《》Chapter 1: Moving


Looking out of the plane to Washington, I hear Bella muttering to herself from beside me, "I've never given much thought as to how I would die, but dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go." I glanced over at her briefly before looking back out the window. "Ironically, I've given a few thoughts as to how you would die." I mused. She glared at me and shoved me as I giggled.

"For real though! Like, one theory is you tripping down a flight of stairs out of a window." I said. "Psh. Yeah right." She scoffed. "You never know." I laughed. She rolled her eyes and sat back in her seat, starting to doze off. I smiled at her, happy that she's getting sleep. She was up all night last night. Most likely because she's afraid of moving. I'm more afraid of how awkward it's gonna be in the car drive to Charlie's.

The plane has finally landed! I shake Bella awake, hurriedly pushing her to get up. "Move my ass hurts." I say pushing past her. "Can't see how when there's so much fat down there." She teased. I turned and smirked at her, "You wish you could be this thick." I say, slapping my butt. She rolled her eyes and laughed.

After getting off the plane and getting our luggage, Bella and I waited for Charlie in the airport. "Where is he?" Bell asked. "Don't know. Then again, it could be that guy and I wouldn't know for sure. I haven't seen him in a while." I say pointing at the guy in a police outfit coming towards us. "That's him, dumbass." Bella said, rolling her eyes. "Oh. I knew that." I said meeting Charlie halfway.

"Dad! How's it going?" I asked. "It's going good now that you two are here." He smiled. Bella awkwardly smiled up at him, making me grab her hand to comfort her. This is going to be a hard transition for both of us, but as her sister, I'm going to do everything in my power to help her through this. "Let's go home." I smiled at him. He nodded and brought us out to his car.


A few awkward conversations later, and we made it to home sweet home. Getting out of the car, Charlie grabs our stuff and tells us to go ahead in. I grab Bella's hand and walk inside. Everything looks the same as the last time we were here. We walked up the stairs to Bella's room, Charlie right behind us with our stuff. "I cleared out the shelves in the bathroom for you guys." Charlie said, giving us our things. "Oh right. One bathroom." Bella muttered. I squeezed her hand and looked up at Charlie. "Thanks dad." I smiled. He smiled back, "I'll leave you two to it then." He said, leaving down the stairs.

I looked back at Bella, checking to see if she was okay. She was looking around her room. "It's the same as how I left it." She commented. I smiled, stepping inside the room fully. "Hopefully mine is too." I said, going over to the door in her room. Mine and Bella's rooms are connected. I'm still thankful for that fact, seeing as that I have an easy access to get to her in case of an emergency. I can also steal her shirts.

Opening the door, I smile as the nicely lit room. I have a bunch of string lamps on my walls, kind of like Bella. The difference is, I only have the strings, she has strings and actual lamps. I'm pretty sure she has like, twelve in total. I turn around and look at her. She catches my stare and raises an eyebrow at me. "What?" She questioned. I pointed to the lamps above me in her doorframe leading to my room and whispered, "You're a moth."

She rolled her eyes and pushed me into my room, making me laugh as I stumble in. "Oh shut up and unpack." She laughed. I started to hang my clothes as I talked to Bella through our opened door. "Do you think this school will be better?" Bella asked. We were going to Forks high school in just a few days and I could tell Bella was anxious about the new setting.


"We'll be fine. You've only got the rest of this year and senior year. You'll get through this." I said, trying to lift her spirits. "I'm gonna be sad without you there next year, Gen." Bella said sadly. "Who's gonna make smart remarks about everything?" She asked. "I'm sorry I can't be your entertainment next year." I laughed. I heard her laugh from her room. "It's your fault your funny." She said. I rolled my eyes. "I'm not funny. You just take my seriousness for jokes." I deadpanned, hanging up my last shirt.

I looked over and saw Bella peeking at me. "That's creepy as hell." I laughed. She snorted and went back to her room. I went into her room and looked at her smiling face. "It's gonna be okay, Bells." I say. She smiles at me and comes over wrapping her arms around me. "I know. Because I have you." She said. "You'll always have me." I said, hugging her back. I'm going to protect her. No matter the cost.

Today was Sunday, one day before we go to hell. I rub my eyes as I sit up from my bed. I looked over at my clock, seeing that it was only seven in the morning. I kept having nightmares last night. Anxiety from being in a new place I guess. I got up and brushed my teeth before going downstairs and making breakfast.

Eight o'clock came around pretty fast. I put the breakfast I made on three plates as I heard movement coming from upstairs and downstairs. A few minutes later, Charlie and Bella come out dressed for the day. "Good morning." I smile at them, handing Charlie coffee. "I could get used to this." Charlie said, sipping his coffee. "Only on weekends, pops." I giggled.

I was in Bella's room reading when a honk sounded from outside. Bella looked over at me with a confused expression. I got up and looked outside, seeing what looked to be Billy Black and a tan boy who I could only assume was Jacob Black. "It's Jacob and Billy." I say. Dad catches my eye and waves us down. "Let's go." I say as I grab Bella's hand and walk downstairs to meet them.

"Bella, Genesis! So nice to see you two again after so long." Billy said. "Hey Billy, how's it going?" Bella asked. "Still kicking." He joked. Bella looked over at Jacob and he instantly lit up like a Christmas tree. Oh boy. "Bella, Gen, you remember Jacob, right?" Billy asked. "We used to make mud pies together." He said to Bella. He then looked at me. "And you used to throw mud in my face to make Bella laugh." He chuckled.

"No regrets." I smirk, thinking back on those days. "So, how do you like the truck and car? Just bought them off Billy here." Charlie said smiling. There was an old pick up truck sitting next to an old Chevy impala. "Oh my gosh, really?" Bella said excitedly looking over the truck. "Yeah. Homecoming gifts. You guys can discuss who gets what." He stated.

Bella looked at me and then at the truck. "You want the truck?" I asked her. She nodded shyly. I smiled and hugged her from the side. "All yours! I always wanted to be Dean Winchester." I grinned. She thanked me and we watched dad and Billy 'fight' each other. "Are they always like this?" Bella asked Jacob. "It gets worse with old age." He chuckled. We laughed as we watched them mess around.

Maybe this move was what we needed after all.

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