《Notice Me, My Dearest!》Chapter 20- Them and Their Circumstances (1)



The empire was enormous and practically led the most peaceful era under the rule of Emperor Wang Jinrei, before Wang Yiheng took over the throne. He was a very generous and kind ruler. But, he was not always the heir to the throne, as he was the third child.

Since Wang Jinrei had two elder brothers before him in the line of inheritance, he never actually felt like desiring the throne and chose to lead his life joyously and cheerfully. He had a best friend, the youngest general of the empire, Bai Yushang. Bai Yushang was not only righteous but also very good at martial arts. His bravery soon became known to every child of the empire. Wang Jinrei was always proud of his best friend and trusted him all his life, to the point he would sacrifice anything for him.

Bai Yushang didn't come from a noble family but he made his fame through hard work and only Wang Jinrei seemed to truly appreciate him and his sufferings. Their bond was greater than any brotherhood. Totally brothers from different mothers.

Wang Jinrei loved to travel all around the empire in disguise and stay close to the common folk, their daily lives fascinated him. None could become the best partner to wander around with than Bai Yushang. His father, too, let him wander since Bai Yushang was always by his side.

Just like that while travelling, one day, Jinrei and Yushang met a caravan of nomad dancers while travelling in one of their neighbouring towns. The show time was set for the evening.

Jinrei chirped, "Hey, Yushang! Look over there, the dancers are so beautiful. Wow."

Yushang just nodded and stayed on guard, crowded places had more chances to get attacked by assassins.

"Brother, I always take you with me, not because I need a bodyguard. What I need is a friend and that friend to enjoy my company! Have some fun!"

"Your Highness, it's not like I'm not having fun, it's just your safety is my priority."

"What a boring man! You won't get a wife this way!" Jinrei tsked and slipped deeper into the crowd.

"Your High-" Yushang's voice faded behind in the crowd as Jinrei soon came out of the crowd and picked up an apple from a nearby stall, tossing a gold coin at the seller.


The seller shouted happily, "Thank you so much, young man!"

"Have fun, Mister!" Jinrei bit onto the apple and started walking aimlessly in the market, "Wow, so many fresh goods! The empire is prospering steadily. Hope Elder brother will take good care of these lovely people."

He was not being careful at all and ended up bumping into someone, "I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying-"

"It's okay, just stand aside-" a female voice replied hurriedly and pushed through him. She soon disappeared in the crowd of the market, leaving the young man with a racing heart.

Jinrei placed his hand on his chest and questioned himself "What was that… I've never seen such pretty golden eyes…"

Just as he was about to chase that mysterious girl, a strong hand grabbed him from behind and dragged him to a corner.

Jinrei complained in resistance, "Yushang! You're misusing your strength. I get that you being a bit taller than me gives you an advantage but let me go! I must find her who left my heart unsettled."

Yushang loosened his grip and spoke with a calm voice, "Your Highness, it is not okay for you to run around like this. If you're hurt by any chance, I'll have to answer the Emperor. I will send guards to search for that person as soon as we reach the palace."


"I request you not to make more trouble, let's enjoy the show and go back as soon as possible, it's already noon."

At Yushang's reminder, Jinrei's attention switched to the dance show but those pair of dazzling golden eyes lingered in his mind. In his heart, he wanted to see them once more.

There was a huge crowd watching the show by the beautiful dancers. As special guests, the caravan owner arranged the best seats for Jinrei and Yushang to enjoy the best view. Jinrei and Yushang sat comfortably with enthusiasm. As the dancers started their show, the crowd started to go crazy. Their applause echoed in the whole marketplace.

A person with colourful clothes stood up on a tool and announced as loudly as possible to draw everyone's attention, "Dear ladies and gentlemen, now we present tonight's most special performance and our last show in this town."

With him ending his announcement, everyone cheered and then a loud sound was made on the huge drum beside the caravan's huge tent. The curtain on the door slightly rose as a figure pushed it aside and gracefully walked out.


The figure had a very slender body dressed in a clean sky-blue dress, which seemed to have been designed by the dancers themselves. Because they didn't wear traditional hanfus or such dresses. More than that, they had fluttering sleeves with a crop top and long pants-like clothing from their waist to their ankles where it was tightly locked so that the fabric doesn't get in the way of their dancing.

The newly arrived dancer had his waist completely exposed revealing a blooming flower tattoo from his back to his torso, mixed with red and blue colour. As his porcelain white figure came more into light, people inhaled in awe and praised the unworldly beauty of the male, standing in front of them. But he stood there calmly and took a quick glance with his pair of bright blue eyes.

Jinrei choked on his tea as soon as he noticed the male and nudged Yushang, "Hey, hey, just take a look at him. Hey, Yush-"

He choked again, in his words, seeing the never-bothered Bai Yushang's eyes fixed on the newly arrived male dancer. It looked like nothing existed in his world but that man who started moving like a flower petal, dancing on the cool breeze, with the tune of the zither. His movements were amazing and the audience looked greatly mesmerized. His veil fluttered when he continued dancing.

All the time Bai Yushang kept his eyes locked in the same direction, it was really amusing to Jinrei, "Finally, it's happening!"

Jinrei sipped his tea and for a split second his eyes fell on the crowd and he again choked on his tea…Golden Eyes!

As if his strings were pulled hard, Jinrei got up and ran towards the crowd using the back of the tent. The girl didn't see Jinrei at all and was enjoying the dance standing there quietly. Before she could react, a large hand covered her mouth and dragged her from behind.

She panted and threw her limbs to get out of the man's arms.

"Finally, caught you, young lady!"

Finding no other choice, she bit hard on Jinrei's hand and so he pulled away his hand abruptly, groaning in pain, "Ouch, that hurts!"

"How dare you try to kidnap the noble lady of the Feng Family!"

"And how dare you bite the hand of a member of the royal family? Wait, Feng Family?" Jinrei exclaimed while rubbing the swollen part.

"Royal family? What do you mean?" The lady asked with a scrunched nose.

Jinrei stood properly with his hands on his hips, "Young lady, are you perhaps the envoy of the neighbouring country? Maybe Minister Feng's relative who was supposed to arrive two days later?"

"How do you know?" The lady backed away in reflex and stayed on guard to tackle any unwanted situations.

"Huh, haha, I, the third prince of the empire Wang Jinrei, 'warmly' welcomes the envoy of the neighbouring country in this mighty Empire," Jinrei announced in a really good tone, that of a prince and puffed up his chest.

"As if I would believe you. The princes are busy with their imperial duties, they don't have time to play around like this," she gestured at Jinrei with disbelief, "Anyways, since you know who I am, I don't think I need to tell you about my authority."

Jinrei smirked and told her playfully, "You didn't tell your name though?"

"Oh, that is Feng Mian, wait, why am I telling a stranger my name?" Feng Mian pouted in annoyance. While Jinrei chuckled and thought 'I've never seen a noble lady run around in commoner's clothing after coming to a new country. She even refused to believe my words, biting me also. Quite amusing. I really can't wait to meet her inside the palace.'

They suddenly heard footsteps and so Jinrei pulled Feng Mian to hide in the shadows, putting a finger on her lips, "Hush…"

A man with a bear belly said as he counted the notes with his dirty saliva, "I'm so glad that bit*vh finally came off a use. I never knew he'd be so pricy. I'm rich now, haha!"

His talking seemed suspicious. Jinrei came out from the darkness, his huge build hovering over the dwarf-like man who looked like he would pee his pants any moment. He stammered, "Nothing, in particular, sir. Enjoy the show."

He was about to run off when he was dragged back by the collars. Jinrei ordered with a menacing tone, "Answer me."

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