《Harry Potter One Shots》Seamus Finnigan x Reader Demigod


It was dinner in the castle and everyone was stuffing their faces.

"Ladies and gentleman, we have a new species of people called the Demigods coming to stay with us. I suggest you treat them with respect, or they might just blow your face off! And now.. The Demigods!" Dumbeldore announced. Suddenly, the doors opened and around a hundred so called "demigods" filed in. Some were beautiful and stunning ladies, and others were ones that looked like they could steal even your book bag off your shoulder and you wouldn't notice.

"Now we shall sort them into our houses."

Seamus's POV

Demigods? What the hell are Demigods???? I'll have to ask when one of them sits down.

Suddenly, a beautiful one with a black jacket, a tank top, skinny jeans, and white converse catches my eye. She was brunette with ever changing rainbow eyes.

"Hey Seamus, you've been staring at that girl over there for quite awhile. Already got your eyes on someone??"

Ron teased.

The stupid git Malfoy was also staring at her.

Before I knew it, she saw me staring at her. She smirked and winked at me, making me blush madly.

Malfoy gave me the the how-did-you-get-her-attention-and-I-didn't glare.

I grinned at him, obviously knowing he was jealous. Dumbeldore went through a speech telling us all about the Greek demigods and how they were the children of a Muggle and a Greek God.

I hope she gets sorted into griffindor!

(Y/n) POV

When I caught the cute boy's eyes staring at me, I winked, giggling at how red as a tomato he was.

As soon I got into the front of the sorting line, I got way nervous.

"Well well," the hat said. "I guess you would be a great ravenclaw, but I sense your courage is greater then your use for studying. GRIFFINDOR IT IS!" The weirdo mystical hat yelled.


I skipped over to an empty seat at the table, which happened to be right across from the hot kid.

"Hello!" I greeted sweetly.

Nobody could stop staring at my eyes!

"Uh, I'm a daughter of Hecate, the goddess of magic. My eyes change color to however I am feeling at the moment!" I explained to them.

I noticed that the cute boy was still staring at me.

" Take a picture, it lasts longer." I exclaimed and giggled as everyone laughed around me.

After dinner, I ended up having to walk alone through the dark corridors to get to the griffindor dorm rooms.

But before I could get there a silver haired boy cornered me.

" Hey hottie, I'm Malfoy. Draco, Malfoy." He greeted me in a husky voice.

"Hey let go of me, please your hurting me!" I yelled frantically. Chiron, the technical leader of the Greek Demigods put up a barrier that we couldn't use our magic in. Probably so we wouldn't end up killing each other.

He started kissing me on the lips. So, I bit down on his lip. Hard.

"God dammit!" He said wiping the blood off of his mouth. He slapped me and shoved me to the ground making me land right on my ankle. I felt it twist under my weight. I shrieked in pain.

Before Malfoy could touch me and more, the boy I saw at dinner punched the daylights out of him.

"You touch that girl again, next time, your done for." He replied in an enraged tone and threw Malfoy onto the ground. Then he turned to me.

"Hello, I'm Seamus!" He said to me.

" Thank you!" I said in a complementary tone. I tried to stand up, but my leg buckled because of my ankle. I expected to hit the ground in agony, but instead, I felt warm arms wrap around me waist and pull me back up.


I was blushing furiously.

"You need help back to the common room, I take it?" He said to me in his adorable Irish accent.

"Oh, yes, thank you." I wrapped an arm around his neck to give me more support. Once we were in the common room, we had to go our separate ways to our dorms.

"Thank you. " I leaned in and kissed his cheek.

He seemed paralyzed in a dream. I giggled and limped up the stairs.

"Oh wait hey, do you wanna go sit by me at the Quittich match between us and Slytherin tomorrow?" He called.

"Sure, but you'll have to explain to me what Quittich is first!!" I smiled.

His face was as red as a beet.

"Alright then, see you tommorow, I guess!" He said and hurried into his dorm rooms

I giggled before I went into mine.

The next day..........

"Hey Seamus!!!" I caught up to him.

"Hey why aren't you limping anymore?" He asked.

"Oh, I casted my own healing spell that I managed to sneak past the boundaries!" She replied.

Seamus's POV

Wow, y/n could cast her own healing spells? That's incredible. I've had a massive crush on her ever since she winked at me at dinner last night.

Normal POV

Once they went to the Quittich game, he had explained it to her pretty easily. But before the match started, Ron leaned over to him.

"Wow, you've already got a conversation with her." He said.

"You jelly?" Seamus replied. Ron blushed.

" Of course not. I'm eyeing one of those Aphrodite hotties!" He blushed even more.

"Go for it bro!" Was all Seamus could reply before the match had started.

"Wow! That's amazing! I'd love to try it one day!!!" Y/n said, fascinated.

For the rest of the match, he was either staring at her or talking to Dean.

Finally, it was too much for him. He pulled her into a closet when they were walking down one of the hallways.

"Y/n, I kinda sorta kinda like you. " he said to her.

"Me too." She murmured. She tugged him closer with his loose tie and kissed him, weaving her hands into Seamus's hair. After one of two seconds to react, he wrapped his arms around her waist and they began making out. Soon enough, Ron opened the door to get a broom to clean Snapes room for detention.

"Get a room and stop snogging in the closet!" He shouted behind them, silently laughing and closing the door.

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