《The Little Mermaid (MirAndy Style)》Chapter 5
"You need to get out of those rags," Miranda explained gently.
They were in the bathroom, and Miranda was trying to help the young woman bathe. Andrea's eyes went wide and she blushed.
"It's alright," Miranda soothed.
Hesitantly, Andrea nodded, and allowed Miranda to slip the makeshift dress over her head. Miranda didn't allow herself to gaze at the beautiful body, and turned around to give her some privacy. There wasn't a sound, and Miranda knew that the brunette hadn't gotten in the water yet, due to the lack of splashing. Debating with herself, she didn't know whether or not to turn around and help the brunette and risk embarrassing herself when she saw the beautiful nude woman, or pretend that she didn't notice. Almost as if on cue, she felt a gentle poke on her back and she turned around, forcing her eyes to stay locked on brown ones.
"Do you need help?" Miranda asked tenderly.
Andrea blushed again and nodded, her arms tightly crossed across her chest. Miranda placed her hand on the smooth skin of Andrea's bare back, ignoring the tingle that traveled up her arm at the contact. Andrea shivered slightly and allowed Miranda to guide her into the huge, circular marble tub. She slipped under the bubbles with a sigh, appreciating the warmth. It was weird though to swim in water that wasn't salt, but Andrea loved the feeling. Miranda perched herself on the edge of the tub and watched the brunette, noting with relief that the soapy suds hid the woman's assets. The bright windows surrounding the bathtub let in the evening sunlight, creating the perfect ambiance. (Thankfully, the windows were up high enough so nobody could peek in.)
Andrea cupped a strange, transparent, round shape in her hand and picked it up in wonder. Miranda watched her, fascinated by how the brunette could find something so simple as a bubble, be the most interesting thing in the world. The bubble popped, and Andrea jumped back in surprise. Miranda chuckled at the young woman's actions, and scooped up a bubble herself.
"It's a bubble," she explained and carefully handed it to Andrea, whose eyes widened as she carefully took ahold of the clear object. It popped again, and Andrea opened her mouth in a soundless laugh.
Miranda felt herself wondering why the woman couldn't speak. She would have given anything to hear the girl's voice, since she was sure that it would be magical. Almost immediately, she frowned at herself. What was she doing having feelings for a girl who looked like she could be the same age as her daughter? What if she opened herself up to this mystery woman, and she used her and then left her? Abruptly, she stood up, her head swirling with thoughts of Joseph. Andrea looked up in alarm, and her eyes turned panicky when she saw Miranda looking as if she was going to leave. Miranda glanced at her, and almost immediately, her heart melted. The brunette looked so fragile sitting in the tub that was large enough for five people, that her natural protective instinct took over.
She knelt back down and apologized, something she rarely did. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you...I just had something on my mind."
Andrea tilted her head inquisitively, her dark eyes asking Miranda the question she could not speak.
"I was in love once," Miranda admitted. Andrea's nose scrunched up in distaste, but she nodded her encouragement. "Um," the silver-haired woman rubbed the back of her neck. "Well, it was a long time ago. I met a handsome young man, Joseph at a party my parents hosted. He was from some rich family that my parents were friends with, and he was so charming. He was everything I wanted in a man- witty, funny, and so incredibly kind..." Miranda's blue eyes turned a stormy grey, "or at least I thought. I gave everything to him," she began to get choked up as she thought about her sacrifices for him. "I gave him my heart and my virginity. I loved Joseph to the ends of the earth and back," Tears leaked out of her eyes, and she continued bitterly, "Obviously I was a stupid, naïve 21-year-old."
Andrea's heart broke as she watched the beautiful queen break down, and she lifted her arm from the soapy water and reached over to clutch Miranda's hand. I'm here, Andrea wanted to say. I won't ever do that to you. Miranda jumped when she felt the wet hand lace with her own, but she welcomed the contact, drawing strength from the physical connection the other woman provided.
Drawing a shaky breath, she finished her story, "I gave him my virginity, and he went and spread it around the town like I was some kind of...whore. I was so angry and hurt, I opened the gates where he kept his horse, and let the creature run free. It was the biggest mistake of my life. I will always regret it. While I suffered emotional pain, he suffered physical. His mother boxed him in the ears until he was bleeding on one side," Miranda sniffed, and Andrea squeezed her hand. "I returned the horse as fast as I could, and retreated back to my castle. I never saw him again." She looked out of one of the large windows, and said quietly, "In some ways, I'm glad that he broke my heart. He woke me up to the reality of life."
Andrea reached her other arm over and held both of Miranda's hands tightly in her own. She looked deep into teary blue eyes and tried to convey the message that she understood. That she wanted to take Miranda's pain away and fill it with good memories. She wanted Miranda to understand that there could be happy endings. Miranda held her gaze for a while, and found something in the deep brown eyes that she hadn't seen in anybody's eyes before. Not Caroline's, not Cassidy's, not Nigel's, and not even Joseph's.
"You're the only person I've ever told this story to," Miranda confessed. "Even my closest friend, Nigel, doesn't know it...he only knows that we broke up, and that's the end of the story. You're very easy to talk to."
Andrea rested her head on her and Miranda's folded hands, making the older woman's eyes produce more tears, but this time tears of relief and happiness. She hadn't felt this attached to another person in quite some time. It felt like a heavy burden had been lifted off her shoulders, and she felt lighter and freer. It was odd that the person she felt the most connected to hadn't even had to speak a word. Miranda smiled and nudged Andrea so that she was sitting up.
"Let me wash your hair," Miranda said, her eyes shining with a sparkle that hadn't been there before.
Andrea nodded her acquiesce and turned around so that her back was facing Miranda. The Queen poured some shampoo out on her hands and rubbed them together to create foaming bubbles. She worked her fingers in the long, thick chocolate strands and began to massage the scalp, applying just the right amount of pressure and firmness. Andrea's back curved as she tilted her back in pleasure, and Miranda felt her mouth go dry when she saw the muscles arch in a surprisingly erotic way. She cleared her throat and focused on rubbing the shampoo evenly throughout the brown hairs. As she worked, she began to talk about her children, and Andrea listened attentively, wanting to know every single detail about Miranda's life. She nodded in all the right places, and chuckled silently when Miranda told a funny story.
Miranda then worked on washing Andrea's back, all the while talking about her life. It was nice to have a friend to talk to, even if that friend was still virtually a stranger. She felt a thrill as her fingers kneaded the delicate skin of the girl's back, and she could tell the other woman was enjoying it too by the way she shivered whenever Miranda hit a particularly sensitive spot. Soon, Andrea was completely bathed, and she turned around so she was facing Miranda again.
"I think that we are done," Miranda smiled, making Andrea fall even more in love with her. "I'll call for Jocelyn to get you a dress."
She did, and a pretty redheaded woman came scurrying in, freezing when she saw a young woman soaking in the bathtub and Miranda sitting next to her. "Yes Queen Miranda?" she asked, shooting questioning looks at Andrea who stared back at her with a warm grin on her face.
"Get me the long red dress with the sparkles in the skirt," Miranda raised an eyebrow. "And I do trust that you will keep this discreet Jocelyn."
"Yes Miranda," the woman hurried away.
Miranda turned to a bewildered Andrea and smiled at her. It was weird. Miranda seemed to have a whole entire demeanor with other people than she did with her. Not that Andrea was complaining, but it was a bit of a shock to see Miranda's commanding (and somewhat scary) side. Jocelyn returned quickly with the dress in her hands.
"Put it there," Miranda gestured to a table. "And take those...rags and burn them."
"Yes Miranda," Jocelyn bowed and did what she was told quickly before rushing out, Andrea's burlap dress in hand.
"Now," Miranda turned to Andrea, "let's get you out of here."
She reached for a fluffy towel and held it out to wrap around the slender woman's body. Andrea snuggled in the soft fabric with a blissful smile on her face, and allowed Miranda to help towel her down, since she had no idea what she was doing. Averting her eyes, Miranda carefully took the expensive red dress off its hanger and slipped it over Andrea's head. After she adjusted the dress so it hung correctly, she stepped back to admire her handiwork. The dress fit Andrea's slim frame flawlessly. The fabric was a pretty fire-engine red, and it complimented the dark locks beautifully. The bodice was fitted in the top, and the dress flared out in a glittery A-line skirt that flattered Andrea's body perfectly. Plain black shoes adorned her feet, but were unnoticeable under the long hem.
"Beautiful," Miranda said without thinking and then blushed.
Andrea blushed too but gave Miranda a shy smile, trying to show her appreciation and thanks.
"Now, your hair," Miranda tapped her upper lip.
Andrea walked over to a stool and sat, looking at herself in a mirror. Miranda appeared behind her and began to comb the waist-length chocolate locks. Andrea hummed silently in contentment and closed her eyes in happiness. It took about twenty minutes to brush through the thick hair, and after she was done, Miranda took a barrette and clipped the left side of Andrea's hair back. Andrea opened her eyes and a wide grin stretched across her lips when she saw the finished look. Her drying chocolate brown tresses fell in loose waves on her back, and her whole being looked radiant. Miranda sat back and smiled when she saw the beautiful woman pleased. Andrea's eyes met Miranda's in the mirror, and again, she tried to convey her appreciation through her chocolate orbs. Miranda understood, and nodded back.
"It's time for dinner now," Miranda stood up and ran her fingers through her hair. "Do you like crab?"
Andrea gulped but nodded.
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"Oh, she is a vision," Nigel clapped his hands when he saw Miranda enter the dining hall with a stunning woman clutching her hand.
Andrea's face turned a lovely shade of red at the compliment, and she smiled at the bald man. He pulled out a chair and offered it to Andrea before helping her sit down. Nigel then helped Miranda into her chair, to the right of the young woman. Andrea's eyes lit up when she saw a dinglehopper resting right next to the plate, and she picked it up and started combing it through her long locks. Miranda, who was in the middle of taking a sip from her cup, looked at her, surprised. She had to hide a chuckle though when she saw the woman use the eating utensil like it was a comb or a brush. Andrea noticed the awkward looks and quickly set the dinglehopper down, flushing a bit. Nigel smiled and then took out his pipe to light it. Andrea's eyes widened, and she gestured to him.
"Would you like it my dear?"
She nodded enthusiastically and took it from his outstretched hand. Remembering Lily's words, she blew in it hard, and then looked ashamed when black smoke came billowing out and covering Nigel's dumbstruck face in a fine layer of ash. That did it for Miranda. The Queen started laughing at the sight of her friend's confused face, and even snorted, immediately covering up her mouth in embarrassment. Andrea thought it was one of the most endearing things she had ever seen, and she grinned good-naturdely.
"That's the second time I've ever heard you laugh," Nigel looked at Miranda in amazement. "The last time was when you held your children in your arms."
Miranda shrugged and said cooly, "I suppose it's the company that I know find myself in." She looked pointedly at Andrea, who gave a sweet smile in return.
"Ah, well she's good for you," Nigel finished wiping his face off with a clean white handkerchief.
"Dinner is served," Jocelyn interrupted them and set three platters covered by a lid down in front of each of them. They nodded their thanks, and she rushed out.
"Perhaps you two could visit the kingdom? You haven't seen your people in quite some time," Nigel suggested, noting with a smile that Miranda was looking fondly at the young woman.
"That's not true," Miranda said, snapping out of her daze. "I scoured that village up and down to find the woman who rescued me."
"I know, but you didn't actually take the time to meet with your people," Nigel pointed out, raising his plate's lid to reveal a terrified Emily cowering in his salad.
Andrea gasped soundlessly, and looked at the two adults to make sure they weren't paying attention to her. When she was sure the coast was clear, she lifted her plate cover and signaled for Emily to hide on her plate. The crab rushed across the table and under Andrea's plate quickly. The brunette was curious to know what had happened to her friend, but resolved herself to wait until later to find out the story.
"Would you be interested in that?" Miranda asked, looking over at Andrea.
Andrea looked at her blankly for a minute, and then sheepishly shrugged her shoulders.
Instead of being annoyed though, Miranda didn't mind and repeated the question. "Would you like to take a tour of the kingdom with me tomorrow?"
Andrea nodded vigorously and nonchalantly leaned on the silver lid.
"Wonderful," Nigel said. "Now let's eat." He opened his lid to reveal an empty plate, and it was one of the only times Andrea was glad that her voice was gone because otherwise she would have burst out laughing at the baffled look on the bald-headed man's face.
- In Serial39 Chapters
A World Forgotten
***This story will contain lite-litrpg elements, mainly character pages and a town page. There will also be settlement building and adventuring, missteps and achievements. But one thing it definitely won’t have is a harem. Nor will it have an overpowered MC. Contains mild cursing.*** ***feel free to critique my writing and offer input. This is my first venture into writing. I've always enjoyed litrpg/gamelit books. I feel like I write how I talk, so it may be a little different. You won't hurt my feelings if you see something wrong or out of place! *** ***What follows is a condensed part of chapter 1. Enjoy!*** Drew Cooper is thrust into a new, unfamiliar world. Waking up in his sweats and t-shirt near what seems to be a forgotten path through some woods, he struggles coming to terms that he's no longer in his apartment. As he tries to cope with his new reality, he hears a horse coming down the path. He hides behind a nearby tree dreading what may happen next. As the horse approaches, he sees a man walking next to it. The horse is burdened with packs and gear. When the man nears, Drew nearly panics. He has a large sword strapped to his waist, obviously a fighter. He continues to hide as the man slowly passes only for the man to stop a dozen meters past his hiding spot. "You may as well come out, ya know. You weren't as well hidden as you thought," the man stated matter-of-factly, letting the horse’s reins go and putting his hand on the hilt of his sword. Slowly and scared for his life, Drew raised up and walked from behind the tree. "I-I'm sorry. I wasn't planning on attacking you. I-I don't know where I am. I heard your horse and hid. I didn't know what you'd do if you saw me. I'm sorry," he nervously blurted out. A minute passed. Then two. The man seemed interested with Drew and stepped closer, eyes squinting as if trying to see something. "What's that on your shirt? Is that. What is that? Is that, Pac-man?" The man was visibly shaken while pointing at me. Looking down at his t-shirt nervously, "Yea. Yea. I woke up here a few hours ago I think. 3 maybe 4 hours. I’ve just been sitting here. Where am I? What's going on?" Drew asked. "That's not important right now," the man replied. " What's important is where you're from. What year is it?" "What year? April something 2020. Why? What's going on?" Drew continued now worried. The man was taken aback. After a few moments, he seemed to calm himself some. The man sighed and looked at Drew in earnest. "Well, I've got good news and bad news for ya. Bad news is you're not on Earth anymore. Good news is you happened to run into me and not someone else. You’re either really lucky, or it’s fate we met in these woods, and I don’t believe in luck." The man continued to walk towards Drew while talking and put out his hand. "I'm John Mitchell from St. Louis or thereabouts. You’ve got nothing to be scared of by me. Walk with me and let’s talk."
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