Bethany's pov ***
I knew that something was wrong with Thermo. He has completely changed from his happy-go-lucky self when I first met him. He was responsible, but fun-loving. Now he is withdrawn and moody.
After dropping my family off at the airport, I head back to base. I walk in and immediately lock eyes with Tanner. He understands that I have a plan.
Thermo follows me into the inner office. He sits before I do. He is trying to throw me off by being rude. But I'm on to him. "I know that something is weighing heavy on your mind. I know that it has to be huge. Do you want to tell me what it is? It will go no farther than here."
"Is this about that fuckin bet? I ain't driving no pussy car!" He is instantly on the defensive.
"This is not about a bet. Or a pussy car. This is about you being my friend then something happens and now you are barely talking to me or anyone else in the team. This is about me losing a friend and not knowing what the fuck I did to lose you!"
"I'm still around."
"But not mentally. You are here in body, but not mind. We all miss you, Thermo! How can we help you through this if you don't reach out for us?"
He said nothing for a while. "What happened at the lake house that affected you so much?"
We sat and stared at each other for about twenty minutes. I refuse to break first.
"During the game and then afterwards, I was having feelings. Feelings that I shouldn't have. Are you sure that this won't get out of this room? Not even to Demo."
"I promise that I won't say a word."
"I have always been attracted to women. That weekend. I started having thoughts about a man! All I wanted to do is touch him. How the fuck can I keep my mind on my job if I just want to grab his ass? I've never even thought about another man like that! Now I have to work with his brother and act like I never had these thoughts? I mean, Chris is married to a beautiful woman with kids!"
"So you are attracted to Chris and it is taking over your entire life? There has got to be more. I'm in a relationship and I love him beyond any thing else in life. But it isn't changing my thinking to where I forget my responsibilities."
"I'm just so ashamed of myself for my thoughts. Then I lashed out at you and it just snowballed. One thing leads to another. It just piles up and I got overwhelmed. I'm so sorry, nerd!"
He had tears in his eyes. "So this is why you are so short tempered with Demo? Because you are attracted to his brother?"
"Yes. Now I'm grounded from any trips."
"Well you did show that your mind is not on the job. You have nobody to blame for that, but yourself. You need to figure out how to get back on track."
"I'm trying, nerd. I really am."
"Is there anything else bothering you?"
"I'm sorry for not taking care of you and missing your promotion. Congratulations for that."
"Thank you." We stayed quiet for a while longer.
"They took a drug test from me. Have I gotten that bad?" Thermo asked me.
"Yes you have. Will they find anything?"
"Just penicillin. I got a case from my go-to. I was trying to prove my manliness to myself. The bitch never told me that she was dirty."
"Oh I hope that it wasn't the same from our phone conversation." He started nodding. "Don't go back to her! She's only causing you trouble!" I start laughing with him.
"You should take a few days off to get your mind straight. Your job requires a sound clear mind. You can get yourself or one of your brothers killed if your head is full of turmoil. There is nothing wrong with wanting a man. Your sexual orientation does not define you as a man or wuss. You have an awesome support group right outside that door. Every one of them are here for you any time."
I notice that he had tears in his eyes. I hug him. He squeezes me harder. After a minute he lets go. Then he wipes his eyes. "Very fuckin manly! Crying like a little bitch!"
"Hey! My man isn't afraid to show me some tears. I demand that he shows me his feelings."
"I'd like to meet him. He must be a great man."
"He is most awesome! I want to marry him."
"Well he is a lucky bastard then. I wish you all the best! You deserve it."
"Thank you, Thermo. That means a lot to me."
"So what are your plans after the army?"
"I will be doing some consultation projects for the military. Also some private contracts with them. My boyfriend and I have touched on opening a private investigation agency."
"When do I get to meet him? He sounds awesome."
"He is! He is everything that I could possibly ask for."
"I notice how you didn't answer my question."
"After I leave the Army, we will see about introducing you."
"So either he is Army also. Or he is anti American."
"No comment. Now I'm leaving. I have some shopping to do." I smile as he eyes me suspiciously. "My advice to you is to talk to Demo. He will understand and maybe help you to get back on track. Trust him." I kissed his head and left the room.
"Alright guys! I'm leaving and going shopping. I feel the need to spend some money. Maybe lots of money." I tell all of them.
"We have pictures of your pinning ceremony. Do you want them sent to your phone?" Decker asked me.
"Of course! I didn't realize that anyone took pictures! That's awesome! Thank you, Brantley!" I hug him.
Thermo comes into the room. We spent a few minutes looking at the pictures. "These are awesome! I want a picture of all of us together with my new stripes on. Would that be possible?" I look at Demo.
"Absolutely! When we get the stripes added, we will have someone take a few pictures."
"Perfect! Now I'm leaving. I'll see you guys later. Thermo! Remember what I said!" He nodded and I left.
I drive to a lingerie shop downtown. I take a picture of the store front. I have a plan. I do my shopping then go to the lake house. I send Tanner the first picture. I get a thumbs up and drooling emoji in response. 👍🤤
I shower and sent a picture of the little black lace corset with white lacing. There is a white g-string and garter, with black fishnet stockings to finish the outfit. He sent back a selfie of his wide eyed face. His mouth was wide open.
I put the nighty on and snapped a picture, then sent it. I looked at the clock and saw that it was four o'clock on the dot.
I sit on the bed with several pillows behind my back. I know that it takes twenty minutes to reach the lake house from base.
Ten minutes later I hear his tires squeal to a stop outside. I have one leg bent and the other straight in front of me. I am acting as if I'm reading a book when he runs into the room and stops. I notice that his shirt is off along with his boots and socks. He was reaching to unzip his pants. He was staring at me as if I was his favorite dessert. I laid the book on the night table and got on my knees. I crawled to the end of the bed.
I pulled Tanner's hand away then took over unzipping his jeans. I shove them down over his hips. Tanner lifts his legs out of his pants without taking his eyes off my body. Neither of us say a word.
Tanner starts kissing me as if I am the most precious being in the universe. That quickly changes to rough and ready as he lays me on the bed. Tanner stands and looks at me as his hands run from my ankles to my knees. He slowly spreads my knees apart.
Tanner licks his lips. He lays his lips on the inside of my right thigh midway between my knee and core. Then did the same to the left. Switching back and forth, going higher with each kiss.
"Tanner! Please honey! Please!" He rips the g-string off of me.
Tanner attacks my core with his mouth and fingers. I scream his name as I let go.
Before I come back down, Tanner slams into my core. "Oh holy shit, Beth!"
He starts pounding as fast as he could possibly go. After several minutes he touches my clit. We both lose our minds.
We are breathing heavily as I lay on his chest. "I don't know what happened to make me that way. But seeing you in that scrap of lace... I mean WOW!!"
I look up at his sexy face. "So you like what I bought?" I ask as innocently as I could.
"Oh hell yeah! That outfit is totally Tanner approved! Anytime you want to make that purchase, you have my blessings."
"I think that I will have to either purchase extra underwear or just not buy any. That g-string didn't even last a half hour."
"I vote for no panties at all." He answered.
"Your wish is my pleasure! I love you Tanner."
"I love you too, Bethany!" I reach up to kiss him and end up riding his majestic beast until we come together. Our hearts were beating together, as one. We are one. We fall asleep as I lay my head on his chest.
Wednesday morning ***
I walk into the General's office and learn about the trip next week. I learn that over the next couple days, Tanner and Decker will be training me. That tells me that I will be brushing up on my hand-to-hand combat with Tanner. Then Decker will work with my gun skills. I will have my work cut out for me! I am also fitted for a new Kevlar vest.
I go to Tanner's office to start my training. Tanner and I go to the gym where all of the guys are waiting. My training starts immediately as Granger comes at me from behind. It takes a few moves, but I escape his hold. My size plays a huge role in it. When he grabs me around my torso, trapping my arms to my side, I headbutt his nose. That doesn't do the trick. So I kick his shin and headbutt him again.
Thermo is next. He comes running at me at full speed. I use the same move that I did with Kevin. I side step and raise my knee at the very last moment. Thermo goes down hard.
Slice grabs me in a choke hold. I swing both of my elbows back and connect with his ribs. He lets go of the choke hold, but grabs my arm and twists it. I throw myself into a flip and throw a throat punch. He goes to the floor.
Ticket walks up to me and is trying to act like we are friends having a nice chat. I feel Demo come up behind me. He grabs a handful of my hair and puts a knife to my throat. I freeze. The only move that I can think of would be to grab a handful of dick and twist.
Before I can do that, Demo speaks. "You're dead!" He lowers the knife. Then turns me to face him. Oh he is pissed! "Never! Ever, hesitate! Do you hear me?"
"Yes sir." I answer him quietly. "I just didn't want to do what I thought to do first. I would've hurt you." I tell him.
"Don't worry about hurting me. My job is to teach you to protect yourself in case one of us isn't around." He turns to everyone else. "Let's take a break.
Everyone nods. I go to the restroom and lock the door. I realize that my hands are shaking. Just the thought of possibly hurting Tanner, makes me sick. I use the restroom and leave the stall.
I am grabbed and a knife is put to my throat. I instantly grab a handful of dick, squeeze and twist as I stomp my heel down on the assailants foot. The knife is taken away from my throat and I throw my elbows back.
My assailant sinks against the wall. I turn to deliver a swift kick. I barely stop myself from maiming the love of my life.
"Oh my God! Tanner! I'm so sorry!" I instantly start to kiss him.
He holds up his hand to stop me. Then he looks behind me. I turn my head and see Thermo, slice, and Granger. All standing in the bathroom with us. "Your were all in here when I was on the toilet?" They all grinned. "You assholes!" I left them in the restroom as I stormed out.
I hear them all laughing. They come from the restroom still chuckling. I took a drink of my water. Then we got back to work. I notice that they were all wearing cups now.
Monday morning found us boarding the plane to fly to the compound. My role is to listen for any deception from the dinner party and place the tap in the restroom or kitchen. Whichever I find easier access to.
The guys have been taking their training of me to the fullest! I was attacked by all sides at every opportunity they found. Tanner even got creative last night. He was in the shower with me. When we got out. I dried off and walked into my bedroom. I was picked up and shoved against the wall.
I countered with rubbing my naked ass against his cock. He forgot about training me and rammed into me. We were out of control. When he slammed into me, I was slammed against the wall. The orgasm exploded with fireworks and stars.
This morning I had to use makeup to hide the red marks on my face. A first for me. Tanner felt bad, but I reassured him that I was perfectly fine and don't regret anything that has happened.
We land in neutral territory of Lebanon, and will drive to the compound in Syria, for the dinner party. There will be a mixer before dinner. It will start in five hours. The General timed it just so we wouldn't need a hotel room or to spend more than three hours there. We will spend tonight in Italy. We dress on the plane before loading into the limousine.
The men are dressed in suits and looking very sharp. Tanner is wearing a black jacket, slacks, and tie. His light grey shirt is matched perfectly with his shoes.
I am wearing a light sapphire blouse with dark grey slacks and sapphire shoes. A dark grey jacket completes the outfit. You can barely notice the Kevlar vest that I'm wearing. I know that all of the guys are wearing a vest also. I leave my hair down. Hopefully nobody would see the wire that I'm wearing.
Tanner gives us a last minute run down of how things were supposed to play out. We have all studied the layout of the compound. I know exactly where the kitchen and restroom are located. I have two taps to place. I have a small three shot Derringer tucked in my waistline. Another in my small purse. Both have silencers on them. Both were also made on a three-d printer. Everyone has one. It was my idea, in case they have a scan and won't allow a real gun. I rest my head against the car seat as we travel. I haven't been sleeping very well the last few nights. Of course I couldn't tell Tanner. He would just worry. That can be dangerous. Everyone is quiet, so I fall asleep.
"Wake up nerd! We are almost there." I open my eyes and see that the guys are checking their guns and knives.
"Sorry! I didn't mean to sleep." I tell them.
I sit up and stretch. "No problem, nerd. You needed the rest."
"You know that you can't call her nerd when we are working this assignment." Sanders said.
"I do sir." Tanner replied. He is getting into his 'badass assassin' mode. It will be no more joking or casual attitude until we are safe and away. They all are the same. "Is your vest in place, Beth?"
"Yes sir. It is secured in place." I answer him immediately. I don't want to add to his stress. I know that he hates that I am here.
We arrived at the compound and we were scanned but nobody asked for their guns. We enter and greet our host. I am introduced as the General's daughter. Apparently mommy is ill.
We are there for about a half hour when I amble into the kitchen. I am looking around at the cooking that is going on and listen to the conversation going on. You can learn a lot when they don't suspect that you can understand them. I see a bunch of herbs sitting to the side by themselves. I will check that out in a minute. I hear one of the guards tell the cook to put the herb into the curry soup. I slide my hand out of my pocket and put the tap on the wall under a stand up computer desk while the guard is instructing the cook. I keep my hands behind my back as if I was just curious about the workings of the kitchen. I stroll towards the herbs and barely catch a glimpse of a skull and crossbones before they are snatched away by a guard. "If you want to live another five minutes, you'll leave the kitchen immediately!" He says in Arabic. I act like I don't understand him. I pull out a English to Arabic dictionary. Then start flipping through it. "I said that you should go back to your group. A kitchen is a dangerous place."
"Thank you! Have a good evening." I tell him and he nods at me.
"Get out of there, Beth!" I hear Tanner whisper in my ear.
"Yes sir. I coming." I whisper back. I hear several chuckles. "Shut up guys!" I feel the eyes of the guard on me until I go through the door. "Do not eat anything. They are poisoning the curry soup. I'm headed to the restroom." I still feel eyes on me.
I enter the restroom and immediately pull my jacket off. Then I put the second tap on the bottom side of the toilet. I stand back up as I hear someone messing with the locked door knob. I get behind the door just as it opens. The man from the kitchen, enters the bathroom and shuts the door. I pull my gun from my purse, and aim as he rounds the partial wall that separates the toilet from the rest of the restroom. I see that he has a knife out and ready to cut my life short. He looks around the wall and freezes. "Looking for me?" I ask in Arabic.
He spins around and sees my gun. He steps toward me calling me a coward. I pull the trigger. He is hit in the forehead.
I never saw the man behind me. He grabs a handful of my hair and pulls the wire out of my ear. He flushes it down the toilet. "Drop the toy gun, slut."
I drop the gun. He kicks it under the sink in the opposite corner. I see him raise his knife to stab me. I swing both elbows back and he loses his breath. I spin around as I grab my gun from my waist. I raise the gun as he raises his knife. He brings it down with force. I shoot. The knife slices my arm just under my shoulder.
My bullet hits his shoulder. So I aim again and this time the bullet hits its mark. Straight to the eye. Blood sprays the mirror beside him. I grab a hand towel and wet it to try to clean up some of the blood from my face and arm. Then I remember that slice had given me some shit to stop the bleeding. I get it from my purse and apply it to my arm. I get my gun from the corner, then grab my jacket. I put the jacket on and the gun in the pocket. I make sure that there is no visible blood on me. I wipe a few drops off of my shoes. Then I walk to the door. I check to make sure nobody is close as I lock and close the door. I am walking towards the great hall when I see Demo walking towards me. He looks pissed or upset.
"Where the hell have you been? I've been calling you!" He grabs my arm where the temporary bandage is and I whimper.
"We have to get the fuck outta here! I've been in an altercation. Where your hand is, there's a cut. There is two dead men in the bathroom. Now let's go! I'll explain everything when we are away."
His hands goes from my arm to my waist. "You hear that men? We are out! I have Bethany. Ticket, bring the car! Move it!" Tanner leads me out of the front door.
- In Serial9 Chapters
Death By Crotch
Recovering addict gets killed in crotch-related incident, wakes up in weird fantasy realm teaming with overpowered races with magical cheat panties and a character class that makes him feel deeply ashamed. You know, that old isekai trope...
8 143 - In Serial16 Chapters
Vienna's Game
Seriously I got reincarnated into another world?! In front of my class nonetheless! As a teacher this is ridiculous, but at the same time, I get to stretch my legs again and enjoy my youth again, since I have the body of my young teenage self again, and I'm not afraid to use it! Except now I am stuck as a princess of the country that is nearing political turmoil... Well, I guess it's time to use my knowledge as a World History teacher to save this kingdom from plunging into civil war! As someone who is not from this world and has never learned how to talk back to their superiors, what could possibly go wrong?
8 117 - In Serial9 Chapters
Magic meets Progress
Have you ever imagined what a world full of magic might look like, when it reaches the era of industrial revolution? Have you thought about how people live, when they lose their job to runic machines, producing more, cheaper and faster than they ever could? Follow Myra and Alicia two women living completely different lifes. Alicia is the heir to one of the most powerful families in the kingdom. Myra is an orphan, and one of the few people born without any magical talent. Dire circumstances reveal her special talent. No one knew she possesses it, but everyone wants her for it. What can those two people achieve when they work together? What adventures will they face? How will they deal with the increase of kidnappings? What about the rising tensions in the population caused by the suffering of the masses? And who had Alicia’s grandfather assassinated? This is a fantasy story with magic, placed in the era of industrial revolution.
8 175 - In Serial52 Chapters
Old Version of Trials of Sanity (Dropped for a complete rewrite)
When 23-year-old Leo is suddenly transported to a new dimension filled with horrors, he needs to adapt to survive. Taken from earth together with thousands of others, they must do anything to come out on top. In their new reality, under the all-powerful System, their human limits are no more. Will this newfound power breed cruelty or compassion?Follow his struggle and journey, as he grabs hold of whatever he can only to see another day and another fight. Human nature and morals will be put to the test with each passing moment. When the horrors of the imagination become all too real, the feeble minds of men and women alike are brought to the brink of insanity.If we are the product of our environment and culture, what sort of people will be born of a place filled with violence, nightmares, and horror? Forced to fight for his life, Leo must remain sane. And so does the people around him, if he is ever to survive. Author's note:This is an old version that has been completely dropped in favor of a new and better version. I have learned a lot from written this instance, but I believe the work has been subpar and I can do much better with the story and the premise I have devised. I will be posting the new version on a different page.
8 120 - In Serial56 Chapters
The Invisible Best Friends
Meet Alyssa Bent, she's a nerd. But not your typical one. She likes to read, but her world doesn't totally revolve around books. She's not shy nor does she stutter when someone tries to corner her. She can stand up to anyone provided it doesn't involve attention. Attention is the only thing that scares her, and like always, there's a reason behind it. Maintaining a balance of grades and producing comebacks with sarcasm dripping from each word isn't the only talent she possesses. Enter Aaron Pelt, the most popular boy at Gradient High. Girls fawn over him. Well, who wouldn't? He's the star soccer player, after all. With the looks no less than a model, he has no problem maintaining his status on the social ladder. He maintains a cool aura around him all the time. They both go to Gradient High, a school that is divided into two social groups: the popular ones and the nerds. The popular ones are the wealthy snobs and the nerds are the ones who practically are their slaves.At Gradient High, these two groups can never get along! Like Ever! But who knew that the most popular guy and the nerd would actually be best friends?That's right! Alyssa and Aaron have been best friends since their diaper days. But at school, they are forced not to acknowledge each other's presence because if they did, Aaron's reputation might suffer and Alyssa may be subjected to something she hates the most: attention.While Aaron may not know, the reason why Alyssa hates attention might be even more than she lets him believe. A reason that might even force her to throw away her future dream.So will Aaron be able to break through the walls and push her out even when he has the pressure of popularity and the school status weighing him down?Get ready to expect the unexpected. You might want to change your definition of clichè after reading......#1 Humour- 08.01.16(Cover by: -infinities)*NOT EDITED SO KINDLY BEAR WITH ME!
8 192 - In Serial20 Chapters
Oh Baby
Stevie and Lindsey are finally getting everything they dreamed of. Set in early 80s-ish. Timelines and facts may be fudged a bit, but I chose with whatever I thought went best!!
8 109