

"kim jisoo, jennie kim, park chaeyoung."

the three mentioned girls' heads snapped towards the door abruptly, the secretary's loud voice silencing the entire room.

"the ceo is requesting for you in his office." the secretary continued in a clear, loud voice.

the trainees' eyes widened. they knew that if you're being called in the ceo's office, it's either two things; you're going to stop your training or you're up to do something for the company.

the first girl, kim jisoo, stood up first from her place at the corner of the room. she walked to the door slowly and looked back at the second girl mentioned, jennie kim, and gestured for her to follow. park chaeyoung stood up and brushed her hands on her jeans and followed suit.

"wait, i forgot one more."

the other trainees started murmuring to each other, wondering who would be called next.

"pranpriya manoban."

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