《Harry Potter One Shots》Child of Athena reader x Draco Malfoy


Btw this is in 5th year....

Dedicated to: @Till2019

Normal POV

"Welcome back all Hogwarts Students. I'm sure this year will be a great one, even though we will be accompanying some guests into our castle. Please welcome the demigods!"

A bunch of mixed matched 13 to 18 year olds strutted through the doors. They started to sit at different houses at random as the students applauded.

Y/n's POV

I went and sat down at a table that was colored gold and scarlet.

"Hello!" I greeted to the people I sat next to. I met a few friends named Fred, George, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Dean, Seamus, Neville, and Ron. They were all very nice and Hermione was a smart alec like me. After I had talked for a few minutes to my newfound friends, I cast a look around the huge room we were in. Candles were floating everywhere and ghost were talking roaming around, occasionally stopping to chat with a couple of students at a time. There must be a logical explanation for this... I thought. For the rest of dinner, I asked Hermione for the explanations to all of the magical, amazing, and totally physics defying stunts that had been done with a stick.

While is was looking around the room, my eyes found the most beautiful blonde hair I had ever seen ever. After a few seconds of staring and not talking, Hermione gently poked my shoulder.

"His name is Draco Malfoy, y/n." She whispered to me.

"Thanks for not announcing to the whole table the person I was staring at." I whispered back.

"No problem, really. Ron and Harry would be furious if they knew you now have an interest in him. They are like arch enemies! It's like they both strive to make each other's world a living hell!" She blurted out quietly.


I nodded. All of a sudden, I felt eyes boring into my head. I looked up and saw him. Draco. Malfoy. Looking. At. Me. I looked at him in awe and smiled a bit, then started eating again. My other siblings had given me advice to how to win a guy. First, you have to hook him in somehow. Then yo-

"Come on, y/n, the feast is over, we are going to our dorms now!" Hermione tapped me on the head.

"Oh, sorry, I hadn't noticed!" I replied, standing up and walking with her to their "Gryffindor" dorms. Weirdo name...


The next day...

Today Chiron would be training us all about the art of casting spells, which sounded cool I guess. If you count the seven 10000 page books that I read to be prepared for spell casting, then it would sound okay.

I walked confidently through the halls as quick as I could to get to this courtyard they had.

"Hey, watch were your going, Mudblood girl!" I ran into a boy who Hermione named Marcus Flint.

I launched into comeback mode. I grabbed his shoulder, twisted him back, and began;

"Oh, so you must be jealous right? Because I have the blood of a god in me and you don't? Well that's really shallow, if you ask anybody here. So Ding Dong, what was that? Oh the elevator because your not on my level. (Lol weird ifunny reference if anyone gets it...)." I sassed him loudly and then walked away. It deeply offended me that he would call me that.

I stopped in a corner in a dark corridor.

Only one tear y/n. That's all it's worth. I thought as a started to cry.

Out of nowhere I felt something soft on my lips. I opened one eye to see who had kissed me.

HOLY CRAP IS WAS DRACO!!!!! I played is smooth and kissed him back.

"You shouldn't take what he said seriously back there." He murmured against my lips.

"No, I was only did that to get your attention," I joked. I heard him chuckle.

"You know that I'm dying of fangirlness inside right now right!" I giggled.


So how you like?

I know, I know, weirdest ending, right?

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