

walking with her bare feet on the cold tiles of their melancholic, miserable dorm, the 20 year old maknae shivered as she goes out of her room. putting her hands on the sides of her arms, she turned off the aircon and let out a freezy breath.

the dorm was practically silent nowadays, they had no schedule for the rest of the week which left the members with a lot of time in their hands. all of them opted to stay at the dorm so most of the time, they were all either sleeping or isolating themselves in their room. it was rare for the four of them to be in one room. it was sad, really.

going to the living room, she was greeted by the sight of jisoo and a guy whom she recognized as one of their bodyguards making out. her hand immediately went to her mouth to contain her gasp.

this couldn't be.

jennie had been jisoo's girlfriend for the past three years, but no one except the four of them knew. they were the best secret keepers that even yg himself doesn't know about their relationship.

but seeing jisoo before her kissing another person that's not jennie, she started to regret supporting them.

with her hand still on her mouth, she went out of the living room quietly and ran to the kitchen, where jennie practically lived ever since their debut.

the sight that greeted her was not what she expected.

usually, jennie only drinks a bottle or two of soju before going to bed. this addiction started after her and jisoo became official, and no one knew why. it started with one bottle but now, it had gotten a lot worse.

jennie was sleeping on the chair with her hands on the table. her makeup from the award show yesterday hasn't been erased, and lots and lots and lots and lots of beer bottles are surrounding her.


"unnie," lisa said while tiptoeing, fearing that she might step on the scattered pieces of glass on the floor. "unnie, wake up." she shook the sleeping figure of jennie, who didn't even budge.

then she heard a chuckle.

"what, you're going to tell me about that thing you saw in the living room?"

lisa just gulped.

"you think i don't know?" she saw jennie speaking with her eyes closed. "i've seen it every night. every kisses and every moments." she cackled. "god, i was so stupid for trusting her. i thought i was the only one." she drawled out.


"don't unnie me, bitch." she snapped, finally sitting up with her messed up hair and her smudged eye liner falling down to her cheeks because of her dry tears. "it's funny how we never break up. i don't even know why. i think she doesn't either."

she then laughed, then suddenly, that laughter turned into a sob, and then another, and another.

"i don't even know anymore." jennie managed to say through her tears. lisa couldn't help but feel pity for her while she was hugging herself.

"ah, fuck. lisa, get me some medicine."

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