《Harry Potter One Shots》Oliver Wood x Shy Ravenclaw Keeper reader


Dedicated to: @Otaku_Shannon

Oliver's POV

"You should stop staring at her and just ask her out for once!!!" Harry came up behind me.

"Dude, do you think I have the guts to ask out someone as pretty as her?" I replied.

Y/n was the keeper for the Ravenclaw house Quittich team. She had great skills and looks and all, but the part I loved most about her was that whenever she talked, it normally came out in an adorable little stutter that you could sometimes only barley hear. She was so shy that her only friends were two bookworms that practically studied and read for a living.

Today was a match between Slytherin and Ravenclaw. She was glaring at Malfoy while he was being a stupid git and was joking around with one of his teammates about how much of a loner she was.

I would have shouted at him and punched his guts out if it weren't for Dean holding me back.

When the game started, I couldn't help but admire her skills as a keeper. All of a sudden it started to rain in a torrential downpour. The game was still going on but it was hard to see any of the players.


I couldn't believe how good I was doing at keeper. I kept out any of the quaffles attempting to go through the hoop and dodged them from taking my head off at the same time. Also as a plus, I get to impress my 2nd year crush, Oliver Wood. He was my role model in Quittich. I just never had the nerve to ask him out because of how shy I am. Suddenly, I am showered and pounded with rain.

I could barley see anything at the time, but I still knew a quaffle was going to come of which I couldn't block.


And then I saw it. The quaffle came right at me without any warning. I skimmed it with the tips of my fingers, making it go off course, but it still barley went into the biggest hoop.

Sadness overwhelmed me. I was really hoping that we would beat Slytherin.

After the game was over and I had gotten some scolding from my teammates and left the locker room. Before I could even make the turn for the first main corridor entrance, I was stopped my Malfoy and his gang.

" Nice BLOCK , y/n!" He sarcastically congratulated me. When I didn't reply, he shouted at me,

" This stupid girl thinks that she's too good to talk to the King of Slytherin, now is she. Or maybe she's just cowering in fear like the stupid scaredy cat she is!"

A stray tear slid down my face, ones that I had tried so hard to keep down.

"And now she's crying like the baby sh-" Malfoy was cut off by someone walking over to him.

"She is just shy, and if you were smart enough, you would know that, you stubborn git!!!" A new voice spoke rather harshly. I looked up, and right there was Oliver Wood, my crush. God how embarrassing it was to have him see my crying.

After he had scared off Malfoy and his minions, he walked over to me. I was sitting down and leaning on the wall, knees tucked up to my chest.

"I-I, I a-am sor-ry fo-r be-eing suc-ch a-a bab-y." I stuttered out, blushing. I was done crying and was now talking normally.

He sat down next to me.

"No problem. I understand what it's like to miss a stray quaffle once every so often." He said, comforting me.

" B-but iv-e ne-ever se-en y-you m-miss on-e befo-r-re." I replied.


" Oh don't worry, everyone makes mistakes once in a while! But, erm, I also came to ask you somthing!" He managed to get out.

"A-and w-what would t-that b-be, O-oliver?" I exclaimed.

"Well, I also came to, Uhhh, kinda, sorta, maybe, erm, ask you to be my girlfriend?" He said quite quickly.

I scooted closer to him, not believing that one of the cutest boys in school was asking me to be his girlfriend. I lightly grabbed the hem of his shirt and kissed him softly. After he got over his 2 to 3 seconds of shock, he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. My hands slid up into his hair and we made out until we both broke away, forehead on forehead.

"Yes, I will be your girlfriend, Oliver Wood." I said to him.

He looked shocked.

"Y/n, you didn't stutter adorably!" He exclaimed. Once he had realized what he had said, his face flushed at red as a tomato. I giggled and leaned in to kiss him again. 5 seconds after I did, Harry yelled, " GET SOME OLIVER!" In the background. Even though I normally would have fled the scene out of shyness, I stayed and made out with Oliver Wood right in front of him. Maybe it was a good thing that I missed that quaffle!


Hey guys!! Please keep commenting which one shots I do, and I will keep dedicating them to your username. Hope you enjoyed!

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