
places, places, get in your places

throw in your dress and

put on your doll faces


"and tada." lisa's stylist said dramatically with jazz hands as soon as she finished lisa's make up.

lisa looked at herself in the mirror and she sees a totally different person. her lips were painted red, her eyelids were filled with eye shadow, and her cheeks were tinted pink. it's as if she looked like a doll.

"thank you, stylist-nim." she smiled at her stylist and left the dressing room, joining the other girls.

jisoo looked ravishing, with her black dress and beautiful jewelry. rosé's dress perfectly brings out her hair color, but the most eye catching of them all is jennie's lavender colored dress that brings out her classy side.

"i don't understand your dress but i like it." jennie said after eyeing her up and down.

"thanks, unnie." lisa smiles at the older girl. "i love your dress."

"i know." jennie winked at her, and at that moment, lisa wanted to jump out of joy. her unnies may bully her all the time, but that doesn't mean they were all bad.

"okay, everyone, enter the van now. we're about to go to the venue." their manager announced and guides them on their way out.

as they enter the van, jisoo noticed a new body guard.

"jennie, where's the old one?" she asked, referring to the new one.

jennie almost smirked.

"oh, he died."

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