《Regretting And Rejecting》Chapter 8



“I will make an example out of you to show exactly what happens when a pack member talks shit about my mate. Now get your sorry ass to the kitchens. Unless you’d prefer the cells. Your choice.” He says, his eyes flashing black, shining in the light of the sun.

I hear a collective gasp with hushed whispers as what he has said registers with everyone. The color from Jasmine’s face drains and she stammers.

“No. It can’t be. But… but I thought I’d be your mate.” She murmurs. Her birthday is only a few weeks away, and she is a very strong wolf. I wouldn’t have been surprised myself if they were mates. The thought makes a pang of hurt go through me. Micah must feel it through the bond, because his eyes shift back to green, and he looks over at me. He turns back to Jasmine and lets out a cruel laugh.

“You? My mate? I’ll thank the Moon Goddess every day she didn’t pair me with someone like you.” He says harshly, a tone I’ve become familiar with over the years. Jasmine obviously wasn’t used to it, as her eyes filled with tears.

“Go to the kitchens. Now. Get well acquainted with them. If your poor attitude doesn’t change, you’ll be seeing a lot of them.” He says with narrowed eyes. She turns on her heel and runs, the sounds of her sobs echoing through the training grounds.

“Anyone else have something smart to say?” He yells, making everyone jump. They all avert their eyes to the ground except me. I’m glaring daggers at Micah. As if he can feel it, he locks eyes with me before he speaks again.

“Everyone go on a run. NOW!” He bellows, walking over to me. I turn as if to follow, but he grabs my wrist to stop me.

“Not you, sweetness.” He murmurs.

“Awwww.” Katie coos from beside me and I snarl at her. She widens her eyes at me and begins to run with the rest of the pack. Micah waits until they are out of ear shot and drops my wrist.

“What?!” I spit at him.

“I kept you back so you could yell at me.” He says simply, shrugging his shoulder.

“Seriously?” I ask confused and he nods.

“I’m sorry I let my wolf lose control. He couldn’t stand her talking about you like that.” He says rubbing the back of his neck. I smack him on the chest, and he takes a step back.


“God damn it Micah! You couldn’t last a single day? No, not even a single hour!” I scream and he lowers his gaze in shame. “And you slept with her?! Do you have no standards! Everyone knows she’s like a fucking mini mart. Open for service 24/7.” I huff and cross my arms over my chest. Micah gives me an apologetic look before taking a deep breath.

“You’re right. I’m sorry. I wasn’t really thinking and I’m stupid.” He says and the admission makes me crack a smile.

“What are you smiling about?” He asks me curiously and I roll my eyes at him.

“It was sweet. The way you defended me.” I say quietly and he gives me a shy smile, inching closer and reaching out his arms to wrap them around me.

“Yeah?” He asks, tucking his face in my neck and breathing deep.

“Yeah.” I say before shoving him away. “But you’re still an asshole and you’re going to get checked for diseases before you touch me again.” I say firmly, pointing at him and he bends over in a laugh until he stands up straight and wipes the tears from his eyes.

“That’s honestly probably a good idea.” He responds and I can’t stop the laughter from bubbling out. We both continue to giggle until everyone comes back from their run. Micah pairs me with Katie this time and the rest of training is, luckily, uneventful. After Micah dismisses everyone, I turn to walk home, only to have him stop me.

“I have something to take care of. Can I come to your house afterward?” He asks me hopefully.

“No.” I respond and his face falls.

“Why not?” He asks and I sigh.

“Because I won’t be there. I have training with your dad today. I’ll be at the packhouse.” I explain and his eyes light up.

“Even better. I’ll meet you there when I’m done.” He says and bounds away before I can say anything. Alpha has been asking Micah to join our Pack Intelligence training sessions for months now. Maybe this mate bond will have a positive effect on him after all.

I walk back slowly to my house, basking in the silence I get to enjoy. It’s my first bit of alone time and I take an extra long shower to savor it. Alpha isn’t particular on what time I show up, so I make the extra effort to look cute today in jean shorts, a flowy blouse and strappy sandals. I curl my hair a little and add some light make up, something I rarely wear, before taking a stroll around the pack on my way to the pack house. I make it up to Alpha’s office and knock gently on the door. He calls me to enter and pops his head up from the document he’s reading. He gives me a warm smile and beckons me closer, standing from his chair and rounding the desk.


“I was afraid after our talk yesterday you wouldn’t show.” He says, pulling me into a gentle hug.

“I’m not one to shirk my responsibilities.” I answer as he lets me go and I sit at the table we usually use to discuss pack dynamics, strengths, weaknesses, defense strategies, things you would think a future alpha would be interested in.

“That’s why I’m grateful you’re mated to Micah. Even though you might not be.” He says, sitting next to me. I sigh heavily and rest my elbow on the table, holding my chin in my hand.

“He told everyone at training this morning.” I say with a hint of irritation in my tone. Alpha nods. I should have known he would have heard.

“I know. But you have to admit, he did it as a way to defend you.” He points out and I shrug.

“Yeah, defend me from the rumors he started.” I say and Alpha sighs, running his hand through his hair much like his son. Micah would be lucky to be the Alpha his father is.

“Sweetheart, I know he wasn’t fair to you, but he’s really not that bad of a person. Just give him a chance.” He implores and I shrug again.

“Even if I do, that doesn’t mean I won’t make him suffer first.” I say with a cruel smirk that makes Alpha chuckle. The next moment, his office door is swung open and Micah walks in, triumphantly holding up a piece of paper.

He walks over to us and bows to me, holding the paper out for me to take.

“What’s this?” I ask with furrowed brows as I peruse the paper.

“A full physical from the pack doctor. I’m clean, sweetness.” He says with a proud smile before he grabs my face in his hands and plants pecks on my cheeks, jaw and forehead. I squeal and push him away as his dad chuckles at us.

“What are you doing?!” I scream at him and he smiles at me.

“You said once I was able to prove that I don’t have any diseases I could touch you again. I like your hair like that.” He says, running his fingers through it. I push him away and give him a little growl.

“That doesn’t give you permission to touch me whenever and however you want. Congratulations on not contracting a disease that will make your communal dick fall off.” I seethe and his eyebrows furrow.

“Communal dick?” He asks and I scoff and look to his father for help.

“When something is communal, that means everyone can use it.” He says with mirth in his eyes and Micah scoffs.

“Nah, sweetness. You’re the only one who can use it.” He says smugly, puffing out his chest. I growl at him and roll my eyes.

“Then it will fall off for another reason. Not being used.” I say and Alpha lets out a belly laugh as Micah crosses his arms.

“We’ll see.” He says challenging and I narrow my eyes at him.

“Where were you last night anyway? Your mother checked your room late and you weren’t there.” Alpha asks as Micah takes a seat next to me and scooches way closer than necessary.

“I stayed the night with Hannah.” He says suggestively, waggling his eyebrows at me. I gasp in indignation before smacking his chest.

“He slept on my floor, Alpha, because he couldn’t bear to be away from me. Asked me to pet his little head and everything.” I coo and Alpha chuckles at us both.

“Well, I’m happy to see the two of you getting along.” Alpha says with a wide smile between the two of us.

I fake gag at his comment.

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