《JonDami: Oneshot Book》Omegaverse pt. 3


Damian sighed softly as he pressed his fingertips to his neck. He bit his lip to hold back a smile.

Jon laid on the bed beside him snoring away. Now that, brought a smile to the Prince of Blood Thurst's face.

The noirette laid down on Jon's chest and snuggled closer, inhaling the scent of HIS new alpha. He couldn't believe that someone actually wanted to be his alpha. He was so happy.

"Mngh... Dami?" Jon groaned out with his gruff tired voice.

"Yes, beloved?"

Jon shook his head and hugged Damian's body close to his own, "Nothing... Love ya..."

Damian gasped softly and felt tears burn in his eyes. He felt his bottom lip quiver and he tried biting it so he wouldn't cry. It didn't work.

Jon's eyes snapped open, "Damian?! Are you okay ???" He asked, panic filling his senses.

Damian hiccuped and tried stopping the tears but they kept on flowing. "I-In fine."

"No you're not! You're crying!"

"Shut up! It's embarrassing..."

Jon snaked his arms around the smaller boy's waist and hugged him tightly, "What's wrong?"

Damian sighed and melted into his touch, "It's just... Do you REALLY love me?" He asked quietly.

Jon's breath hitched his throat. Did Damian doubt him? Or was it something else?

"Of course I do... I love you so much." Jon stated with certainty.

Damian sniffled, "I'm so happy... I love you too... I was..." He took a deep breath, "so scared... That I would be alone..."

The alphas thumb wiped away a tear, "No need to cry, my feisty omega," Jon smiled, "I'm here."

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