

hi lovelies it's me,,,, the author. just want to let u know that wattpad is currently deleting books w mature content and im here to warn you that dollhouse, sippy cup, crybaby, and mrs. potato head is .

they delete these books, i just want to say THANK YOU so so so so much for giving this book a chance, whether ur an old reader or a new reader. this series is the reason why i gained a lot of followers and i couldn't be more thankful. i never really thought it'll gain so many readers bc honestly i was just a sick 14 year old when i came up w the idea and i just thought it'd be fun to write a story about the pinks being psycho so

thank u once again everyone!!! i hope this won't be deleted though 😭 im going to raise hell if it does WATTPAD I'M UNDER YOUR BED YOU MF

anw love u all to bits

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