《The Leader》Epilogue


As my eyes travel around the Pit, a smile plasters itself on my lips. Some people, like me, are sitting at the edge of the room away from the action. If they're like me, it's because they are terrible dancers and are trying not to make fools of themselves. Others are slow dancing to the slow song playing over the speakers.

My eyes spot the happy couple in the middle of the dancers, swaying to the soft music with bright smiles on both of their faces. My two best friends are now married, and I am beyond happy for them. The adoration they have for one another is evident by the love in their eyes.

Only a couple of people have voiced opinions that they shouldn't be getting married so young, but I just ignored the comments. Anyone who pays the slightest bit of attention to Finn and Tera can see how they feel for each other. They love each other. Yes, they're only eighteen years old, but they've found the person they want to spent the rest of their life with. They are young, but I don't think they've married too early.

In fact, I was betting on them getting married shortly before the first new group of transfers came. Yet, here we are about to welcome our second group of transfers to Dauntless.

"Hey, beautiful." Eric appears next to me clad in a black tux with a purple tie. In other words, he looks handsome. He holds his right hand out for me, a grin on his face. "Would my gorgeous date care to dance?"

"I have to warn you," I say with a grimace, "I'm a terrible dancer."

"Lucky for you, I'm a great dancer." He smirks as I put my hand in his. He pulls me onto the dance floor twirls me around, which makes me giggle.

This side of Eric has come out more and more each day since we rekindled our relationship after I became a leader. I am loving it. I didn't expect him to display this kind of affection in public on account of his reputation, but Eric is full of surprises. A few people made the mistake of bringing up Eric's newfound softness, and...let's just say they were reminded how tough he is.

"What's on your mind?" Eric's thumb swipes across my cheek and tucks a loose tendril of hair behind my ear.

"You, of course." He smirks at my statement. "I'm just thinking about how far we've come."

"I love you, Rori Joy," he says with a look of pure adoration on his face. "I hope that there isn't a day that goes by that you question how deeply I care for you."

"I love you, Eric Mendel."


"I suppose you're all wondering why we called you out here," Eric says. He stands in front of our group with his arms crossed.

The sun is setting and we are currently standing near the train tracks.

Four stands next to him, a smirk on his face. "We're going to play a little game."

Tera nudges my side and leans in close to my ear. "I feel like we've gone back in time and we're initiates again."

"You read my mind," I say with a chuckle.

"Anyone up for a game of Capture the Flag?" Eric says with a grin.


"I'm down," Finn says, "as long as Rori is on my team." That earns him a slap on the shoulder from his wife and his eyes widen. "What? No offense, but I want to win."

She rolls her eyes but doesn't hide the smile on her face.

The roar of the train is heard in the distance and I refocus my eyes on Eric. He says, "All right. For those of you who want to come, let's start jogging."

I jog for a few seconds before the wind from the train whips my hair back. Eric and Four hop in one of the cars toward the front and I jump in shortly after them. The door to their cart slides open and the two of them enter the one I'm in.

Eric and Four hop in one of the cars toward the front and I jump in the one behind them. To my surprise, I am met with the faces of the three other leaders: Brenna, Garrick, and Max. The door at the front of the car opens and Four and Eric walk in. The rest of the group piles into this car, surprise evident on their faces at the appearance of the other leaders.

"So, who's picking teams?" Brenna says, breaking the silence.

"Four and I will pick teams," Eric says. "Four, why don't you pick first?"

"All right." Four's eyes scan the crowd before they land on mine. "Rori."

"Really? You're stealing my girl?" Eric's voice sounds threatening, but I can tell there's a hint of amusement from his tone. You'd think he'd actually be mad about Four picking me. I brush it off as I stand next to Four.

Eric scrunches his nose, pretending to be mad. I chuckle at his behavior.

Once the teams are all settled and guns are distributed, our team exits the train first. We jog to the far side of the pier to put that much more distance between Eric's team and ours.

Connected to the tower where we hid our flag the last time we played is a round building, which used to be a grand ballroom. We enter the ballroom and huddle in the middle of the room. There are five of us on each team. On Four's team is me, Brenna, Tera, and Finn. On the other team is Eric, Max, Garrick, Raiden, and Cullen, a friend of Eric's that works in the control room.

"Where should we hide the flag?" Finn says, looking around the ballroom. There aren't many places to hide the flag around the room, at least not where we can reach.

"We could put it on a table in the very center," Brenna says. "And we can move the rest of the tables around it, to make it hard for the other team to reach it."

"That sounds good to me," Finn says with shrug. "How should we go about getting their flag?"

"I don't care how we get it, as long as Rori is the one who gets it." Brenna smirks at me and I raise a brow.

"Why do you want me to get it?"

"We all know Eric has a temper," she deadpans. "If anyone but you were to get their hands on that flag, he'd cover us in paint."

"Besides, "Four cuts in, "the last two times we played, you were the one who captured the flag for our team. You were able to get them without being seen until the last second because of your size and speed."


"It's settled," Tera says, clapping her hands together. "Who's going to guard the flag?"

"I'll do it." Finn extends his hand and Four gives him to bright orange flag.

"Are we going to do this a certain way?" I ask. "Or are we just going to charge for their flag?"

"I think we should wing it." Brenna crosses her arms and looks to the rest of us. Nobody objects so she smirks. "All right. Let's go get that flag."

The four of us exit the ballroom the same way we entered. We walk a little ways in complete silence, the only noise is the waves lapping against the dock.

Brenna raises her hand, stopping us in our tracks. "I see someone near the ferris wheel."

"Shoot," someone says from behind me. I swivel and raise my gun, only to lower it at the sight before me. Finn lays on the ground and smiles sheepishly up at me.

"What in the world are you doing, Finn?" I step forward to help him off the ground and he dusts himself off. "You're supposed to be guarding the flag."

"Don't worry," he says with a grin. "They won't be getting the flag."

"What makes you so sure?" I raise a brow but he only grins wider.

"Just trust me," he says with a wink.

I shake it off and turn back toward Brenna, who motions for us to follow after her. She leads us to a cluster of trees that face the ferris wheel. She peeks around the tree and says, "Left side of the ferris wheel, on top of a car near the ground."

I peek around the tree I'm behind and spot what's talking about. On top of one of the cars of the wheel is a scrunched up ball of bright yellow. I scan the surrounding area and spot a crouched figure near their flag. By the build of the figure, I'd say it's Eric. I look around some more and spot the rest of Eric's team not too far away from him.

"Eric is guarding their flag," I whisper from my crouched position. "If you want me to get their flag, I'll need you all to charge at the others. I'm hoping it will distract Eric long enough for me to sweep in and get it."

"I don't have a better idea, so let's go paint him teammates." Brenna backs away from tree slowly, careful to not make any noise.

The others follow after her. Once they are a decent distance away from me, they emerge from their hiding spots with their guns raised and screams piercing the silence. I watch as the scene unfolds with a grin on my face.

Eric's teammates were certainly caught off guard. I watch as Raiden, Garrick, and Cullen come out of their hiding spots fumbling for their paint ball guns. It's not use. They were splattered with paint balls for their guns were raised. Max peeks his head up before standing up and charging for my wild teammates.

I watch them dodge paint balls before I remember the task at hand. I turn my attention to the figure standing in front of the ferris wheel. He's moved a bit away from the car where the flag is and I smirk.

You'd think he would've learned by now...

I back away from the tree and crouch. I jog in a diagonal line to the left, eyeing Eric the whole time. If he glances this way, our plan is busted. I keep tiptoeing until I am even with the car with the flag on it. I take a deep breath before breaking out into a sprint.

When I'm about ten feet from their flag, Eric turns around his eyes lock on mine. I fire paint ball after paint ball and smirk when I hear a groan. I got him.

I slow to a stop in front of the car and jump to grab the flag. I make my way toward the rest of the group and raise the ball of yellow into the air. "We captured the flag!"

Brenna gives me a thumbs up and the group cheers. A tap on my shoulders makes me turn around, and I'm met with an unreadable Eric.

"You know, if you would've picked me, you might not have lost."

"Who says I lost?" Eric says with a grin.

I raise a brow and chuckle. "I did. My team got the flag."

"I think I'm actually about to win." My eyebrows scrunch together in confusion at his words.

"If this works the way I want it to, I'm going to be the winner." My eyebrows scrunch together in confusion at his words. "Open up the flag."

Despite my confusion, I do as he says. I shake out the flag and my eyes widen at the two words written on it. In bold black letters it says, Marry me?

My eyes water as I turn back to my teammates. "Did you guys know about this?"

Tera squeals and clasps her hands together. "Of course! We were all in on it."

"Turn around," Brenna says with a grin.

I turn back around to find Eric on one knee, holding up a black box.

"I knew from the moment we met that you were going to mean the world to me," Eric says, a small smile on his face. "I could list hundreds of reasons why I want to marry you, but we don't have that kind of time." I laugh as I wipe at the stray tears on my cheeks. "Rori, I love you so much. Will you marry me?"

I nod my head rapidly, knowing my voice would betray me. Eric slides the beautiful ring onto my ring finger before I pull him to his feet and crash my lips onto his. I wrap my arms around his neck as he slides his arms around my waist.

I smile into the kiss before slowly pulling away. I rest my head on his chest and his arms around my tighten. "I love you so much, Eric."

"I love you, too."

A/N: Wow! I really hope you guys enjoyed this epilogue! I also want to thank those of you who voted and commented! Those votes and comments were very encouraging. :)

Also, this is kind of bittersweet. Rori and Eric have been a part of for over a year, and now I've finished writing their story. This is the first (novel-like) story I've ever finished. I know it's just a fanfiction, but it's an accomplishment nonetheless!

Again, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed reading Rori and Eric's story as much as I did writing it!

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