《Zach's Secret Babies》Chapter Twenty-Seven


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"He's now fine and can be checked out of the hospital after we process the dismissal. Anyway, it's common for children to get a sudden flu after playing under the sun while in the pool or in the rain so you need not to worry about it too much. Still, although it wasn't serious, I have read his previous medical records so it's best to be a little bit careful from now on and make sure he's taking his vitamins every day," The doctor informed, which instantly made Sam feel relieved. He knew Alex had become much better compared to days ago but it still felt a lot reassuring coming from a doctor.

"Oh thank God! Thank you so much, Doctor," Sam said with gratitude, nodding at the advice.

"You're welcome, I didn't do much and he just needed rest."

"Still thank you so much doctor," Sam said again, shaking his head because if not because of the doctor, who knows what might have happened to his precious baby. Hearing Sam, the doctor nodded and smiled before he finally left the room to give the family their private moment.

"Did you hear that, Cupcake? You can now go back home. Didn't you say you wanted to go home already?" Sam happily chanted, holding Alex's cheeks and kissing them before giving them a slight pinch.

"I can play with Allen and Matt too?" The little boy asked with an obvious spark in his eyes which Sam gladly responded with a nod. It has been 3 days since the whole incident about Gregory Abiñon causing a commotion in his son's hospital room but thankfully after that, everything had been peaceful.

Needless to say, the peace doesn't mean his father had approved of his relationship with Zach so he and Zach had been vigilant about whatever might happen in the coming days. Of course, it would have been ideal if the peace would continue but if Gregory did something again, they wouldn't be too generous this time.

"Of course, Cupcake... But not too much since you haven't yet recovered fully, okay? You'll listen to Mama when I say you have to rest, right?" Sam softly asked and immediately the little man nodded since, between him and Allen, he's more obedient.


"Isn't that great, Alex? We can play again with Matt. Just focus on getting better from now on while I protect you," Allen happily jumped as well. But as Sam was looking at the two interacting, Sam felt a little sad to see that even though it hasn't been a week since Alex had gotten sick, he had become so much thinner compared to his twin brother. It's a relief that Alex has gotten through his flu safely but it still breaks his heart.

Meanwhile noticing his expression, Zach approached Sam and rubbed his shoulders softly. Even though he didn't know what his lover was thinking, he knew Sam was worried about their son like he always was.

"Don't worry. He'll be fine. Let's take good care of them together from now on, okay?" Zach comforted, kissing Sam's forehead. Meanwhile, hearing such comforting words from Zach, Sam felt touched as he cowered against his chest.

Zach hugged Sam and in the process, swayed their bodies lovingly as if dancing in a slow rhythm. They had finally decided to take up their relationship to the next level. After what had happened days ago and giving it a thought just like Zach had suggested, Sam finally made up his mind. Even if his father goes against his decision until the end and throws him away as his child, he would no longer care. It's enough to him that at least his mother gave them her blessing.

"Yeah. Thank you, Zach," Sam whispered, his eyes were a little teary but he managed to prevent any tears from coming out before he drew away and pulled off a bright smile.

"Should we let the twins know about our plan?" Sam suggested. Even though Allen and Alex are young, they understand the meaning of marriage. They also understood that even though Zach was their father, he and Zach weren't married and so the reason why they live separately and their surnames were different. Sam was positive that if they knew, the two would be overjoyed. And maybe this time, he could finally give them their wish, which was a younger sibling. He and Zach would still need to talk about it but wouldn't mind adding another baby to their family.

"Oh, no need to..." Zach smiled mischievously. Before he walked toward the twins, turning Sam all confused.


"Baby, remember the thing that I asked you to keep for me?" Zach asked the two and as soon as the little man heard their father's words, both of their faces brightened before they giggled. Allen then quickly got off of his brother's bed and ran towards his mini backpack while Alex excitedly waited for his twin, making Zach chuckle.

"Papa, are you going to do it today?" Alex curiously asked with a big smile on his lips that even though he was sick, it looked like he wasn't. Normally he would have stayed silent and waited for his twin to ask for him but recently, he had been talking a lot more. But of course, Allen still talks way more than him.

"Daddy! Daddy! Here it is!" Finding the thing he was looking for in his bag, Allen immediately ran toward his father and brought out a small jewelry box.

"Thank you, Baby," Zach said and took the box from the child but not after messing with his hair. Sam witnessed all of this and he didn't have to be a genius to figure out what was happening as he then watched Zach, kneeling in front of him and the twins cheering in the background.

"S-Since when?" Sam couldn't help but ask, putting his palms over his mouth to cover both his shocked expression and later uncontrollable smile.

"Since the beginning. I've already asked your two adorable protectors and they agreed without much complaint. I was prepared to bribe them with anything just to get them to agree but it turns out, they've been waiting for it," Zach responded while chuckling, remembering how the kids asked him to help them beg the fairy to give them a baby brother or sister in exchange. Meanwhile, hearing Zach's words, Sam was no longer able to hold back his tears as his lover slowly opened the jewelry box and at the same time stared directly into his eyes.

"Samuel Abiñon, the love of my life, the person who birthed my lovely children... Will you be so kind enough to marry an imperfect man like me?" Zach asked with a charming smile on his lips. Naturally, Sam was still crying but he nodded his head before the word "Yes," came out of his trembling lips. He had been waiting for this day to come. Even though their relationship had been through a lot, they still ended up together. Zach was the only person Sam had ever loved and when he decided to leave years ago, he had completely closed off his heart to anyone else. He thought he and Zach were never meant to be but now they're here.

Quickly taking the ring out of the box, Zach gently slid it on Sam's ring finger before they hugged each other and eventually kissed.

"Hehe~ Mommy and Daddy kissing~" Allen cheered as he giggled and the same with his twin.

"I love you," Zach whispered as soon as their lips separated before he kissed Sam's forehead.

"I love you too, Zach," Sam replied with a deep blush on his cheeks. Zach finds it adorable and if he could he would have pounced on Sam then and there but he had to refrain himself because the kids were around.

"Of course, I love Allen and Alex too," Sam chanted happily before he quickly escaped his lover's arms, feeling extremely hot from the kiss just now. A lot of things had happened in the past month and it's embarrassing to say that he and Zach had not been able to do it that often for many reasons. One was because he was still recovering from his ulcer, and with them being on the run for the past week, and now Alex being sick and all, they simply didn't have the time. And now suddenly kissing like that, how is not going to feel anything?!

"I love Mommy and Daddy too! We can finally be one big happy family, right Daddy?" Allen exclaimed before he happily jumped onto Sam's arms and later glanced at Zach.

"Of course. Remember what I promised before, I'll definitely help you beg the fairy," Zach winked before sitting next to Alex and caressed his hair.

"Yey!!!" The two exclaimed again, making Sam confused again but this time no matter how much he asked, Zach wouldn't tell him and the kids would just giggle.

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To be Continued...

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