The vacation passed in a blur. I'm leaving tomorrow. Tanner has called every other day, text every day. On those between days that Tanner didn't call, either Brantley or Thermo called.
The flight that Tanner had booked was leaving at four p.m. I changed it to an earlier flight. I'm leaving at one- fifteen. I would hate to be late. After all, I'm only following orders not to be late.
This morning dad decided to join me on my walk.
"Are you sure that you don't need more time off? We can get the doctor to say whatever we want." Dad said as we walk down the block.
"I'm fine daddy! I need to get back to work. I'm gonna miss you guys, but you have that weekend get away to Washington. So you can come see me." I reassured him.
"Was that your idea? We always try to guess who's idea of the gifts by where we vacation."
I chuckled. "Nope! That was my brothers idea. They did a good job of it this year." I laugh at the look of surprise on daddy's face. "Seriously, dad. All I did was ask what they were thinking. I was ready for the annual argument. I got to save my breath this year. I'm so proud of them. Our boys are growing up!"
"Yeah, amazing isn't it?!" I could tell that he was recovering from the shock. We talk about a variety of things as we walk for an hour.
We return home just as the boys are getting up. I cook breakfast for everyone and dad takes mom, breakfast in bed. We tell him that we are going to meet up with a couple friends. That will let them have some alone time. Especially since both brothers have dropped the bombshell of them transferring college to closer to home. They are now living back at home with mom and dad.
We have a quiet night at home for my last night here. Well it wasn't so quiet. We play Sorry, which I won. Then they want revenge by playing Monopoly. We finally called a tie at two in the morning.
"Baby, I have to go to the office. Sherri is working. I'm sorry, but you have to bum a ride to the airport with the boys. Are you ok with that?" Dad asked as he stands in the door to my room.
"Of course, daddy! You be careful and I'll call when I land." I go to him and hug him tightly. "I love you most, dad. Always and forever!"
"I love you most, baby! You be careful and come home soon." We kissed each other's cheek. "Always stay safe. That's an order! Now I have to go."
"I will!" I watch him get into his car and drive away. Then I realized that the boys were both still asleep. I get to wake them up! Yay! I put my stereo speakers in the doorways of their rooms. Then I blast heavy metal at full volume. I laugh when I hear both of them fall out of bed.
"They both shouted. I turn off the music and run as they both chase me around the entire house. I run and jump onto the sofa and put my feet on the coffee table as the boys catch up.
"Which one of you will be taking me to the airport? Dad is working. We need to leave in ten minutes." I ask with an innocent smile.
"You little shit!" Braden said in a disgusted voice.
"All you had to do was wake us up." Jaden added.
"I did! Both at the same time. You even got in a little exercise."
"We mean by shaking our shoulders or just calling our names. with that shit blaring through the speakers!" Jaden said irritated.
"Oh! Sorry, little brothers. I'll have to remember that next time. Forgive me?" I finish with a pout.
"Asswipe!" They both replied before hugging me. They went to dress and we left in time to beat rush hour traffic.
I get on the plane and text dad, mom, and Tanner.
Tanner was waiting for me when I walked out of the airport. He put my bag into his back seat. "I could have sworn that I booked a later flight. I must be losing my memory."
"You did, but I was told not to be late. So I changed to an earlier flight. And I'm not late." I reply with a huge smile as I text dad and mom that I made it safely.
Tanner laughed at me as he drove away from the airport. "I like that you can adapt to the situations. The reason that you were chosen though is because you are very thorough with everything that you do. Whether it is business or personal. You are dedicated to getting the job done right the first time. That is exactly what we need. We are a family. We have to have faith and trust in our team members. Thermo and Decker are amazed by you. Not to mention Granger. You'll meet everyone this week. Any questions?" He asked as he pulled up at a red light.
"Why did I have to move to be on the team?"
"Because the barracks have ears and eyes every where. We need security." Tanner looked at me. "Are you hungry?" I nod and he turns at the next light.
"Who do I report to if you are unavailable?"
"I will never be unavailable. You report to me first and foremost. I may tell you to go to someone else. But I'm always first."
"Got it! Have you found a good smart car? For Thermo."
"No. I haven't been able to look very much."
"How is your dad?" I ask. His dad had a heart attack just after Christmas. Thankfully, Tanner had been home with them at the time.
"He is getting stronger every day. When I'm home, we walk a couple times a day. Mom and Chris have started joining him on his walks so he does what he is supposed to. It doesn't stop him from trying to get out of it though." I secretly love his deep voice and even deeper laugh.
Tanner pulls into a parking spot beside a Mexican restaurant. I look at the sign then Tanner. He grins and steps out of his truck. "You remembered my favorite food!" I say as I join him in front of the truck.
"You better believe I did!" He smiles and opens the door for me. "I'm working on brownie points." We are seated and ordered drinks. "So, is it working?"
"Oh most definitely! Food is my weakness. Good food is my kryptonite! Great food might get you anything you want." I said without thinking.
Tanner laughed. "I will definitely remember that." Our drinks came and we ordered our meals. His phone rang and he answers it. "Hey, Thermo, what's up?" He winked at me.
"I'm at Momma Tia's about to eat lunch."
"When did that happen? Warner shouldn't have access to those files. That is none of his business."
I can tell that this was serious shit. Tanner is tense. His fist is balled up on the table. I put my hand on his fist. He starts relaxing his muscles to unfurl his fingers. His eyes raise to mine. I motion for him to take a deep breath. He does. He relaxes further.
"I'll get Granger on it."
"Alright, later."
"What? No, I've already picked her up. She caught an earlier flight. Apparently, she didn't want to be late." He chuckled.
He hung up and looked me. "Thank you. We are having a breech of security at the office."
"Do we need to go?" I ask him. I mean, it is serious.
"No, we will block him for now then set a trap." He calls Granger. Then explained what was happening.
As he was on the phone I caught movement out of the corner of my eye. I look toward the door and see Thermo and Decker walking towards us with shit- eating grins on their faces. I got Tanner's attention and motioned toward the invaders.
Tanner chuckled. "Figures that they would be here."
"Hey! Fancy meeting you guys here!" Thermo says instantly sitting to my right and Decker to my left.
"As if you didn't know that we were here. I talked to you just a few minutes ago. Don't think that I'm buying your lunch. I didn't invite you." Tanner said with a serious face.
"Why keep the nerd all to yourself?" Decker asked.
"We were just getting lunch as he was driving me home from the airport. It's not as if we are on a date. Get over it guys." I told them as the waitress brought our food. Then she took their orders.
"Their food is separate from ours." Tanner told her. She nodded then left.
Tanner and I started eating. Thermo tried to steal a strip of fajita chicken from my plate. I threatened to stab him in his hand.
"Wow! Someone is hangry!"
"Mess with my food, get stabbed. It is that simple."
The waitress soon returned with his food. Tanner's phone rang again as we were finished eating. "So its done?"
"Did he find anything?"
"Good! Thanks for your quick work. Later." He hung up and told the guys about the breach. "Granger said that nothing was compromised. So we should be good."
"Did he check the firewall security? How far did Warner get?" I ask Tanner.
The confident man is looking awfully confused right now. I almost laugh. "I have no fuckin idea what you are talking about."
"Can you ask Granger? Warner is smart enough to try again if he has found a way through. If it isn't fixed, he can try again." My boss and coworkers still look so confused. "Let's eat then leave so we can talk more securely. I will talk to Granger." They all relaxed and I chuckled.
They asked about the rest of my vacation. "So it was quite boring after we left! Good to know!'' Decker said causing the others to laugh.
"Just about. Of course there was my brothers and parents. Not to mention Christmas. My brothers and I always get the parents a weekend trip. This year they are coming to Washington. So they will come here in June."
We soon left and met up with Granger at the office. "Nice to finally meet you Adamson." The tall, blonde man said.
"Nice to meet you also." Are all my new coworkers tall and muscled? We get down to business and found that Warner is working with Cameron, the code analyst that the team has worked with several times. Including the fatal trip last year.
"Alright, let's leave this for now. We have changed the codes and portals. So Cameron can't get in. We will take more actions tomorrow." Granger said.
"Agreed! I still have to show Adamson where she's living." Tanner added.
"And where is that?" Thermo asked.
"Grand Village apartments. Number 2743. Don't make yourself a nuisance." Tanner told them.
"We also need to put her on the phone list." Granger replied. I gave him my number. They explained about the phone list.
Tanner gave me a phone that had a couple numbers. "I've added everyone's numbers and the group number. We use these phones when dealing with work. These phones are secure."
"Nobody gets the numbers. When someone calls you, it will show up as a two digit number and a letter."
"Gotcha! Anything else?"
"Nothing that can't wait. Welcome to the unit?" He hugged me.
"Why did you hug her? We don't hug." Thermo said.
Granger laughed. "I wouldn't hug you, but Adamson is a good looking woman." He grinned at me.
"Well if you hug one, you have to hug all of us." Thermo chuckled.
Granger looked around at the group. He man hugged Tanner, then Decker. When he got to Thermo, there was a mischievous look on his face. I knew something was about to happen. Thermo opened his arms with a smirk on his face. Granger went in for the man hug. As Thermo closed his arms, Granger licked Thermo's ear and bit it.
We all laughed as Thermo shoved Granger away from him and wiped his ear. "You nasty fucker!"
"Teach you to ask me for a hug!" Granger was laughing so hard, he doubled over. We all were, except for Thermo.
After a few minutes we all separate and go home. Tanner tells me about my new apartment. He walks me to my door. Then he tells me the security code.
"Did you get my truck moved too?" I ask as I'm exploring the apartment.
"Yes, it is in the garage." He pointed to the window. I look out and see the garage with the apartment number on it.
"Great! Is this furniture rented? Or does it come with the apartment?"
The sofa and two chairs are light brown microfiber. The end tables and coffee table are oak and glass. There is a small dining table of the same oak with four chairs. The bedroom holds a full size bed with a black headboard. The nightstands and dresser match. The bed has a white comforter on it.
"I actually rented everything. It's your furniture for three months. Then you can decide if you want to keep it or whatever. I just had a salesperson pick it all out."
"That was very thoughtful. Thank you! I like the furniture except...maybe the bedroom. It is a little dark for my taste. I'm sorry."
"No problem! It's way too dark for me. Mine is pine. So its light brown." He grinned at me. Man! He is so fuckin sexy! So thoughtful too! The fridge is full of cokes and beer. Beer?!
"What is the beer for? I don't drink beer."
He smirked. "Why thank you, nerd! I would love a beer!" He laughed as I got him a beer.
We talked for a few more hours and ordered Chinese delivery.
Life consists of me getting into my new job. They had decided to forgo the torture session to welcome me into the unit. Apparently nobody wanted to beat the tiny female who was shot by a dumbass crackhead.
I also realized that I was falling in love with Tanner!
He is every bit of what I want in a husband. But I can't have him. Tanner is my c.o. and that is forbidden. We could both get a dishonorable discharge for that. I won't risk it!
We spend a weekend day every week, as a group of friends. Usually at Tanner's lake house. It is beautiful! A two story, four bedroom, five bathroom, log cabin. Even the kitchen is huge! I have learned that Decker and Granger are proficient in the kitchen. They help me cook for everyone. Tanner, Thermo, Slider, and Ticket, wash the dishes. We all pitch in for groceries.
I am sitting on the dock, in my own little world. Its almost time to head home.
My phone rings. "Hey dad! How are you?" I try to sound chipper. I apparently failed.
"Hi baby! What is wrong? And don't say 'nothing'. I hear it in your voice. Even though you tried to hide it. Now spill!" I hear the concern in his voice.
I look around me and see nobody close by. Tanner is on the deck drinking his coffee. "I'm in love with a man that I can't have." I admit.
"So you are in love with Tanner. I was afraid that would happen." He wasn't surprised.
"What do I do, dad? I can't have him because it would be a dishonorable. But I work closely with him every day."
"Not just a dishonorable for you, but him too. How does he feel about you?" He asked.
"Other than being friends and head of our team? I don't know. We spend a lot of time working and talking. He's the greatest! I'm just so confused."
"The simple answer for this is... there isn't one. If you act on your attraction, he may not feel the same. Or he might be, but if you are caught it's automatically dishonorable for both of you."
"I can't do that to him. I will just deal with this in my own head."
He sighed heavily. "I wish there was something that I could do to help you, baby. I feel so useless sometimes."
Great! Now I have depressed my dad! "You are a wonderful dad! Don't ever doubt that! I love you most, dad! I feel better just by talking to you. You always get my head straight."
"Thanks, baby! I love you most! Now I need to get back to work. Be safe, baby."
"Dad, why did you call? We started talking about me."
"Just wanted to hear your voice." I hear the smile in his voice.
"You're the best dad in the world! I'm so lucky to have you. Be safe, dad."
"I will, baby! Later."
"Bye, daddy!" We hung up and I took a deep breath and released it. I just have deal with my heart and keep my head on straight! I am even more determined to do the right thing.
I hear Tanner yell my name. I turn to see what he wanted. All I see is black clouds. They were moving fast towards us.
I start running for the house. About half way there, the bottom falls out and I'm instantly drenched in a cold rain. The wind is whipping my hair around and blinding me. I finally reach the porch and watch it rain for a few moments.
Tanner hands me a towel that had been hanging on the railing to dry. "Thank you! That rain is a little chilly."
"You should wrap the towel around you. Decker and Thermo would have a blast with you right now." His eyes finally met mine. He had been staring at my chest.
I look down. Oh holy shit! I have on a skimpy, white lace bra and a thin, white t-shirt. Neither are hiding anything now that I'm soaked.
I feel a blush flooding my cheeks. "Can't have them seeing what I have. Fuckin pervs! Thanks for the warning, Tanner."
"You're welcome, nerd!" His voice had deepened. Damn that is sexier than anything that I have ever heard in my life!
"Are we all set for the trap tomorrow?" Thermo asked as we enter the living room.
"We are! All we have to do is wait on him to give the go ahead message and nail his ass to the wall." I reply.
"You gonna be able to keep your act going?" Decker asked me.
"No problem! I'll just ignore him like I do every other day."
Tanner came in carrying a dark blue t-shirt. "Go put this on." He handed me the shirt and I went to the bathroom to do as I was told. The rain stopped and I left within an hour. The guys were all staying at the lake house until this thing with Cameron is done. Word was they were in Syria.
- In Serial12 Chapters
A Friendly Voidling
When a Creature of the Void fails to find friendship among her own kind, she instead sets her sights upon another, human-filled world. Unfortunately, humans turn out to be rather small and squishy things, resulting in a mostly accidental trail of death, destruction and madness as she embarks on her journey to finally make some friends. This is a 25k word inane short story, and makes no attempt at being serious or realistic. It's my first attempt at trying a more comedic writing style. No relation to my other stories, aside from a brief cameo. Cover bodged together with Charat Genesis. Not quite the design I had in mind, but reasonably close. Doesn't contain explicit smut, but does contain references to stuff happening off-screen. May contain traces of gore. Also eels, in varying states of distress. Posted here and scribblehub.
8 163 - In Serial128 Chapters
Unfamiliar Faces(Completed)
Live a long enough life and boredom becomes the enemy. Live a strange enough life and you start to crave a little more normalcy. Old Monty has been around for quite a while. Long enough for all his enemies to have either died off or gotten over whatever they were mad about. Long enough for all his friends to have either moved on or moved up to higher planes of existence. For eons he slept, unbothered, unprovoked, unremembered. Now a whole new life is knocking at his door. A whole new adventure as the familiar of an intrepid but callow young mage. Can a immortal lord of the void lower himself to being a mortal's partner-in-crime? Yes. Will there be some good stupid fun along the way? There better be...Or the whole world might be in trouble.
8 188 - In Serial17 Chapters
72 Hours
A crew of 5 aboard a spaceship bound for home.With 72 hours until earth, the crew receives their final message: "We are very sorry to hear about the death of your crewmate. Their name shall be recorded in our halls, rest assured, and they will get proper respect.” Together, ALL 5 receive the message. A lot can happen in 72 Hours... * * * Hey guys, new author here. I plan to release 1-2 chapters a week, and I'd welcome any feedback you could give me! And sorry about the size of the first few chapters- my word length will try not to go below at least 2k after chapter 2!
8 146 - In Serial43 Chapters
The Rocky Shore
This is a LitRPG series. Every story you read here takes place in the same virtual world, with the same rules and limitations. Characters will travel, explore vast and dangerous realms, overcome obstacles, meet one another, enter into conflicts with one another, forge alliances, make horrible mistakes, and occasionally just die. A technological singularity has been achieved, and humanity has been trapped in a virtual world by a super-intelligent, self-improving artificial intelligence. This program is not malicious at all. In fact, it desires nothing except the happiness and fulfillment of every human it has copied into itself. If its decisions seem strange to you, that's only because its reasoning is far beyond ours. It recognizes that humans cannot be happy without enemies to overcome and goals to achieve, as well as the possibility of failure and death. The world it has created may be heaven or hell, depending on the free choices of the people it contains. The non-player characters who live in this realm have no idea that they are part of a vast computer system. They seem real enough, but there is no way to tell if they are truly self-aware. Even the system that created them isn't certain. This is world in which all the things that humans are used to dealing with in the abstract: skills, talents, knowledge, reputation, social status, morality, even love, exist as readable statistics that players can see and interact with objectively. This has many curious and complex effects on how people perceive themselves and the world around them. A few quick notes on the system: -Death is permanent -The system interface can only be accessed at certain locations. -Magic of diverse kinds is available and useful, but is not a good substitute for skills, physicallity, or mental prowess. Non-magical characters are common and competitive. -There is no inventory system. Characters must physically carry everything they wish to have on their person. -Healing is slow and difficult. Magical Healing is all but unheard of. Protagonists: Raymond Garrison- A man in his late twenties who used to work as a forklift operator in Idaho. His path leads him to work as a mercenary, protecting a small community of humans and goblins from the Seelie Fae who wish to exterminate them. Patricia Chandler- A elderly British woman who arrives in this new world with her grandson Kyle and her granddaughter Elizabeth. Never having dealt with rpg game mechanics before, she is in for a rough time, but she is determined to keep her grandkids alive in a world full of danger and evil. Jamil Mesbah- An Egyptian woman who once worked as a technical writer. Her path leads into a vast and hostile forest, where she must master both her magical abilities and her survival skills in order to succeed. Enjoy your travels, friends.
8 178 - In Serial12 Chapters
In this life, I will live peacefully
One morning I woke up in an unfamiliar body. How did I end up as some swordsman noble lady? Excellent question; I have no idea. But now that i have money, power and a stable job as the duchess of a nice piece of land, I sure as heck am not going to get back. What's that? Mercenaries are creating monsters with alchemy to insure their jobs won't disappear? The prince of a neighboring kingdom has sent me five marriage proposals this month alone? The Church which I am supposed to represent is running a propaganda campaign against demi-humans? Well, the least I can do is to fix things around my fief. Oh, and just in case anyone decided to go against me, I'll form an alliance with the crafter's guild, and start working on some semblance of modern artillery. Stay tuned, this story is getting re-written. Cover by HWPerfidy
8 146 - In Serial9 Chapters
Secret || Darlentina ff
Wherein Regina has a girlfriend and her friends doesn't know about it, and her girlfriend name is narda, what if their friend finds out that there is something with them?- a lots of grammatical errors and typos so sorry abt that-taglish
8 88