《Random smut shots》Sleep over (steddie- strangerthings)
Steve had recently got back into his school self, which meant he was throwing parties and sometimes drinking. Eddie had eagerly excepted to to one of these parties. Most of them were age appropriate parties with the kids and some of his closer older friends, like Robin and her girlfriend. And Eddie. Steve had taken on the role as the "cool dad" that none of the kids had. While that did please Eddie, he wanted to be the cool dad.
Along with Steve changing, so did Eddie, he had become the bossy one. He made sure the kids got to bed on time (of course, that was to make sure he and Steve got their nightly make out sessions, but it was parenting enough) and that they ate everyday.
But he and Steve's relationship changed, of course, they had become boyfriends, but other things were different. In bed, Steve was still a bottom, but he had explored being dominant. Not that Eddie was complaining at all, just Steve didn't seem like that kind of guy. And Steve had started teasing Eddie in public. With a small trip into a compromising position or a quick flick of the hand that would easily turn Eddie on. Though Eddie was concerned they would get hate crimed or something close to it, he did like what Steve was doing to him.
Back to the party. Eddie was at Steves door, he was already a little late, but he didn't hear talking or music or the natural kid screams, and nobody answered the door. He knocked again, still with no response. He checked his new watch and heard someone yell from inside. "THE DOOR IS UNLOCKED." Eddie twisted to the door handle and sure enough, it opened. He oogled at the size of the house like he did every time he came over. He finally tried looking for the kids, but none of them were in sight. He checked the entire first floor and found nobody. He thought to himself for a second and headed upstairs, incase they were looking around Steve's room.
He got to up the steps, checking the entire hall away from Steves room, and finally headed toward Steve's open door. He peeked in and his eyes widened. Steve was sitting at the end of his bed, staring back at Eddie, naked. Eddie gasped and quickly ran into the room and shut the door behind him. "Shit!" He half yelled, lowering his voice to a quiet scolding tone before he said anything else, "Steve what the fuck!" He whisper-yelled at the boy. Steve put on a fake worried expression and asked what was wrong. Eddie scanned the room for clothes until he saw a pile on the floor. He ran to it grabbing a shirt and accidentally dropping underwear on his way back to Steve. "What? What do you mean what? What if one of the kids saw you?" Steve scoffed as Eddie shoved clothes over Steve's face. He got the shirt over Steve's shoulders and Steve slipped the rest of his torso into the shirt. He stopped Eddie before he grabbed another piece of clothing. He looked him straight in his eye.
"I figured you would have caught on by now." Eddie looked at him confused trying to shove boxers onto Steve. Steve pushed the boxers of and leaned back. "The kids aren't coming Edd." Eddie must of have looked like his life just flashed before his eyes because Steve laughed. He stood still seemingly at a loss at what to say. He shook his head still looking at Steve but with more emotion this time. "Y'know I would have came over if you had just asked. I'm down for anything at any time." He stood up from the floor, leaning into Steves face giving him a small kiss on the cheek. Steve giggle pushing Eddie off of him and swiftly taking off his shirt again. "Then you would have known. It was supposed to be a good surprise." He stood up, sauntering over to Eddie and trapping him in a soft kiss, moving his hands up Eddie's waist and under his shirt, gripping the ends of it and pushing it up Eddie's body. Eddie lifts his arms, letting go of the kiss to take his shirt off with a huge smile on his face, continuing the kiss with hunger.
Clothes all over the floor, and mouths all over each other, they grow impatient with time. "Fuck Eddie just get inside me already." Eddie nodded, quickly positioning himself with Steve. He paused and looked up at Steve. "Fuck." He whispered, as the doorbell rang. Steve whined flapping his arms around in frustration. Eddie pulled himself off of Steve. Grabbing his clothes off the floor and angrily putting them on, mumbling to himself. He quickly ran out of the door and sped to the front of the house.
"Yo, we're bus-" Eddie said as he open the front door. There stood Dustin and Lucas, with movies and food in their hands. Shit, Eddie thought. He accidentally told the kids about the fake party thinking they already knew. He heard Steve approaching behind him as he got a good look at the two boys. Dustin greeted the two boys that were in barely little clothing on and commented on Steve lack of pants. Steve shot back, "at least I have a shirt and underwear on. Eddie's just wearing pants commando style." Dustin gaged and went on about his walk to the living room. Lucas followed him, talking about how he can't wait for Max to cuddle up to him when they watch a scary movie. Eddie and Steve looked to each other.
"What the fuck." Steve said trying his best for the kids not hear it. "Yeah it's my bad. I thought they already knew so I mentioned it to them." Steve scoffed at him, trying not to call the kids a cock block or anything mean. "Well, who all did you tell?"Eddie gave a nervous chuckle and smiled. Steve's hopes that it was just going to be a few of them dropped tremendously. "Like... everyone."
Steve and Eddie waited patiently for the night to be over as two by two the kids came marching in ever so often, followed by the very late Robin, Vicky, Nancy, and Johnathan. Steve mentally noted never to surprise Eddie like this again and prepared himself for the uncomfortable boner he had hidden with a new pair of sweats. He leaned over to Eddie, "When they all go to sleep, your seriously gonna regret this." Eddie chuckled at Steves attempt to be sexy and kissed him on the cheek. "I'll make sure you get all the pleasure you need." Eddie reassured him. Steve blushed a little and focused back on all of the people. "Alright, so what are we watching first?" Steve asked, trying not to stutter or replay anything sexual in his mind before everything was over. The kids fought for a movie and decided a scary movie was the best choice.
Lucas got up, turning the lights out and grabbing a couple blankets out of the other room. He tossed the blankets at each pair of people and taking the last one to his spot with Max. Dustin was seated next to Steve, and Steve next to Eddie. Steve and Eddie shared a blanket and Dustin had one to himself, but Dustin had squeezed in closer to his dads more than Mike on the other side of him, who was rambling quietly to Lucas about missing Will and El to sit with. Steve looked over to Eddie as the movie started and the only thing on the room at was illuminated faces. He winked and snaked his hand onto Eddie's thigh and squeezed. Eddie took a deep breath in and focused his eyes on the tv and tried not to tackle Steve to the ground and kiss him.
As Steve rubbed all over his leg, Eddie had set his head back on the back of the couch. He bit his lip to keep his mouth shut and just let Steve do his thing. He reached his arms around the back of the couch, placing his right arm over Steve's shoulders, gripping Steve's arm trying his best to not touch anything other than it. His other hand, was tightly gripping the end of the couch, to keep it from doing anything. His breath hitched when Steve lightly brushed his pinky over Eddie's crotch. "You ok?" Dustin asked quietly, he looked over to Eddie with a worried expression. "Y-yeah, just uhh.. Y'know, I aught to go make us some popcorn." He stood up tossing the blanket to his side and trying his best not to show his visible boner to anyone. Steve followed, "Yeah, I should go to, I'm better at it anyway." He smirked at Eddie and followed him to the kitchen.
"What are you doing?" Eddie whispered to him. And Steve didn't listen, he closed the door that separates them from everyone else and started kissing all over Eddie. Eddie grabbed Steves face, kissing him once and mentioning actually making the popcorn. "Fine, but I'm not helping, I have better things to do." Eddie knew what he meant and blushed a little.
Eddie started on the popcorn and Steve stood eerily close behind him, watching his every move. He was about a foot away until he took a step closer, closing the gap and pressing his weight against Eddie. Eddie's body trembled a little, and he tried his best not to focus on the boy behind him. He tried, until it was all he could focus on. The way their bodies fit together and the way Steve would reposition his legs, giving himself a little friction. Steve started to kiss along Eddie neck and back and and inches his hand toward the waist band of Eddie's underwear. Eddie shuttered a bit and his hands started to shake on the counter. A big pop emerged from the bag and it nocked himself out of the lustful trance. He immediately grabbed Steve's hand and took the popcorn out of the microwave, and turned to face him. Steve cupped his face, entering a passionate kiss with him and leaning him against the counter and slowly grinding their hips. "Fuck I need you." Steve whispered into the kiss, trying not to tear off their clothes right there. Eddie's stopped him and Steve whined at him. Eddie kissed on his neck a little to calm him down, and Steves stomach flipped. "E-Eddie, please." He begged gripping at Eddie's bare chest. Eddie stopped kissing his neck, exhaling at his failed attempt to calm him down. "We can do something later ok? Right now, we need to focus on getting the kids to sleep." Steve whined again, finally releasing Eddie from his grasp and giving him one last kiss.
As they existed the kitchen as quietly as possible, they both noticed that the majority of the kids and Robin were asleep. Eddie smirked, but didn't look at Steve. They sat down, Dustin immediately laying his head on Steve's shoulder and falling asleep immediately. Steve smiled at him but he couldn't pull his mind away from Eddie.
They waited for a while, and sat through the rest of the movie that was playing, and the black screen that played after. By the end of the movie, everyone else was asleep. Steve shifted his weight several times, and Eddie noticed. Eddie wrapped his arm around Steve and placed his hand in Steves hair. He massaged his head. Steve leaned into it, trying not to make any noises. Eddie shifted himself to face Steve, he placed a hand on Steve's thigh and leaned into Steves neck. He kissed lightly around Steve collarbone, until he started sucking harshly. Steve's breath started picking up and he gripped Eddie's leg so he had something to hold on to. Eddie stimulated Steve in every spot possible. He pulled at Steve's hair, he palmed at his crotch, and kissed along his neck. Steve's throat started to make noise and Eddie immediately covered his mouth. He stopped kissing him, "do you wanna take this to the bedroom Stevie?" He asked. Steve nodded but he couldn't pick himself up. Eddie stood up, reaching his hand to Steve and inviting him up to the bedroom. Steve finally opened his eyes and closing them again. "Carry me." He demanded and Eddie listened.
As Eddie dragged him up the stairs and Steve tried his best to pleasure himself. He kept pushing his hand agains his crotch and whined overtime he got a shock of electric lust in from it. "Calm down Steve-o, we'll get there soon enough." Steve moaned in response. Eddie laughed at him as he entered the bedroom.
He sat Steve down at the end of the bed and stood in front of him, slowly unbuttoning his pants and pushing them down a little. He placed his hands on Steve's knees and spread them open slightly, getting in between them. Eddie's kissed Steve with passion using as much tongue as possible, he wanted to melt into Steve and be closer than ever. They whispered curses under their breath as Eddie slowly started to grind against Steve. He stood up again ripping off Steve's pants and underwear, throwing them to the side, Steve jumped a but he was too lost in the thought of Eddie to be shocked. Eddie returned in between Steve's legs and softly placed his hands on Steve's sides. He kissed him for a couple of minutes until Steve spoke up; "Stop being nice Munson. Fuck me. I don't care if they hear." Eddie's body froze at the words so softly spoken. But his lustful mindset quickly returned. "You have no human decency Harrington." He said breathlessly quickly reentering the kiss and taking off his own pants.
In the living room, the group had one by one slowly woken up to the sound of thudding coming from upstairs. "Oh for fucks sake." Lucas whispered, grabbing onto Max and squeezing. They all did their fair share of gagging and groaning when the banging got louder. Dustin hit Nancy, "How's it feel to know that was your boyfriend from forever ago." Nancy giggled and kissed Johnathan on the cheek. "Don't know, don't care." She said, ruffling Dustin's hair and standing up, "Wanna go sit in the pool?" All of the older kids ran out the back door, and started taking off shirts and pants. Max huffed at them and picked Lucas and herself up, heading out the door. Each of the kids followed suit when they woke up enough and ran to their bikes, gagging even more when the sound of moans got louder when the only things blocking it were windows. "Bleh, did they forget we were even here or something?" Mike asked, pushing his leg over the bike and getting ready to pedal off. "Knowing Eddie, probably not." All of them gathered at the end of the driveway and headed for the opening of the cul de sac. They started riding off and Dustin asked a question, "you ever think it's Steve who convinces him to have sex every time we're around?" The rest of the kids gagged again giving Dustin an odd look, "I mean, you never know, y'know? You guys see what he does out in public, tripping himself to straddle Eddie and shit? I know thats gross, but it's just food for thought." They all fell silent, sick at the thought of their precious father figure being a sex machine. But they did think about it, and god did they not want to.
The next morning, Eddie woke up late in the day, not surprised to see Steve still asleep. He got up as quietly as possible and put on some underwear and small sweatpants Steve had in his closet. He headed downstairs to see half of the other kids gone. "Morning." Eddie said hoarsely giving a wave to the small crowd, and heading toward the kitchen.
He was flipping a pancake mindlessly when the sound of laughter erupted from the crowd out side of the kitchen. Eddie perked up when the sound of the door sliding open and closing behind him. He turned around to see a very tired Steve, with a small comforter wrapped around his shoulders. He wiped his eyes and started walking toward Eddie. Eddie took his finished pancake off the stove and turned it off, placing the food on a plate with a stack of pancakes and turned back toward Steve. Steve was still walking toward him with a slight limp in his legs. "Morning sweetheart." Eddie whispered pulling Steve in by his hip when he got close enough. His voice was fine by now, and he tried his best to morph it into a comforting sound. He kissed him on the cheek and gave him a big hug, "the pancakes are done. Are you able to walk to the dining table?" Steve paused a second but nodded. He let go of Eddie and started limping to the dining table.
With all the plates and drinks set, the crowd from the living room entered the dining room. They all looked at the two boys conversing there and laughed a little. They sat down and started pestering the two of them. "Hey Eddie, how deep does it go?" Robin chuckled out. Eddie responded in a professional manner, "Pretty deep I guess, probably deeper than what I can fit in." The group burst into laughter. And Robin spoke again trying not to laugh through it, "The pool, Eddie. We never got the chance to get to the far end, and you've been here before so." Eddie blushed hard, and spit out retaliation about what she really meant. Steve chuckled at him. And took a bite of the pancake lathered in syrup. Eddie took note of this and spoke, "So Steve, is it wet? Runny? Dripping any?" Steve blushed, smacking Eddie on the shoulder and hiding his face in the blanket. They all laughed again and did until they all had to go home.
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