
MARCH 27, 20??

The rooftop has always been Lalisa's favourite place to brood.

Well, not just to brood, but to give herself a moment of tranquility from everything that has been happening around her. A moment of peace from the unending amount of photoshoots, mentoring, and touring.

A little silence in the midst of her hectic schedule.

The view wasn't that bad anyway--the rooftop gave her a view of the magnificent Han River, the tall, towering buildings that were aiming to reach the sky, and her favourite of them all: the exquisite blanket of stars from above, the little balls of light dotting the blank azure canvas providing her hope that something can be beautiful amidst the darkness.


Lalisa sighed in contentment as she wrapped her little wool blanket tighter around her, adoration filling her eyes as it flitted through the view that was given to her.

She was thankful, really.

Forcing herself to stand up, she made her way to the balcony, staring down at the bustling metropolis from under. Even after dark, Seoul was and will always be a busy place. It was one of the things she liked about the city, how it feels so lively despite everything that has been occuring.

It wasn't until later, a bang was heard from behind.

She whipped her head, surprised, but then rolled her eyes instantly as she saw who caused the noise.

It was no other than Jeon Jeongguk.

Even if he was covering his face with one of his hands, acting like he didn't just accidentally closed the door a little too forcefully, Lalisa knew it was him (based on the way he just awkwardly stood there and the door on his right still wide open, a small dent on the corner).

"You look stupid," She spoke while looking at him up and down, "Were you trying to surprise me?"

Jeongguk finally removed his hand from his face and huffed, "Yeah but I was trying to do it like how Andrew Garfield did in Spiderman."

"Junglebook, you're a total dork, do you know that?" Lalisa smiled to herself softly while making her way towards him, "But that doesn't matter. I missed you."

Jeongguk snickered as she engulfed him to a hug, "Wow, you act as if we haven't seen each other for months now."

"Because we haven't, duh," She pulled away to give him a quick peck on the lips and dragged him towards the balcony, "Come here. Enjoy the view with me."

However, he stopped her, "Wait," He pulled her back again and slowly walked towards her, seemingly to drag his feet. Her breath hitched as he cupped her face in his hand, nearing his face towards hers. "You think I forgot, don't you?"

She felt her heartbeat fasten, but tilted her head in nonchalance, "What do you mean?"

Jeongguk booped her nose with his, "That it's your birthday, darling."

Lalisa faked a surprise expression, "It is?"

A squeal escaped her mouth as he pinched her nose tightly using his right hand, the other pinching her cheek, his touch leaving a red mark. To her dismay and to his delight, he tried to stop the laughter from spilling from his lips with a hand, but his nostrils flared.


"Jeon, I swear to God if I-"

"Oh my God," He wheezed, "You look like Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer."

Without thinking, her hands went to his hair and parted it in the middle. "And you look like a coconut tree."

"Hey," Jeongguk tried to fix his hair once more. Lalisa only watched as he failed each time, the hair gel doing its wonders as Jeongguk's parted hair still remained the same. "Great, now I Iook like a coconut head."

Lalisa didn't say anything, she just narrowed her eyes at him.

He, too, did the same.

They stared at each other for a few seconds before Jeongguk broke into laughter. "I'm sorry, it's just... you look like a fuming dumpling when you're mad."

"Whatever," She shrugged and turned around, only to hide her smile. "What were you going to tell me?"

Jeongguk, with his parted hair and bunny smile, scurried to stand beside her. "I mean, it's your birthday."

"Yeah, and?"

"And I wanted to give you this." He held out a closed fist (actually, nothing was inside) and she immediately touched it, but frowned when he took it back. "Before that, we have to do something important."

The way he said it made her raise her brows, "Now? Guk, I'm not sexually-"

"Darling, you have such a dirty mind," He smirked at her, "But no. It's not that."

"Then what?"

Wordlessly, she watched as he offered one of his hands, dramatically curtsying. She couldn't help but glance at his parted hair and clenched her teeth to reel in her laugh. "Can I have this dance?"

The corners of her mouth tilted upwards, "Why not?" She placed a hand in his and smiled as he took them into the middle of the rooftop.

Jeongguk fished out a pair of white earphones from his pocket and plugged it into his phone. "Don't you prefer AirPods?" She blurted out.

He chuckled as he placed one to her ear, "Then I won't have any reason to do this, would I?" His hands automatically went to her waist and hers encircled his shoulders.

Jeon Jeongguk and his ways, she thought.

In a second, a familiar melody lilted to her ear. A certain memory came back from the past, a bit hazy than her mind imagined it to be, but it was as if a veil had been removed as the dulcet voice of a woman started singing.

Tonight, I'll send you the glow of the firefly to somewhere in your window

She didn't realize that Jeongguk was already staring at her when she looked up to see a smile gracing his lips, "I... I remember this song." She said.

It's that I love you

"I hoped you would," He murmured, "You kissed me that time, after all."

Outlandish as it might sound, her cheeks reddened. "It was a thank you for what you've done for me."

"I do hope I get more than a kiss this time, seeing as I've done a billion things for you," He joked, but winced as she pinched his arm, "Joking, darling."


I remember our first kiss

"You better. I don't plan on doing it while my manager's in the living room."

I close my eyes whenever I can and go to the farthest place

Lalisa didn't know how long it had been since that fateful day with CEO Hwang, but still to this day, she was being monitored although it lessened, seeing as there were no evidences that she and Jeongguk had been together.

She must say, Jeongguk got some nerve.

"We can invite him in, you know." He wriggled his brows.

"Your ideas are the worst, I swear," She rolled her eyes, "Remember that time when we tried eating out in public and he almost saw us?"

"I can never forget that. I had to hide in the women's comfort room just so he couldn't find me," He huffed, "The girls inside started screaming."

Just like letters on the sand where waves were

Lalisa scoffed at the memory, "It was your idea so technically it was your fault."

"I know, I was just trying out my luck."

Still swaying to the beat of the song, she muttered, "Do you think we'll be able to be free one day?"

I feel you'll disappear to a far off place

If the sudden topic change bothered him, he didn't let it show. Jeongguk placed a kiss on her forehead instead, "Of course, darling. We deserve to be happy, too, and being enclosed in this make shift cage will only cause us more damage."

I always miss you, miss you

"Wow, have you always been this deep before?"

He puffed his cheek, "Haha, you're so funny." But then he turned serious, "No matter what happens, though, we'll always be together."

"That's so cliché."

"Cliché, but it's the truth."

All the words in my heart

Lalisa shrugged and laid her head on him, sighing happily as she felt him embrace her fully.

I can't show them all to you

"Darling," He spoke in the midst of silence.


"You know that I love you, right?"

But it's that I love you

She pulled away slightly just to look him in the eyes to find that his were already filled with pure adoration, the sight clenching and unclenching her love-filled heart, "I love you, too."

The instrumental of the song played, and she couldn't help but add, "I love you--even if you look like a tree with that coconut hair of yours, even if you forget to text me because you fall asleep first, even if your breath kind of smells bad in the morning, even if my cats adore you more than me, even if you win at every game we play." His eyes dazzled under the light of the rooftop,"I love you even if what we have between us is kept as a secret."

How can I be so lucky to have met you, who is a blessing

Jeongguk blinked his eyes furiously, and Lalisa thought she saw a hint of red in his nose, "If you think I'm crying, I'm not." He sniffed, "I just... I have eye disease."

She was about to retort but then he cupped her face, so gently that she leaned into his touch, "I can't make a speech as good as you, but I love you, too, darling. Very much."

Just as she opened her mouth, a booming sound interrupted her.

Jeongguk laughed as he saw her close her eyes, "Open your eyes, Lali."

Slowly, she did. And boy, she did not regret it.

Because in that star-filled azure she was staring at earlier, blazing arcs of light trailed from above. Fiery sparks painted the sky, and Lalisa let out a small sound that might have been between a laugh and a sob. Either way, Jeongguk's eyes didn't leave her overwhelmed face as she stared at the brilliant inks of light on a canvas of stars.

"Happy birthday, darling," He said softly as her teary eyes faced him again. The way she looked at that moment, Jeongguk wanted nothing more than to take a picture. Bewilderment, joy, and longing. It was all drawn in that ethereal face of hers.

"You..." Her voice was hoarse as she started, "You did this?" He nodded, "For me?"

"All for you."

IU'S voice was long gone as the sound of the booming fireworks made its way to their ears.

Lalisa took him by surprise when she pulled his head towards hers for a passionate kiss, and the world faded away into nothingness.

It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words can never be. It filled in all the crevices in his heart like a remedy, those that were full of doubt and insecurity.

He pulled away, just as he saw a tear cascade down her cheek. Without thinking, he kissed it away.

"Guk," She rasped out, a happy smile on her face, "I love you."

"Stop crying, you literally look like Rudolph now," He fake tsked and hugged her tight, never wanting this moment to end, "I love you, darling. To the sun and back--if there's such a thing."

In silence, they watched as the fireworks faded, one by one, until all that was left were the stars, gazing upon the two lovers dressed in moonlight, their love radiating throughout the world.

Tonight I'll send the glow of a firefly to somehwere

Next your window

I hope it's a good dream.


a/n: first of all that was just a dramatic ending i'm cjxjsjdkkxkx

what's up everyone!!! it has been a month since i completed NUDES and i thought it would be nice if i would publish a short bonus chapter for you all, since you guys deserve everything good in this world.

(it's actually tomorrow, may 9th, but i published this in advance bc i have something to do tomorrow so i can't really get on w this chap)

thank you so much for reading NUDES! i really can't thank you enough but please do know that i appreciate each and everyone of you who had shown love to this book.

P.S Jeongguk is more superior than Jungkook. won't be making any changes in this book and my upcoming lk book. hehe I'll still call him Jeongguk :P

love you all!!!!

all the love, caly. 💛💛💛💛

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