《Undertale Lemons》Cancer (Breeze X Pj)


PaperJam was sitting in a very uncomfortable hospital chair, the faint noise of the television being overpowered by the steady beeping of the monitor belonging to his best friend. She coughed a few times which made Pj look up at her, his eye sockets full of concern. "Jammy, I'm okay. Nothing to worry about." She gave him a warm smile, then coughed some more.

"Well too bad, I am worrying. You're dying! How could I not be worried!?" He exclaims and holds her hand. Breeze was diagnosed with stage four cancer a few months ago with 6 months to live. The doctors said it couldn't be cured. Pj searched everywhere for hours on end trying to find a cure. There really wasn't one. All they could do was hope the chemotherapy treatments would help.

"I know I'm dying Jammy, but to be honest, I'm not afraid. I'm accepting that it's my time to go." She realized she had zoned out. She looked down at Pj to find him tearing up. "B-but I don't want you to go Breezy! I can't be here without you. I-I don't know what I would do without you..." Breeze wiped away a fallen tear from his cheek.

"I know you'll miss me, but you have to learn to be on your own without me. I told you I wasn't going to be here forever... Here, how about we play a game?" She smiled and cupped Pj's cheek in reassurance. He smiled and got up to find a board game for them to play. They decided to play Uno.

Pj was shuffling the cards. "I don't see why you would want to play Uno, it's so childish and boring." "It's not childish, what's childish is what Blue did to my face." She pointed to the two smiley faces on either side of her face. Pj smiled at the thought, dealing out the cards. After a few moments of silent playing, Breeze pulled Pj into a hug.


"The truth is, I am afraid Jammy. I'm afraid of losing you. I understand that it's my time to go, But I don't want to leave you Jammy... I love you with everything I have left. I always have. I don't want to die Jammy." Breeze was crying and her heart monitor sped up a little bit. Pj gave her a side hug and gently squeezed her shoulders in comfort.

"You're gonna be fine Breezy. 'Sides, I can actually go to see that concert I always wanted to see, but you wouldn't let me go coz you said it was 'too expensive' and 'unsafe'." He chuckled. Breeze smiled a little and looked up at him.

"No matter what happens to us, promise me you won't forget me... Even if you do find some other friends. Actually, I want you to find new friends. Better friends. People that will keep you happy... I want you to be happy when I'm gone. Prove to me that you can be happy without my help." He gets off the bed and kneels down in front of her. Breeze cups his cheek again.

Pj holds her hand against his face. "Alrighty then Breezy, I promise. I won't forget you." Breeze smiles at her best friend's words. "There's just something I need to say..." He removed Breeze's hand from his face. Pj then intertwined his hand with hers and kissed her lips softly, not wanting to hurt her. Breeze blinked slowly and relaxed herself. She kissed back and Pj broke the kiss after several seconds.

Tears threatened to spill out of Breeze's eye sockets. Pj pulled out a small box."I wish I had said it earlier Breezy, but-" He was shushed by Breeze weakly putting her finger against his lips. "That can wait, right now, I want you to stay with me as long as you can." She weakly pulled him into a hug. "No, it can't wait... I want you to know this." He opened the box, revealing a very expensive looking ring. Her eyes widened at the sight, immediately regretting all the bad things she had done as she cried out in happiness.


"J-jammy... I-I don't know what to say. I-" Pj took the rose gold ring and put it on her finger. "When you get out of this hospital, we'll have the biggest wedding imaginable." He smiled widely. She smiled back and hugged him as she admired the beautiful piece of gold and diamonds. "If it doesn't happen, I want to be buried wearing this ring." Breeze said. She made him promise her that we would wear his, as a reminder of his best friend, lover, and partner in crime.


Pj was sitting in the very uncomfortable chair as he talked with his lover a little while longer, holding her hand tightly. He noticed she started to nod off. "Get some sleep Breezy, you should rest a little." He gently kissed her again and listened to the steady beeping of the monitor.

"I love you Jammy"

"I love y-" He was interrupted by the long continuous flatline.

Pj felt that hand he held so tightly go limp. He put his head down to kiss Breeze's pale hand, leaving his head there as he silently cried and begged for her to come back. Her body went cold.

Nurses rushed in to usher Pj out. He let go of his lover's hand stayed silent as a nurse lifted the sheets to cover Breeze's head. He whispered another 'I love you' before slowly walking out of the hospital to drive home.

He had managed to make it back to his house before breaking down into tears as soon as he shut the front door, sliding down it and curling up into a ball. He screamed at himself and yelled things like "Why... Why Breeze? Why not take me instead?... She doesn't deserve it to be like this...It should of been me."

Pj was standing above the open casket, looking down at Breeze's cold, limp body. It was his turn to speak. He fumbled on what to say when he remembered what he had in his pocket.

"I wish it could of happened but-" He pulled out that same small box. "It broke my heart to find out that one only love was dying, I wish I could of spent longer with you. I wanted to have a life with you, to have a family... to-... to grow old with you." He wiped away some tears, foldling with the box. "I was going to ask you to marry me that day, then you got that call... That damn call that took my heart and broke it into a million pieces. What I'm trying to say is that I love you Breeze. I love you so much and I wish you a good rest. Take care of my brother for me up there..." He sniffed and tried to wipe his tears away again as he put the box back in his pocket.

Pj went to go sit down with his mother, Ink, as she comfortingly rubbed his back as he cried into his hands. "It'll be okay Jammy... She would of wanted you to move on."

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