《Smile For The Camera ~ trixya》So Easy To Judge


Hardly any cast members were there when Trixie arrived for the script reading. She knew she was early, but that's exactly what she wanted. She had brought cookies and energy drinks for the entire cast, wanting desperately to make a good impression. She carefully walked around the room and placed two cookies and one drink by each seat around the long meeting room table.

Trixie wasn't stupid, despite popular opinion, she knew there would be people questioning her being cast on a movie next to Katya Zamolodchikova when she had no previous experience. Still, she was famously charming and agreeable to work with, and she was a very hard worker, so she trusted in her ability to change people's minds.

"Trixie! Oh, aren't you just a sweetheart?" One of the producer said as she entered the room and saw the gifts the girl had brought.

"Mrs. Waters, good morning! I just figured everyone could use some extra energy today. I haven't been to a script reading before, but I imagine they can be tiring." Trixie replied.

"What a lovely thought! And I am sure you'll manage just fine today. Just be your sweet self and try your best, and movie magic will do the rest." Mrs. Waters replied before walking over to the special table set up for the producers, the writer, and the director.

Trixie couldn't help but think the note was somewhat condescending, but she quickly shook it off. After all it wasn't like she wasn't used to comments like that, it seemed like a theme for people to expect her to do no work, and simply stand there and look pretty.

Trixie was quite known for her good looks and she herself took pride in her beauty. Her hair was bleach blonde and hung in large vintage waves which framed her face perfectly. She was naturally pale, but always easily got a golden tan in the summer. Her body was similar to a 50s pinup model, her breasts large, waist thin, hips wide, and thighs thick. She also tended to go for more vintage makeup looks, her honey-brown eyes always surrounded by graphic black eyeliner and fake eyelashes.


Still, even if she was confident in her looks, loving how she practically looked like a Barbie-doll, she hated how many people judged her based on it. She hated the rumors that said she didn't write her own songs, hated that her management didn't want her to take singing lessons to improve her instrument, and hated that she had somehow gotten a reputation as someone who didn't put in the work to get where she was. Trixie didn't want to be seen as someone who couldn't think for herself, or couldn't put in the work to improve. She wanted to be recognized for her talents and wanted to be taken seriously as a performer.

That was part of the reason why she had wanted the part in this movie so much. It was a serious role in an important film, and she'd get to co-star with one of the biggest names in the industry. Acting next to Katya Zamolodchikova would be an honor, she thought, even if her manager had warned her that the Hollywood star could be difficult to work with.

Katya's bad reputation wasn't news, everyone knew the girl was trouble, but Trixie couldn't help but still find her somewhat enticing. There was a reason she was considered a sex symbol, the girl was gorgeous. Whilst Trixie herself had a roundness and an innocence in her face, Katya's features were sharp, strong, and sexy. The star's cheekbones were high, her blue eyes bright and always surrounded by a seductive smokey eye-shadow look, and her plump lips were always painted a deep, rich red, contrasting her bright skin and ridiculously perfect white teeth.

What Trixie admired most about the girl however was the fact that she seemed fearless. Whilst the country-singer herself felt like a goody two-shoes who could never really stand up for herself even if she was uncomfortable, Katya seemed like she just did what she wanted and didn't care what others thought of her.


And sure, Katya wasn't the best role model in general.

But really, how bad could she be?

The hall slowly filled up with more and more people, all of which seemed very grateful for Trixie's kind gifts. Soon enough the director called for the script reading to begin, but one person's presence was noticeably missing.

The person who was meant to be sitting in the chair next to Trixie.

The one and only;

Katya Zamolodchikova.

"Where's Katya?" The director, Pete, asked.

"She hasn't shown up yet." An assistant replied.

"Damn it... Can someone please call her?" Pete said.

Just then the door burst open, revealing a girl dressed in black skinny jeans, platform ankle boots, a leather jacket, and large sunglasses.

"No need, I'm here." Katya said as she took off her sunglasses, dramatically running one hand through her long blonde hair.

"You're late. But alright, let's just begin. Go sit down next to Trixie." Pete said, clearly not very pleased by the tardiness.

"Hi Katya, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Trixie, I really look forward to working with you." Trixie said cheerfully as she held out a hand for Katya to take.

"Okay, firstly you are far too cheerful considering it's still ungodly early. Secondly, you should look forward to working with me because I am actually a skilled actress. Thirdly, you should be embarrassed to be here seeing as you in no way deserve to be working on this movie, not to mention have a lead role in it. Now, why don't you stop chitchatting, sit back, and watch real actors work, huh dollface?" Katya said, ignoring the girl's outstretched hand and sitting down in her seat, taking out her script and pushing the cookies Trixie's had bought off the table, the baked goods falling to the floor.

"Right, everyone ready to begin?" Pete asked.

Most of the cast nodded or gave Pete verbal confirmation in response, but Trixie simply stared at Katya in pure shock at the star's words and actions. Trixie had met many people she disagreed with, but never anyone who was so blatantly rude.

"Trixie? You okay?" Pete said, noticing the girl's expression and the fact that she seemed to be frozen in her spot.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, yes, sorry. I'm ready." Trixie said.

Katya's words had been shocking to say the least, but she'd just have to pull herself together, Trixie thought. This was her chance to prove herself after all, and she was not about to let an asshole of an actress ruin it.

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