《Because Of You》Chapter 14


Grace POV:

My eyes directly flew across the room and met with Arsen's. We stood there frozen, just staring at each other before Arsen turned away and took a seat at the mini kitchen bar with his bowl of cereal.

Mumbled Cataline before purring happily.

Looking away I walked further into the kitchen avoiding eye contact with anyone else. Matthew, Nick, and Macy all stood around the counter munching on some cookies, their gazes burning into my back. I quickly grabbed a cookie from the box and began munching on it. Still feeling the gazes on my back, I whipped my head towards them.

"Is there something on my face or is it just stare at Grace day?" I asked annoyed.

"Puh-lease, you wish you had a day named after you." Said Nick in a girly voice causing everyone to erupt into laughter, even Arsen had a slight smile on his face.

"Alright guys, I think we should head out to the training grounds now."

Said Matthew glancing at his wrist watch.

Before any of them could descend out the door, I shouted, "Wait! Can I join too? I want to learn how to fight too."

I hadn't ever had a day of training in my life. Hardcore fight training in my pack began when a member was 16 and up. My birthday had just passed when my pack was attacked. I didn't have the ability to fight at all, so I did the best thing I could do in a situation of aN attack. Run. It was cowardly and I should've stayed with my pack, trying to help them fight but I was so afraid and my family's calls telling me to leave was all I heard before I sped off into the woods.

Everyone's heads turned towards Arsen who had a hard look on his face. His eyes met mine before saying, "Why do you need to learn how to fight?"

"I want to be able to defend myself." I answered with a impassive face, making sure he couldn't see what I was really feeling.

He narrowed his eyes at me, "Did you never get training at your old pack?"

I lowered my gaze to the ground praying my voice didn't shake."My pack was attacked before I had the chance to train."

"Alright!" Macy said clapping her hands together creating a loud noise in the deadly silence. "Grace you can join us, just go change out of these clothes. We'll go shopping for your clothes later, but for now you can borrow mine." She said ignoring anything Arsen had to say.

I merely nodded my head before following Macy up to her room.


"Here, these should be perfect." Macy says handing me a pair of black Nike spandex shorts, and a white V-Neck. She also hands me a pair of black Nike freeruns so I wouldn't have to train in my converse.

Before leaving the room to let me change Macy places her hand on my shoulder and squeezes it. "Look Grace I'm really sorry about how I blew up on you. I was afraid and angry and I just, I don't know. I'm really sorry." She says sincerely gazing into my eyes.

I give her a small smile, "It's okay Macy, what I did was immature and you opened my eyes on a few things I didn't see before, so thank you. No hard feelings right?"

"Of course not! Besties for life!" She says laughing before leaving the room.

Quickly changing into the clothes and tying my hair into a high ponytail I walk downstairs where Arsen is waiting for me.

"How's your foot?" Arsen asks. He's changed into a tight black V-neck and black shorts with a pair of Nike running shoes. I lick my lips before averting my gaze and answering.

"It's healed. It was sore in the morning but walking on it now, it seems fine." I answer back.

He nods his head and continues walking signaling the end of the conversation.

At least he even talked to me. Guess that's good enough for now.

We soon reach the training grounds where I see about 40 people, around the ages of 16-22.

I walk towards Macy and the betas while Arsen walks into the middle of the circle.

He stands there for a minute waiting for it to quiet down, before bellowing in his loud and deep voice. "Hey guys, welcome to your first day of training. Some of you are new to this." He looks at me. "And some of you have done this many times before, today were going to work really hard until you're so sore you can't walk." He says before a loud series of groans break out.

"Oh come on guys! This is fun!" Says Nick, humor lacing his tone.

"You would say that Nick, you're strong and not lazy like us." Says a random girl who looks about 17.

"You're right, the lazy one is my sister." Says Arsen glancing towards a chuckling Macy.

Arsen's eyes once again meet mine, "We also have a new member joining us today." Says Arsen pointing towards me. "I expect all of you to treat her with respect and make her feel welcome."

Everyone's eyes turn towards me as I look away in embarrassment at the attention.


"She's hot!" Yells a teenage boy in the crowd while his group of friends laugh.

"Eyes over here buddy, you wanna see something hot, you can look at me." Arsen says while everyone laughs.

Soon we are all divided into groups of 5. We do a series of exercises to warm up. We all run 3 laps around the perimeter of the pack territory leaving me a gasping mess. After about 5 minutes of resting, Arsen and Nick do a representation of fighting techniques in the time of self defense. Both of them had their shirts off but my eyes were focused on Arsen's abs that were glistening in the sun.

After demonstrating, both explained that now, anyone can challenge anyone to fight, the first one to pin someone down wins.

2 people fight before a leggy blonde walks onto the map. Her face is caked with makeup and hair couldn't be any faker. But what made me even more mad was the flirty wink she gave Arsen before walking onto the mat and the longing looks she gave him while he was shirtless during the demonstration. The clothes she were wearing were so short which showed her ass and boobs. Many of the girls looked at her with a disgusted expression giving off the impression she wasn't very liked.

In a high and nasally voice she pointed her manicured finger towards me. "I challenge her." She says smirking.

Stunned I just look at her, wondering why she was challenging me. "Alright Grace you're up." Says Macy "You can do it, just focus, she's not that hard to beat."

I walk towards the mat and get into the fighting position. "Yeah Grace! You got this! Yell Macy, Derek, and Lia, a few of the people I met today while running those torturous laps.

I give them a small smile as I meet eyes with Arsen. He was glaring at Derek before giving me a blank look, while Nick and Matthew give me encouraging smiles.

Before I know it I'm pinned down by Barbie. I struggle underneath before grabbing her leg using mine and flip her under me. I use my elbow against her to keep her pinned down as she struggles to get set free. We speak no words as I glare into her eyes, Barbie doing the same.'

"1-2-3, OUT! Grace wins." Says Matthew as I get up, a smile on my face.

Derek runs up to me before picking me up and spinning me around as Macy and Lia run towards me too. I hear a loud and very familiar growl behind me that came from Arsen. Ignoring it, I tap Derek letting him know I want to get down as I get engulfed in a hug by Macy and Lia.

"Great job Grace! That was your first time, you did so good!" Says Macy happily.

I give her a bright smile before high-fiving Derek.

Derek is a warrior in the pack, and he is also very much gay. I met him because he was in my warm up group and was the first one to talk to me. As for Lia, I met her through Macy. She is Nicks younger and troublesome sister.

Throughout running, we all joked and laughed. They instantly made me feel comfortable. I have a feeling the four of us are going to be great friends.

We soon hear a loud clap before Arsen bellows, "Alright guys! That's all for training today, now go shower, you all smell like wet dogs." He jokes as the group laughs before walking to the pack house. You could tell Arsen truly cared about his pack even though he is one of the most ruthless Alphas alive.

Noticing both my shoes were untied, I bent down to tie them. From the corner of my eye I could see Barbie walking towards Arsen who was cleaning up the mats. I saw her walk towards him and place her hand on his biceps before running it up and down making my blood boil. He looked towards her as she said something but didn't remove her hand, making me even more mad.

I quickly tied my shoe and began walking back. Not sparing them another glance.

I was so confused. Why did I get so mad seeing her touching Arsen? Why didn't he remove her hand either? Was there something between them? Wait. Why would I care. I don't even like Arsen.

Said Catalina, pacing back and forth in my head.

I couldn't be jealous. Because if I was jealous that means I cared and I did not care.

Face it, you've developed a small liking towards the big bad Alpha. Taunted my conscience.

No. No. No. I thought as I stopped into my tracks. I looked back towards Arsen who was already looking at me, ignoring Barbie who was glaring at me. Her hand now limp at her side.

Now looking at him I just realized something and I wanted to slap myself.

I had a crush on Arsen Hall. And I could do nothing about it.


Hey guys! Hope all of you guys enjoy this update.

I was writing this while watching say yes to the dress because can I get a holla for reality tv.

Anyways, happy summer and have a lovely day!

Till next time.


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