The girls' expressions changed. The one chewing her lips, chewed harder. The one wiping her tears, wiped harder. The one acted rashly, acted rashly.[5]The one that was dazed, was still dazed. Hualan bit her lips and was the first to speak "This daughter knows her mistake. I should not have reprimanded younger sister and stirred up this matter. I apologise for allowing Father and Mother to be angry and worried."

Wang Shi did not know what his reaction would be and looked over at Sheng Hong, his face did not betray any expression. Governess Kong turned a cold gaze and looked at Molan. Molan trembled like willows blowing in the wind, obviously feeling scared and wronged. She choked "This daughter also knows her mistake. I should not have talked back so rudely to old sister."

The corners of Governess Kong's eyebrows rose slightly. Next was Rulan, she was unwilling and only spurted "I should not have quarrelled with older sister."

Finally, came Minglan's turn. Minglan really wanted to cry tears did not come. She racked her brains but still could not think of anything and remained silent for a long time, her face gradually turned red. She timidly said "I, I... I really do not know."

Sheng Hong suddenly caught his breath. He thought back on the recount of the affair by the young maid but he had to agree Minglan was not at fault. She did not join the quarrel, was not the instigator, did not fan the flames but rather tried to advise her sisters, now she was also implicated, kneeling on the ground. Seeing his youngest girl falling to a pitiful fate, he sympathised with her but then his eyes swept across Molan who was crying sorrowfully. Thinking about Hualan and Rulan's cold and sarcastic words, his anger was lit again, pointing at Hualan, scolding her "You are the eldest, you are also so much older than them. Initially, we thought we could depend on you to take care of your younger sisters and be a role model for them. I did not expect that you were actually this ruthless, not a single drop of love for your younger sisters. When you get married in the future, you will also bring shame upon the Sheng family name!"

Hualan's anger was like a raging fire in her heart, she dug fingers deeply into her palms and lowered her head reluctantly and did not refute a single line. Sheng Hong then pointed his finger at Rulan and scolded "At such a young age and yet you still do not have a good behaviour. Merely spouting nonsense and you dare accuse 'where did you learn such underhand methods', 'like to s.n.a.t.c.h others belongings'? Little Girl Mo is your older sister, is there any younger sister who would speak in this manner to her older sister? Seeing your older sister cry and yet you do not know how to relent. Have I never taught you the story of Kong Rong giving up the pears?[6] Uncultured ones!"

Rulan's temper was naturally explosive, when she heard what was said, she immediately refuted. "Why must every good thing first be given to her? Last year, my maternal uncle delivered a good piece of jade for me to make a jade lock but

when Fourth Older Sister saw it, she immediately cried. Crying that she did not have a living blood uncle, Father then gave that jade to her! There was still the time when Father specially brought a square larderite stone for Big Brother to make a seal but then it was given to Third Older Brother! Father, why must we always give in to her? I refuse to accept this! I refuse!"

Sheng Hong's anger boiled over until his arm couldn't help but tremble and was about to slap Rulan on the spot. Wang Shi hurried to stop him, she hugged Sheng Hong arm and pleaded in tears "Master, how are you so biased. This time all the children have erred, Governess Kong has treated them all fairly while you've only scolded the two that I gave birth to. If Master truly detests me, why not I just seek death instead?"

For a while the room descended into chaos. Concubine Lin lowered her head and gently wiped tears from the corner of her eyes and Molan cried broken heartedly. Governess Kong glanced at both mother and daughter. Her gaze seemed to carry scorn, she put down her teacup and stood up, smiling towards Sheng Hong "Firstly, Master please do not get angry. This is not after all a serious mistake. My job as governess is to ensure that everything must be reasonable and appropriate. To allow Master and Madame to be so angered, is indeed my fault."

Sheng Hong waved his hands "Governess, what words are this you speak of, it is all because I am lax in the governing of my household and has made Governess laugh[7] at us. Fortunately Governess and the Old Madame are old friends, therefore you are akin an elder to us. It is still better to have Governess speak your mind."

Governess Kong stood from her seat and said clearly to the girls "Most things in this world cannot escape logic. I have never liked duplicity, it is not my style to say one the thing in front of someone and say another behind their backs to cause misunderstandings. Today I will say it once and for all before the accused little girls and before their parents. You have all said that you know your mistakes, but I see that it may not be so, now let me ask..."

The four girls did not make a sound. Governess Kong continued "Let us start from the cause. Fourth Young Lady, raise your head, let me ask you this. Fifth Young Lady accused that you were stealing First Young Lady's limelight and further hampered First Young Lady's learning. Do you acknowledge this?"

Molan's eyes brimmed with tears, she said in a sad and dismayed tone "It is all because I am immature. I thought that it is a rare chance that Governess Kong could visit and wanted to learn more to win honour for Father and increase the reputation of the family. I did not expect to make Older Sister and Younger Sister to be so unhappy, it is all my fault..."

Sheng Hong could not help but think of Wang Shi's complaints over the past days and looked at Hualan with dissatisfaction in his heart.

Hualan raged in her heart and almost couldn't resist throwing herself onto this eloquent younger sister of hers. Wang Shi nearly grind her teeth into dust. Governess Kong laughed softly for a while and replied "Fourth Young Lady, you are clever and quick-witted and have thought things through when you speak. However let me warn you, this day do not rely on your little smarts and treat others as fools. It is a general rule that one can be too clever for their own good."

Once the words came out, Molan stopped crying. She widened her round eyes, looked at Governess Kong implausibly and looked again at Sheng Hong, her eyes protesting that she had been wronged. Sheng Hong also did not understand the Governess's words.

Governess Kong acted like nothing happened and continued "You have two faults. The first fault is with a fault of words, you should not bicker with your sisters. You should not speak of matters of legitimate and concubine-born every time you speak. Although it has not been long since I arrived at this house, but Fourth Young Lady feel your conscience[8] and tell me how favourably Master Sheng treats you. Must every time you not agree with something, you immediately cry about dying and make such an unreasonable scene. Is this the proper conduct of a young miss from an established family?"

Molan softly sobbed and Concubine Lin grew nervous, fidgeting her body. She looked pleadingly at Sheng Hong but ignored her, appearing to be persuaded by Governess Kong and carefully listened on.

Governess Kong said "Secondly, your intention was dishonest. You kept saying that you want to win honour and reputation for the family. Could it be that the whole Sheng household only has one young lady? Is it so that if your reputation increases only then can the Sheng household can be considered splendid? What about your sisters, need not they increase their reputation? Not to mention, my original purpose of visiting is for your Big Sister. Did you not think on how many more days your Big Sister will still live with you? In a few months time she will be marrying out. The family that she is marrying into is a count household where there is heavy emphasis on rules and etiquette. Why did you not once consider your sisters giving in to each other and think of your Big Sister's upcoming difficult circ.u.mstances. I've heard that Concubine Lin is also from an official background, did she not teach you that whether it be older or younger, legitimate or concubine-born, there is always a need to have a sense of propriety?"

Sheng Hong was originally an understanding person but because of his extreme fondness towards Concubine Lin, his heart was more than a little biased towards Molan. Now when he heard Governess Kong's words put things in perspective, his heart thud loudly and thought 'These words are correct, looking at things this way, it seems like Molan is narrow-minded and selfish'. The look he gave Molan and Concubine Lin then became a little complex. From Minglan's position kneeling on the floor, she secretly peeked at Concubine Lin and saw her pair of hands tightly clutching a handkerchief to the point where veins popped out on the back.

Governess Kong carried on "Fourth Young Lady, I know you usually push yourself to the forefront but everyone has their own fate. At first glance, today's matters seem to be First Young Lady nitpicking but in truth you have a great deal of culpability. These past ten days you have been compet.i.tive in all areas, scrambling over everything. When something does not go your way, you wail and whine lamenting that you are concubine-born. This behaviour of yours, have you once thought of the slightest bit of affection between sisters, have you once thought of half of your father's kindness?"

This series of questions seems to be innocuous but hit the mark in every point. Molan was left speechless and tears still rolling down her cheeks. Tongue-tied and unable to form half a word, she turned her eyes pleading at Sheng Hong and was dismayed that he was not looking at her. Reproving him with her gaze she then turned to Concubine Lin to find that the other was angry but could not open her mouth to help. Molan insides turned cold and dejectedly plopped to the floor, lightly wiping her tears.

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