《Contractually Yours》12• Friends, Family & Love


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🔹️🔹️Narrator's POV🔹️🔹️

"I am sure you haven't had your dinner yet. So why don't you join me? I am cooking Italian tonight." Sophie said to Adrien over the phone.

"The food will taste good right?" He teased, making her snap. "Hey! What do you mean? Of course, it will be tasty. I am cooking it."

"That's exactly why I am asking." He deadpanned, making her shriek in annoyance.


"Alright. I will be there in 15 minutes." He thought for a while before answering. He didn't feel good about leaving Crystal to eat by herself but as he watched her talking to Evan with such enthusiasm, he didn't care anymore. At least that's what he thought. He decided to leave a text message for her, hoping she would see it.

"Okay then. See you!" Sophie said and hung up. She was stirring the food that was specially being made for Adrien when her phone rang once again. She thought it was Adrien, but as she saw the name, her wide smile faded and she answered it.

"Hey Mama." She greeted her mother softly, paying attention to the food.

"I was trying to call you, but it was engaged. Who were you talking to?" Nicole asked.

"Adrien." Sophie replied while tasting the sauce. "He's coming here for dinner tonight."

"Oh. With his wife?" Her mother's question made Sophie frown.

"No. Why the hell will she come here? Why will I invite her in the first place?" Her face scrunched in annoyance.

"Why are you still seeing him, Sophie?" Sophie found her mother's questions ridiculous and she answered them with disinterest.

"What do you mean, Mama? He is my best friend. You know how important he is in my life, scratch that, he is my life. Who else will I see if not him?" Sophie's voice turned louder at every word.

"Sophie, have you gone mad?" Nicole couldn't help but snap at her daughter. "He is married, for god's sake!"

"So what, Mama? Shall I leave Adrien? Shall I forget him? Shall I stop loving him? I CANNOT! I WILL NOT!" Sophie yelled. "You don't know the truth Mama, I do. And besides when Adrien himself isn't bothered, why are you?"

"Because he doesn't know you the way I do. Your love for him has turned to obsession. It will only hurt you, Sophie. This is craziness." Nicole scolded her but it all went deaf to Sophie. She didn't want to understand.

"Well then, I am crazy." With that, she hung up.


As Adrien came back from Sophie's house after dinner, he first looked around the living room then went to the room of the person he was searching for. The dinner didn't go as he wanted it to as Sophie's non-stop blabber about how Crystal hit a jackpot by having him as a husband and all of this could possibly be Crystal's cunning conspiracy went on and on, much to Adrien's annoyance. He was clear that he didn't want to talk about it, but Sophie was nowhere near understanding.

He knocked on the door twice and when he got no reply, he slowly opened it and peeked inside. It was empty and the lights of the bathroom were turned off. Frowning, he went towards the kitchen but stopped on hearing some noise from his study. He went there to see the door slightly open and the lights on.

He walked in further and saw the one he had been looking for. Crystal stood on a stool and was busy arranging books on the top shelf. The shelves were too high for Crystal, which made her tip-toe to reach it, despite standing on the stool.


Watching he struggle, Adrien approached. "Want me to help?"

His sudden appearance startled Crystal, making her foot slip. But before she could fall on the floor, hurting herself, Adrien was quick enough to come for the rescue. He held her by her waist to keep her steady and as a reflex, Crystal's hand landed on his broad shoulders for support. They looked at each other with terrified, wide eyes, but it wasn't long before a different emotion swung in.

Crystal's hair brushed on Adrien's face as he looked up at her rosy cheeks. Crystal was again mesmerized by his blue orbs and their growing proximity wasn't of any help. For the nth time, Adrien reminded himself of how beautiful she was. It took a few more seconds for them to come back to their senses and when they did, Adrien made sure Crystal stood still and safe on the stool before taking a step back while clearing his throat.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you." He apologized.

"I-it's okay." Her stutter proved her embarrassment. "Could you pass me that book?" He handed her the last book that was in the box and after putting it in the right palace, she stepped down.

"Mom and Dad want us to have lunch with them tomorrow. Will you be free to accompany me?" He asked what he was searching for her for.

"Yes. I am free." She answered.

"I don't have to go to the office tomorrow, so we'll go together." She nodded at the information and before turning around to leave, he asked. "Did you have your dinner?" When she said she did, they walked back to their respective rooms.

The next day passed by just like the rest when Adrien and Crystal had their breakfast together and did not come into each other's sight until it was the time for them to go to the Russell Mansion for lunch. Crystal dressed herself in a casual purple dress and waited for Adrien to call her to leave.

She was scrolling through her phone when she received a call from Hannah.

"Hey!" Crystal cheered but received a rushed and worried voice in response.

"Crystal, Evan had an accident in his club. He is heavily injured." The information frightened her. She immediately asked her for the hospital Evan was admitted in and rushed out of her room only to bump into Adrien, who was ready to leave.

"What's wrong?" He asked, seeing her anxious self.

"Adrien, I am really sorry. I may not be able to come with you today." Adrien frowned at me as she continued. "My friend, Evan, had an accident and is admitted in the hospital. I need to see him."

"Oh." He could only nod in understanding.

"Please ask your parents to excuse me." She said.

"Crystal, let me drop-" Adrein couldn't finish his sentence as Crystal was quick to leave.

He noticed her restlessness for Evan and he definitely wasn't impressed. But he couldn't stop her since this indeed was a serious matter. Sighing in disappointment, he made his way to his parents' house by himself. It was still too early for lunch but he wanted to spend more time with them.

On the other hand, Crystal wasted no time in reaching the hospital. She asked at the reception for Evan and rushed to his allotted ward. She knocked on the door and walked in to see Evan half-laying on the hospital bed with bandage around his head.


"What the hell, Evan? How did this happen? How are you feeling now? Are the injuries very serious?" She bombarded him with questions, walking near his bed.


"Crystal! Catch a breath. Sit." He chuckled and asked her to sit on the stool beside his bed.

"It's nothing serious. There were two drunk men who started a fight in my club. When I tried to stop them, one of them smashed a bottle on my head and because of the impact, I banged my head on the counter, worsening it." He explained casually while Crystal stared at him with wide eyes.

"And that is not serious?" She shrieked. "It could have been bad, Evan. Why did you have to interfere in their fight? Isn't that the security team's job." She schooled him.

"I am the owner of the club so it technically is my responsibility." He shrugged.

"You should take action against those men."

"Yes. They are already taken care of by the cops." Evan assured her.

"I got so worried when Hannah informed me about this." She sighed, making Evan smile at her care towards him. "Where is she anyway? I thought she'd be here."

"I sent them away. Didn't need them hovering over me all the time." Evan rolled his eyes making Crystal chuckle. "Were you somewhere out? You look dressed up." He noticed her attire.

"Um.. actually, we had planned to have lunch with Mr. and Mrs. Russell." She answered.

"Oh. I am so sorry that you had to cancel it for me." Evan said.

"No need to be sorry. I couldn't have gone there instead of coming here and seeing if you were okay." She smiled and Evan returned a grin.

After talking a bit more and assuring that he was fine, Crystal left the hospital as few of Evan's friends had arrived to see him. She glanced at her watch and was relieved to see that she still had time to attend the lunch. Hiring a taxi, she went straight to the Russell Mansion.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Adrien yelled as he entered the Mansion and saw the living room empty.

"I am in the kitchen." He heard his mother and jogged towards the kitchen. Hugging his mother from behind, he kissed her cheek." Hello there, beautiful woman."

Dorine, his mother, patted his cheek and smiled. "You are early."

"Yes. I wanted to spend some more time with you. Problem?" He teased her.

"Of course not. This is your house. Did Crystal come?" She asked him.

"She was going to. But her friend met with an accident and he had to go see him in an emergency." Adrien explained.

"Oh." Dorine was disappointed, but didn't let it show. "Hope he is alright." She said while chopping vegetables.

"Why are you cooking the food? Where's the cook?" Adrien asked. Dorine sassily smiled and said, "I gave her an off. I wanted to cook for my family by myself today." Adrien grinned at her mother as he loved her food.

"Where's Dad?" He asked, noticing his father's absence.

"In his study." She replied. Adrien said he would meet him and be back and Dorine warned them to not start with their business talks to which Adrien chuckled.

She continued cooking for a while before she heard someone ring the doorbell. As she wasn't expecting anyone, she walked to the living room while one of the servants attended the door.

A grin made its way to her face when she saw Crystal entering the mansion.

"Hello, Mrs. Russell." Crystal greeted her with a smile.

"Hello, Crystal." She pulled her in a hug that she gladly returned. "How is your friend? Adrien told me about him."

"He is fine now." She informed her.

"Have a seat. Adrien is with his father in his study and I have to finish cooking. I'll be back." Dorine said.

"Mrs. Russell, um.. Do you mind if I help you with it?" Crystal asked hesitantly.

"Of course not. I'd love your company. Come on." Crystal placed her bag on the couch and followed Dorine to the kitchen.

The two ladies had a good time chatting and laughing together. They learnt more about each other and Dorine had already started to admire Crystal. She was proud of how Crystal stood on her own feet despite the struggles in her life.

Adrien and his Dad descended down the stairs and glanced at each other as they heard some giggles. Adrien peeked in the kitchen and was surprised when he saw Crystal there, helping Mom in cooking. He leaned on the threshold and quietly watched his Mom being fond of his wife until his Dad called for him.

"Son, pass me some water please." Adrien poured some water in a glass from the jug on the dining table for his Dad. But before he could give it to him, he tripped on his foot, causing a bit of water to spill on the floor. Sighing, he refilled the glass and passed it to his father. He called for a servant to clean the water for him but before the work could be done, Crystal walked out of the kitchen. He saw her walking towards them but before Adrien could warn her about the water, she slipped on it.

Crystal clenched her eyes waiting for her back to hit the floor but instead, she felt a strong hand holding her waist and she was yanked upwards. As a reflex, her hand fisted on the first thing they touched. She carefully opened her eyes to meet with another pair of blue ones.

She was sure that her favourite colour has changed to blue now.

She sighed in relief as she was saved from falling but heartbeat was still rapid. It was their proximity that had her nervous. Adrien's grip on her was firm but unlike Crystal, he was afraid that she would hurt himself.

He slowly let go of her waist and pulled her away from the spilled water.

"Thanks." Crystal said.

Dorine stood near the dining table, watching her son and daughter-in-law with a small smile. She and her husband shared a knowing look followed by the family lunch.

The lunch was better than what Crystal thought it would be. Her face held a smile throughout as they all complimented the food, the father-son duo kept teasing their mother and her pulling Adrien's ears. Their family was everything Crystal had yearned for years. Being there with them, she felt content.

"I am really sorry, dear." Dorine talked on the phone as Crystal helped her in serving the ice-cream. "Sure. Love you. Bye." She sounded apologetic, making Adrien curious.

"Who was it?" He asked as she hung up and the ladies sat on the couch with their respective ice-creams.

"Your Aunt Margaret. She is about to come here in Manhattan next week for a few days and asked me if she could stay with us. But you know your Dad and I are taking off for Thailand this weekend so I had to refuse her." Dorine sighed sadly. "We barely meet and now that she is coming here after so long, she cannot even stay at her sister's place."

"She can stay with us." Adrien suggested. "I'd love to have her with me. You know she is my favourite Aunt." He said happily. Raymond agreed with his son.

Dorine took a minute to think, then spoke. "Are you sure?" She asked hesitantly.

"Yes. Absolutely."

"Crystal, you don't mind, do you? I mean.."

"Absolutely not. She is most welcomed." Crystal smiled at her, making her feel at ease.

"Then Mom, ask her about it. Or maybe I should invite her myself." Adrien said, licking the last spoon of ice-cream.

"Then the problem is solved." Dorine beamed but Raymond disagreed with her.

"Actually there is one problem." Everyone looked at the man, waiting for him to continue.

"She cannot know about the truth of your marriage. So if she stays with you, you guys will have to act like a couple in your house too. Do you think you can do that?" Raymond's valid pound made the realization hit them. Adrien and Crystal glanced at each other. Crystal could see the disappointment in Adrien's eyes. He was truly happy and excited to invite his Aunt to stay with him, but now his expression had dulled.

"That won't be a problem. We'll do it."


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