《Legend of Concubine's Daughter Minglan 知否知否 應是綠肥紅瘦》C12 - Minglan and Three Silly Geese


The next day while paying respects, predictably both brother and sister, Changfeng and Molan 'recovered'. Wang Shi inquired about the siblings' health, asking the nature of the illness and to the progress of their recovery. Changfeng maintained his poise but Molan couldn't help blushing crimson. After everyone greeted the Old Madame in order, both Changfeng and his sister begged for forgiveness from the Old Madame.

"Forgiveness for allowing the Old Madame to be worried. I initially did not have any illness, only felt slightly chilly when I retired to bed the night before. However, when I woke up yesterday morning, my head felt heavy and my legs weak, I did not think anything of it but I remembered that the Old Madame has just not long recovered. I just couldn't bear it if you fell ill because I pa.s.sed it on to you. Furthermore, Third Older Brother lives close to me and Concubine Lin was afraid that Older Brother was also infected therefore also asked to detain Older Brother."

Molan's voice was soft, her complexion haggard and appearance delicate. All in all, she seemed as if she was really sick. Changfeng's fair and small face was somewhat embarra.s.sed and immediately followed "I too do not know what happened. When I woke up yesterday morning, Younger Sister was already sick and I was not allowed to leave the door. To allow Grandmother to be worried, beg of Old Madame to not blame us."

Having said that he repeated a bow with his hands forward. Minglan peeking from the side could feel the sincerity from his actions. Old Madame looked at the frightened Changfeng, her complexion slightly clearing and warmly said "Little Boy Feng is almost ten years old, you should have your own rooms and servants to instruct which would also be more convenient to aid your studies. It is not proper to delay your studies and stay with women and children all the time, your Big Brother is planning on taking the Child Examinations[1]and is currently studying hard not even sparing the time to see his younger sister from Madame. Although our family has managed to distinguish a Shengyuan[2] is more than adequate however, it cannot compare to those who are more qualified. You also must strive to improve, perhaps in the future you will bring glory to your ancestors or raise yourself through marriage, but it will all be the fruits of your own labour."

These words of Old Madame was not merely for Changfeng ears, but was also said for the benefit of Concubine Lin, they really were her heartfelt words. Changfeng immediately stood upright respectfully and bowed to the Old Madame again. Wang Shi on the side heard the Old Madame mention Changbai and couldn't conceal her happiness from reaching the tips of her brow. Changbai however, was still the same, aloof and of few words, the praise not even twitching his brows.

Old Madame proceeded to then converse with Changbai and ignored Molan. Her small face slowly turned red, was distressed and at a loss. Old Madame Sheng then turned to look deeply at her and slowly said "Mo yatou this time has caught a cold, probably due to the past few days you were being filial at my side. The weather is bitterly cold and your body is also weak, naturally you could not withstand it."

Molan choked a sob, her small face rose and looked at the Old Madame through the tears looking pitiful and full of grievance. She said "Not being able to serve by the Old Madame's side, in the end is merely my bad luck. These few days my heart has been unwell, is likely why I caught a cold. It is all this granddaughter's fault, this granddaughter has had wrong thoughts, begs Old Madame to please punish me." Having said that she then knelt before the couch, her small body trembling. The maids in the room could not bear the sight.


Old Madame Sheng looked at her for a while and then allowed Cuiping help her up. She pulled Molan to her side and warmly said "Mo yatou, regarding the matter of not letting you come here, you do not need to take it personally. It is just that the Madame has many matters to attend to on top of children to care for and I decided to help her look after one, merely to lighten her burden a little. You are young lady and shouldn't overthink everything, it's not good for you to burden your body but rather should nurture it. In the future you need to learn needlework, rules and etiquette and will wear yourself out. I have also mentioned these matters to your Sixth Younger Sister."

Molan's teardrops glistened in her eyes but did not fall. She nodded and snuggled into the Old Madame side. Hualan upon seeing the situation and hurried over to softly console her, Wang Shi turned her head to look at Rulan and couldn't help but sigh. Rulan was impatiently tapping her shoes, her eyes extremely focused on the outside. She then turned to look at Minglan and realised that she was merely lowering her head, dazedly looking at her shoes and inwardly felt that at least her own daughter was better.

After everyone returned, both the grandparent and grandchild had breakfast as usual. Today's breakfast menu had a new items including meat buns and minced meat porridge. Minglan had never eaten this kind of meat before and felt it was exceptionally fragrant. She could not help herself from having another bowl. Seeing the young girl stuffing her cheeks bulging with relish, the Old Madame also could not help but partake a little more. At the side, Mama Fang was also delighted. Minglan felt that occasions such as eating requires a particular ambience. In the presence of a sickly Lin Daiyu who was holding onto a grain of rice, even if it was Bajie,[3] he would undoubtedly lose his appet.i.te.

After the meal, the Old Madame asked Minglan to remove her shoes and climb onto the couch. This time she gave Minglan a tracing book so that she could lean on the side table and trace the words. While she was writing, the Old Madame gently guided her to recognize each word as she wrote it. In no time, Old Madame Sheng was able to realise that Minglan's had an exceptional memory. Despite her young age and weak const.i.tution, she could remember well over ten words in one afternoon. Most of her words were unfortunately crooked but every brush stroke was neat and orderly. When she raises her brush to draw a horizontal strokes she would naturally lean to the left and fluidly pull the line across.

Seeing this, the Old Madame taught with great enthusiasm. Afraid that Minglan would be bored from merely practicing characters all day long, she then brought out a poetry compilation. Picking a few short poems to recite, she read every line to Minglan. The first poem was that famous one about《Geese》,[4] while she read she explained the meaning of the poem. Minglan felt somewhat awkward[5] but she still put on her best act and diligently recited after her. After repeating twice, she 'memorised' it. Old Madame Sheng liked her all the more for it and embraced the little girl, kissing her. When Old Madame was young, she was rather reputable in literary circles, one of the reasons she caringly raised Concubine Lin. Minglan was cuddled till her hair was messy and gushingly praised till her face reddened. Heart pounding Minglan thought, Lin Binwang[6] was only seven when he composed poems, being six years old and being able to recite poems from memory ought to be normal right?


"Ming yatou, do you know the meaning of this poem?" asked Old Madame, the wrinkles of her face looked like they had been smoothed erasing the pa.s.sing of age.

"When Grandmother taught the meaning, this granddaughter understood it right away...... once upon a time there were three geese, they stretched their necks towards the sky and sang, white feathers floating on green waters and red feet paddled below clear waters." Minglan replied in a bright voice.

"Do you like this poem?" The Old Madame listened, grinning from ear to ear.

"Like! This poem has colour and sound, it's like being able to see three big white geese even if someone has never seen a goose before." Minglan tried her best to use the language of a child to explain.

Old Madame Sheng beamed at Minglan "Good, good, good. Three geese... that's right, it is three silly geese!"

During these past two days of interactions, Old Madame Sheng felt that this ineloquent little granddaughter of hers was a really clever person. She wasn't like Hualan who could reason with words and also unlike Molan who was perceptive and tactful. Merely silly-looking but there was an inherent charm unexplainable by words. Her childlike words, seem to be nothing out of the ordinary but were very earnest and her face full of seriousness, gave off a hilarious impression.

After a morning of labouring and taxing both physical and mental faculties, Old Madame Sheng's appet.i.te during lunch increased, taking advantage of her good mood she had an extra bowl of rice. Minglan in order to express her willingness to grow more flesh for her new boss also spared no effort to inhale the entire bowl of rice. The appearance of a plate of glazed and tender red stewed meat looked so delicious and inviting that the grandparent and grandchild, both worked as one to take it down. Mama Fang watched stunned and secretly instructed Cuiping to prepare two portions of pickled orange peel and plum infused medicinal tea to aid with digestion.

After the meal, the grandparent and grandchild both flopped on a pair of wide black sandalwood chairs engraved with patterns of happiness and longevity stationed by the window. They decided to take an afternoon nap after digesting the food. Currently it was nearing the end of winter, ice slowly disappearing and snow melting. The afternoon sunshine was warm, Minglan had sunbathed till she was warm and toasted, like a little a furry little kitten she huddled on the brocade padded chair in deep slumber. Eating her fill during lunch, the little child's red and soft flesh gave a satisfying purr. The Old Madame watched her little granddaughter whose eyes were gradually drooping and asked "... Ming'er, do you think your Fourth Older Sister was really sick?"

This question was a little mysterious.

Minglan was drowsy and after listening to the question, she tried to crack her eyes open a little. Her expression blank and she incoherently said "No... no idea. I initially thought Fourth Older Sister was angry and embarra.s.sed and that was why she pretended to be sick and refused to come. Every time Master checks on Fifth Older Sister's homework, she would pretend to be sick. But looking at Fourth Older Sister today, I felt that she was genuinely sick."

The Old Madame heard this truth and she smiled slightly. Looking at that pair of bright big eyes she combed up the loose hair, touching the round little buns on her head. "What if your Fourth Older Sister was really pretending? Should we punish her?"

Minglan inched nearer to her Grandmother's warm palms and shook her head. Stretching forth that pair of tiny white jade claws, tugging on the Old Madame's sleeves she softly said "Being unable to come to Old Madame's place, even if Fourth Older Sister did not fall sick, her heart must be feeling terrible. It is certainly not appropriate but it cannot be considered pretending to be sick. A little while ago, Big Sister escorted me to kick the shuttlec.o.c.k everyday, then, I actually had to pretend to be sick!"

Minglan actually rather sympathised with Molan. She guessed that when Concubine Lin was favoured, she would often throw this kind of tantrum. Thus when Molan was rejected, Concubine Lin's immediate reaction was to show an att.i.tude of defiance to Old Madame. Unfortunately, this time she ran head first into the muzzle.

One must remember, ever since Sheng Hong was promoted to Deng Prefecture, he had already determined to straighten up family principles. He is indeed fond of Concubine Lin and her children and is willing to favour them however, what he prefers more is his family's clan and social status. Firstly, Old Madame had just rejected Molan and Concubine Lin immediately made both son and daughter pretend to be sick and not pay respects. This was clearly an act of lowering the honour of Old Madame and was also sending a message to the whole Sheng household claiming that Concubine Lin still has a firm back.

So the Old Madame quickly struck back and forced Sheng Hong to make a decision between pampering Concubine Lin and the family's decorum. With filial piety as priority, Sheng Hong chose the latter without the slightest hesitation. It is akin to buying stocks, you cannot simply look at the company's operational status, you need to also consider the national situation. The current situation in the Sheng household is that Sheng Hong is willing to protect Concubine Lin but Concubine Lin must adhere to the rules and etiquette of being a concubine.

Old Madame felt that this little granddaughter understood the situation and was slightly shocked. She warmly asked "Then Ming'er, where do you feel your Fourth Older Sister had erred in?"

Minglan swayed her little head and said with a smile "To let a child come over to Old Madame's side is for us to show filial piety and also for the Old Madame's happiness. Fourth Older Sister should not have pretended to be sick and worry you when her desires were not fulfilled."

Old Madame smiled in satisfaction and carried Minglan to sit on her lap and touched her small face "My Sixth Girl, you have said it well. One must know, learning words and feminine arts at Grandmother's place are all secondary, primarily you should learn to be sensible and knowledgeable. Living upon this earth, inevitably there will be likes and dislikes. What belongs to you is yours and that is which not, you shouldn't force. One must be appreciative and follow fate, and not unscrupulously demand your desires......"

The Old Madame saw that her little granddaughter had a foolish look, expressing that she seems to understand but still did not understand at the same time. She felt that her words were too profound and did not continue, asking Mama Cui to come carry Minglan into Lihua Cabinet for an afternoon nap.

In truth, Minglan understood everything, it would seem Old Madame Sheng was rather miserable. When she first adopted Concubine Lin, she originally thought to raise a n.o.ble and demure Lin Daiyu but did not expect to have raised a fearless Second Sister You instead. Her schemes were deep and fighting spirit was abundant, singlehandedly turning the whole Sheng household into a complete mess and the root cause for all of this was because of one word, 'greed'. Now she is raising a concubine-born daughter, if Minglan were to become arrogant because she was raised by the Old Madame and had desires that she ought not have, then it would be detrimental to her. Therefore the Old Madame was preparing for a rainy day.

Lying on the warm bed, Minglan let out a small sigh. Old Madame Sheng need not worry, from the day she accepted this ident.i.ty, she had been thinking of her own future. Obviously it was a very typical ancient world with strict hierarchy and definite feudalistic rules, not one bit like the YY social environment.[7] She cannot abandon the family to become a ronin swordswoman and also cannot indulge in the fantasy to become an independant entrepreneur, even more so she dare not imagine eking out a living in the palace. The only thing she could do is to manage her own life well.

Humanity's happiness is measured through comparison. If the people around you are in a worse state than you are, even if you were eating the sh.e.l.ls and choked on vegetables you would still feel very happy. The reason why concubine-born daughters usually suffer is because the legitimate-born sisters with whom they grew up with will oftentimes have better lives. Seeing the sisters whom you grew up alongside from same father excel more than you in all areas, it would inevitably invite unhappiness into their hearts.

But, so what if you do not compare with a legitimate-born daughter? Minglan inwardly shrugged. She guessed that if she were born to a poverty-stricken peasant family, or even worse born to servant family that had absolutely no freedom, in comparison to them, her situation was a lot better. The current lifestyle allowed her to at least not worry about food and clothing and they were even considered to be slightly wealthy. Father is also not a good-for-nothing merchant that would randomly marry his daughters away, the family in general is still considered to be well-off.

In ancient times, the life of a girl like her was to ride on a good track. Growing up according to the norms for concubine-born daughters, marrying a husband of the same status, giving birth and growing old. Other than not being able to divorce and accepting the high possibility of accepting several 'younger sisters' to share her husband's bed, there was not a huge distinction with modern times. Sometimes, Minglan would hopelessly think 'This wasn't too bad after all'.

However, if life was not as she had wished for and the heavens were determined to give her a miserable life. Humph! Then it is a life for a head. When she reaches the end of her road, she also would not be polite. If she does not live well, she also would not allow those who mistreat her to have an easy life. When the time comes, a clear knife enters a red one exists. If worst comes to worst, either the fish dies or the net splits.[8] What does she have to be afraid of! She was the very person who was buried alive under a landslide!

Reaching this conclusion, Minglan's heart instantly cleared. She rolled onto her little belly and entered a deep deep sleep.

[1]. 童試 (Tong Shi): Examinations taken when a boy is in his teenage years. Under this category, there are three examinations: Child, County, College

[2]. 生員 (Sheng Yuan): One who has pa.s.sed the college entrance examinations and is the next level of exam after the county/prefecture examinations

[3]. It is the pig from Journey to the West.

[4]. It is the Tang poem that is also known as Ode to Geese and it is all about geese.

[5]. 囧 (Jiong): Widely used as an Internet emoticon as it looks like a face to to mean various moods such as embarra.s.sment, awkwardness, gloominess, despair, failure

[6]. The author who composed the geese poem.

[7]. Two possibilities: 1. YY would refer to Generation Y; 2. YY is a China Social Networking Site, but either the idea behind it is comparing modern times to the ancient times

[8]. These are all chinese idioms: a life for a head an eye for an eye, a clear knife enters a red one exits bloodthirsty or ruthless, the fish dies or the net spills either you die or I die.

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