《Contractually Yours》4• Marry him


🔹️🔹️Adrien Russell🔹️🔹️

Ever heard of the phrase, 'No good deed goes unpunished'?

It is used when an act of kindness backfires on the person who offers them. I never really thought about it until today.

"Explain this, young man!" Dad put the open magazine on the coffee table. His voice was low and gritted as if he was trying to stay calm.

"Dad, this isn't what it looks like." I tried to convince him by telling the entire story of last night. "Believe me Dad, all I was trying to do was help her."

"Adrien. Son, I am really proud of you for being generous and saving that girl. But you see, you have stained your reputation right before you could start your career. Such rumors affect the business." He tried to explain.

I knew he was right. Being named as a 'player' right before I could take over the business could literally be a source to put me down in front of the world.

"The articles and pictures will be down in an hour or two but people will not forget this anytime soon. You will have to face the criticism." Dad sighed and leaned back on the couch.

I started to feel guilty about what happened. Dad had worked day and night, putting his blood and sweat in the business and maintained a great reputation that I, his only son, ruined overnight.

I knew what I did wasn't wrong but the consequences I had to face had given me doubts about being kind.

"Tell me everything you know about this girl." Dad said, pulling me out of my trance.

"Um.. I don't know much, but why?" I asked.

"Just tell me." He sounded like he had something on his mind.

"Her name is Crystal Hayes. She lives in Brooklyn and had come here for a friend's wedding." I said. Dad kept looking at me, as if waiting for me to continue and I shrugged.

"That's it? That's all you know." He seemed disappointed as I nodded my head.

"Alright. I will take care of this situation, by hook or by crook. But, Adrien, I want you to trust me and agree to my decisions. It is going to be for your own good." He said.

"I trust you, Dad." He smiled at my reply and I was free to go. I had no idea what was on his mind, but whatever it was, if it helped me save my career, I would get it done.

I was on my way back home when my phone rang. I answered the call.

"What is all this about you all over the internet?" The shrill voice of my best friend, Sophie Flores.


"Hello, to you too. I am fine, how about you?" I said sarcastically and I could practically feel her rolling her eyes.

"Yeah alright. Now answer my question." I frowned at her desperation.

"Ugh. It's a long story. Just know that there's nothing like what the stupid articles say." I assured her.

"So.. you're not seeing anyone right?" She asked.

"Of course not. And if I was, you'd be the first one to know." I said while my focus was on the road.

"Thank god." She sighed.

"Then I'll see you around. I am driving right now."

"Why don't you stop by my house?" Sophie insisted but I declined since there was a lot on my mind for now and I needed some alone time


Three Days Later

It had been a few days since the news came out but it was still fresh. The media would come everyday to dad's office and create havoc to get answers. I had been avoiding getting out of the house because one- Few reporters kept an update on all of my activities and I didn't have convincing answers to their questions in case I had to face them. And two- I was afraid that I would mess up the situation that dad ensured to handle.

Finally, dad seemed to come up with a solution and had called me to the office and I, trying my best to avoid any attention, managed to reach there. I walked inside and all eyes snapped towards me which I didn't give any heed to. I knocked on dad's door with the name plate that said 'CEO Raymond Russell'.

As I opened the door, my feet froze on the spot. My eyes grew wider and my mouth hung open as I saw the face of the one sitting on the couch opposite to dad. Her eyes met mine and she seemed to be kind of confused.

"Oh! Here you are. Come on, Son! Have a seat here." Said dad. My feet moved forward but my eyes didn't move off that face. This was the last thing I expected.

"Ms. Crystal Hayes." I addressed her, sitting on the couch beside her.

"Hello, Mr. Adrien Russell." She mumbled in a low voice.

"What are you doing here?" I asked politely. But instead of her, dad answered.

"I called her here." Dad said proudly.

"But how did you find her?" I asked curiously. For real, the only information I gave to him about her was her name.

"That's a story for another time. For now, the question is, 'Why'?" Dad unbuttoned his coat and leaned back. "Why is Ms. Hayes here?"


I too got comfortable in my seat waiting for the answer.

"Firstly, Ms. Hayes, I am sure you know that the news about Adrien, which is a very juicy topic these days, somehow includes you. Although your identity is hidden." Dad said and Ms. Hayes looked down guiltily.

Well, It's not her fault either, so she didn't have to feel guilty. I wanted to say that but decided to shut my mouth for the moment.

"I-I am aware. And I am sorry you had to face so much trouble because of me." She said, her voice, low and sweet.

"You don't have to be sorry, Ms. Hayes. I get that you were in danger and I am happy that my son was generous enough to help you. But more or less, things have gone wrong for him." Dad said while I listened quietly and she nodded.

"But we can make it right, if you help us in return." This made me frown. What could she do to help us?

"If there is something I can do for you sir, I gladly will. I kinda owe you and your son my life." She said and I impatiently waited for dad to answer.

He took a deep breath and leaned forward placing his elbows on his knees.

"Marry him."

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

"Excuse me?"


We both yelled at the same time after a whole minute of utter silence.

"You heard me. I want you both to marry each other." He repeated again without a bit of hesitation.

What the bloody hell?

"Come On, Dad. What do you mean 'marry each other'? We both are practically strangers. And how would this even help us anyway?" I was almost shouting.

"This is the only way to get you out of this mess Adrien. We need to convince the media that you weren't just playing around with a girl but that girl is your fiancee who you are about to marry." Dad replied.


"There is no place for 'ifs' and 'buts' here. Tell me if you have a better idea to handle this situation." Dad started scolding me at this point and I stayed quiet. My mind had been numb.

"Ms. Hayes?" He addressed the equally shocked woman beside me.

"I cannot do this, sir." She replied sternly and honestly, I felt a bit of relief. With Dad being so stern, he wouldn't let me decline but she could.

"How do you expect me to marry a man I have known for only a few hours." She questioned.

"That man, Ms. Hayes, has saved your life. Even though it was only a couple of hours, you know what kind of person he is."

"You are right, Mr. Russell. But that doesn't mean I can marry him. I-"

"Ms. Hayes. You know that Adrien doesn't deserve what he is getting right now. He is about to take over the company within a month and this rumour has stained his reputation. Manhattan is a place where people do not leave a single chance to gossip." Dad said, interrupting her. "You said you could do anything for us. Please keep your word because you are the only one who can help him."

"This is not so easy, Mr. Russell. I-I have a home, a job in Brooklyn. I cannot just leave all of those." Ms. Hayes said.

They both argued as if my presence wasn't noticeable. Am I invisible or something? Or am I just not important enough for the discussion of my marriage.

"To what I know, you also have a lot of debts to pay in Brooklyn. Right, Ms. Hayes?" Dad questioned raising his brows.

"Right. And I cannot go anywhere without paying them. They will k-"

"What if I paid them for you?" Dad said and suddenly, cat got the woman's tongue while I looked at him in disbelief.

What a true businessman.

Mental applause for Mr. Raymond Russell.

He offered her something she couldn't decline. Now you, Adrien Russell, are doomed.

"I will free you from all your debts. Make sure that you have no ties in Brooklyn. All you have to do in return is live in Manhattan as Mrs. Crystal Russell with luxury and pretend to be in love with my son."

No one said a thing for a while.

I was busy thinking of ways to escape from this shit but failed miserably.

"So.. Do you accept the deal, Ms. Hayes?" Dad asked.

"I- I don't know, Mr. Russell." She said.

"If you want you can take some time to think. Two days, maybe?" Dad offered.

I heard a soft sigh.

"I will take my leave, then." She stood up and hung a bag around her shoulder.

"I have ways to contact you, Ms. Hayes. If you think you can run away without giving me a 'positive' answer, you are wrong." Dad threatened her. Very politely, I must add.

"Good Bye." She said without making eye contact with any of us and walked out of the room.

"Get yourself ready for marriage, son." Dad said and walked back to his seat and I sat there recollecting what just happened.

What have I got myself into?


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