Three years later***
"Hey, Adamson! You are wanted by Captain Warner! ASAP!"
"Thanks, Buckley! I'm on it!" Corporal Buckley went back to his post as I make a u-turn and head for my commanding officer's office.
I stand at attention outside his door until I'm told to enter. I step inside and continue the proper stand until told to be at ease. Warner is a known hard ass. He won't let me be at ease. It's an ego boost for him. A common assumption is that he is trying to make up for his stature. I call it 'little man syndrome'. I can't stand the chauvenstic prick! He's the reason the I'm not re-enlisting if I can't get transferred.
He leaves me standing there for twenty minutes before saying a word. "It has come to my attention that you were in a fight when you went home."
"Sir, I have not been home in over a year. There were no fights when I went home last."
"I'm talking about your first trip home. Three years ago. Explain to me why I should not give you a dishonorable discharge."
"Sir, that male called me and threatened to kick my ass. He likes to abuse women. It was my duty to women to show him that he can't beat all of them. Quite frankly, it wasn't really a fight."
I feel a presence behind me. If I turn, I will be in trouble. Serious trouble! So I stand at attention. "I want the details."
"My little brother called me. He was wanting advice. His girlfriend had told him that she was pregnant. He said that he always used protection because he didn't want a baby while he's in high school. He asked me what to do. I told him that I will check into it. I called her and a male answers. She was in the shower. I heard him tell her that she was needed on the phone. That it may be about their baby. She got out of the shower and decided to kiss him before taking my call. I informed her of who I was and that she was busted for cheating on my brother. She hung up. I called my brother and reported my conversation with her and her lover. We hung up when she called him. A little while later I get a call from her phone and it was her baby's father. He said that he wished that I was there so he could kick my ass. The following weekend I granted his wish. I called him from the airport and told him where to meet me. My brothers picked me up and we went to the abandoned mine.
I made my brothers stay out of it. The male brought the girlfriend along with him. She had a black eye. The male got into his stance, with his fists up. I circled him. He opened his mouth and started to speak. I threw a throat punch. He ran at me, like a dumbass." I paused as I realized that was NOT the way to talk to my superior. "Apologies, sir. He ran at me and I side step. I bring up my knee to his gut. He went down face first. I gave him two options. Get up and drive away. Or I start fighting him for real. He got up and left. I went home to my family." I stopped talking and waited on the next question. It took a while.
"You went through the code breaking quickly. How many languages do you know now?"
"Eight, sir."
"Name them!" Came from behind me.
"English, Spanish, German, Arabic, French, Russian, Portuguese, and Chinese. I'm currently working on Korean."
"Why those languages?" Came from behind me again.
"Spanish and French I learned in high school. Arabic, Chinese, Korean, and Russian, because I see them as crucial in being knowledgeable on what they are, or may be, doing against America. Portuguese just because it was there."
"How did you learn so many?"
"On my computer. After I get off work, I spend an hour or two learning."
"Why did you join the Army? Why not college? That's where nerds go."
"I was supposed to go to Texas A&M. My step-father and mother were supposed to pay for half. A few days before I was to sign, they changed their minds. I couldn't get the funds that I needed. So I joined the Army to get the knowledge that I wanted and needed."
"Why don't you talk to your mother?"
"She betrayed me and my father. She doesn't want anything to do with me unless she gets monetary gain from it to support herself, her husband, my brother and sister."
"Why do you want to help on missions?"
"To help support, protect, and defend my country against all enemies."
He chuckled. "Did you remember that from your swearing in? Why do you want to do missions?"
"Because I want to bring down those terrorists who think to invade upon my liberties and freedoms. I work my ass off to protect my family and the innocent citizens of the greatest country in the world."
"What about the ones who aren't so innocent?"
"They can protect themselves."
"Why did you call the guy you told us about, a male, instead of a man?"
"Anyone with a dick can be a male. A man does not hit women or children." I realized my wording. "Pardon the language."
Nobody spoke for a few minutes as I stood there at attention.
"Hypothetical situation. We received word that a group of men are starting to leak into the states to start up an Isis pocket. We need to infiltrate the pocket. How would you do that?"
I thought for a moment. "Hypothetically, I would research their movements. Find out where they go, what they do, who they associate with. Then when a habit is spotted, I would be in that place. Make a few quiet disparaging comments about America. That will catch their attention. Over the next several times they will get closer. As I get more comfortable, I'd let my true feelings show. My hatred for America will draw them in, make them more comfortable with telling me more. When I have enough evidence against them, I will turn it in." I paused a moment, then added. "And smile my ass off as they get dealt with."
"Lets say they are Pakistan natives. Would you let them know that you can understand their language?"
"You sound sure of your answer. Why not tell them?"
"They will feel as if they can talk more freely, if they think that I don't understand a word they say. Let things slip about movements and operations. Maybe even some contacts and connections. We could take out more terrorists."
The voice from behind starts appearing at my side. Then in front of me. He is tall, about six feet four inches tall. Muscular enough to fill out his black t-shirt. His light brown hair is cut in the normal 'high and tight' military style. He has a tattoo on his left bicep of a long stem black rose.
"That is smart thinking. You are on vacation leave for a month starting in the morning when I take you to the airport. When you get back, you will report to me. Tell your family that everything is normal. And you will not say a word to anyone outside our unit about what we do. You'll be the only woman on our team. If you make it that far. While you are with your family, we will move you to your new apartment. I will pick you up from the airport and take you to your place. Any questions?"
"Who is doing the packing? I don't want a bunch of people looking at my underwear." He grinned.
"We will pack you up. You pack whatever you don't want us to."
"What do I call you?"
"What time is my flight?"
"Six hundred twenty."
"I will be ready."
"I know you will. That was your first order. When I give an order, it is carried out. Or I eliminate the one who goes against my orders. At ease, soldier." I relax my stance for the first time in over an hour. "The guys will give you hell until you prove yourself. If you do, they will have your back through hell. Now go home and pack for your trip home."
"Yes, sir. Thank you for this opportunity. I will try my best to make you proud."
"Just try your best to survive! Dismissed."
I salute and leave. I get to my barrack and pack. I grab a box and pack my underwear and bras. In that box I add a lockbox that includes my passport, social security card, birth certificate, and other important documents. I think about calling my family to tell them that I'm on my way. I decide to just call as I normally would for a chat.
Dad answers his phone. "Hey, baby!"
"Hi, dad! How are you?" Tears threaten to spill.
"I'm missing my baby, terribly! How are you?" His voice quietens. As if he knows that I'm fighting tears. He is ready to listen to any problems that I might talk about.
"I'm still making it. Working every day and making sure that I follow orders." I chuckled with him. "You know how it is."
"I do. Keep your weapons clean and your head and ass down."
"Don't forget about keep your boots shined!" Dad laughed. "It is great to hear you laugh, dad. I miss you guys like crazy!"
"We miss you too, baby! Can't wait until you can come home." He paused. "Do you know when that will be? It would be nice to have you home for Christmas."
"I'll be there soon."
"I feel like I'm pressuring you. I'm sorry, baby. I know how it is. You get wrapped up in work and try to forget about how much you miss your family. I get it. I've been on your end of it. I know now what my parents went through."
"I'm sorry, daddy! I don't realize that I'm doing that, until it is a call home that makes me face it." The tears flow.
"Hey! What's with the tears? Nobody is blaming you. I promise! We all love you." He says soothingly.
"I love you too, dad! I miss you guys so much!" We continue chatting for an hour. Everyone got in on the conversation. My brothers are home for the Christmas break from college. So when I get home they will all be there.
I go to bed with a smile on my face. I'm going home tomorrow! My bags are packed and by the door. My alarm is set for three a.m. and I will be ready for Demo when he shows up.
My alarm sounds and I jump in the shower. After a quick shower I dress in civilian clothes. At four, I grab my bags and phone. I go downstairs to wait on Demo to show.
At four- thirty-five, Demo pulls up. He text me. This is demo. You have two minutes to get out here.
I walk out of the door with my bags. He unlocks the door without getting out. I open the back door to put my bags in. I notice another man in the front passenger seat. So I climb in beside my bags.
"We thought that you would be still asleep. This is Thermo. Thermo, this is Specialist Bethany Adamson."
"Why do you want to go on missions?" Thermo asks.
"To protect innocent people."
He looks at Demo. "Only the innocent?"
"Ask her. It was her answer."
Thermo turned in his seat. "Answer."
"The not so innocent can take care of themselves. I want to rid the world of those who want to rule over the weak with tyranny."
"What will your family think about you being overseas?"
"They won't know. They already worry too much."
"Then why has it been a year since you went home?"
"Things seem to come up when I plan a trip home."
"Like Warner canceling my leave just before my flight. Usually as I am packed and about to head for the airport."
"That's what I figured. That man needs to quit trying to over compensate." Demo replied.
"What do you expect? Little men have little dicks. They have to make up for it by throwing their weight around." Thermo added. I laughed.
He raised an eyebrow. "I call it little man syndrome."
They both chuckled. "Does your family know you're coming home?" Demo asked.
"No. I decided not to tell them, but to surprise them."
"What do your parents do?"
"Dad is a homicide detective. My step-mom is a nurse."
"What about your mom?"
"She lives off the work of other people as she sleeps around with just about anyone who offers."
"Wow! Brothers or sisters?"
"I have a half brother, a half sister, and two step-brothers. My steps are in college. My half brother and sister quit school and work in fast food. My step-father worked at a factory before going back to prison for drugs."
"Why are you being considered for our team?"
"Because I'm a nerd?"
Thermo looked at Demo. "Name the languages that you know." I did. "How quickly did you crack that code last week? The one that Warner gave you personally."
"About four hours. He said that I was wrong so I checked it again. I wasn't wrong."
Both men were silent for another moment. We were a few miles from the airport. "Did you get your underwear packed?" Demo asked with a laugh.
"I did." I reply with a smile. "I actually got everything packed last night. Most of my clothes are hanging up so I left them like that."
"Give me your key. We'll turn it in when we get you moved."
I handed Demo the key. "Here's your ticket confirmation. Don't be late coming back. That is an automatic dismissal."
"I'm never late to anything. I'll be on time unless the flight is delayed."
"No excuses!" Demo asserted.
"Yes sir!" We stopped at the curb of the airport. "Thanks for the ride." I get out and grab my bags.
"Keep your phone on you at all times." Thermo told me. "No more of the 'yes sir' in public."
"Gotcha!" I replied.
"See you in a month, nerd." Demo said as he drove away. I enter the airport, got my ticket and checked a bag in.
Damn! He dropped me off on the exact opposite end of the airport. I have forty minutes to get to the right terminal. I go through security and speed walk through twenty-five terminals. I start to sit my bag down when they start calling for the passengers to board. I swear that I feel like I'm being watched. I look around, but don't see anyone watching me. Until I see a familiar profile of Thermo. My phone buzzes. I check it and see that it is Demo. I look up and see Thermo walking away. "Hello?"
"Did you make it to the right terminal?" He asked.
"You mean that you haven't asked your passenger? I just saw him."
Demo laughed. "Well I guess you passed another test. Glad that you made it. Enjoy your trip." He hung up.
I looked up and saw Thermo looking at me with a grin. I grinned back and waved. I boarded my flight. Still hoping that this wasn't a joke or another test. That they won't pull me off the plane and tell me that the trip was canceled.
Within a half hour, we were taxing down the tarmac. It was really happening! I am going home to see my family! I occupy myself for the remainder of the flight. When I land, I check my phone for messages. None. Good!
As I am walking to baggage claim, my phone rings. Unknown. "Hello?"
"Hey, nerd! How was your flight?" Thermo asks.
"It was uneventful."
"Good! I just called to let you know that you have a rental car reserved. It is under your real name, not nerd."
"Oh! That is so sweet of you to put it under Bethany and not nerd." I reply sarcastically.
Thermo chuckled. "You should thank Demo. I was going to put it under nerd Adamson. Demo slashed that idea."
I laughed. "You are hilarious! It isn't my fault that I know more than you."
"About what?" He asked offensively.
He laughed again. "We'll see about that. Have fun. You'll need those memories when you get back." He hung up.
I grabbed my bag and headed for the car rental.
That asshole! He reserved a tiny, powder blue smart car! "Is there any way that I can change the car in for something a little bigger?"
"Are you not happy with the car?" The salesman asked.
"I'm sure the car is awesome! But it was meant as a joke for me. My car at home is actually a pickup. A friend reserved this as a joke."
"Of course, let's get you something a little more your taste."
"Thank you!" I drove away from the airport in a jeep. I sent a picture of me standing beside the smart car, to Thermo.
I get to dad's house as they should be sitting down to lunch. I let myself in and saw them in the dining room.
Jaden saw me first. He stood and ran to me. I barely had time to drop my bags before he scooped me into his arms. The hug was what I needed. "Hello little brother!" I was crying. So was he.
"Give over!" Dad said suddenly. I am taken away from Jaden and hugged by daddy. Then mom and Braden.
The questions started. "Why didn't you tell me that you were coming home? I would have picked you up!" Dad asks.
"It was a surprise! I didn't even know until yesterday. Then I hoped and prayed for it not to be like the last several times and get canceled."
"Understandable! How long are you here for?" Mom asked.
"A month. If things work out with work and y'all don't mind."
"You can stay as long as you want. You are always welcome at home."
"So does that mean that we can go to the club? We have never done that!"
"Yeah! We need to party together! We're all legal age now."
"Not for another two months, little brothers! Nice try though."
"Damn!" They both said.
Dad, mom, and I laughed. We ate the meatloaf, potatoes, carrots, and baked beans.
"I have really missed your cooking, mom. You're awesome!" I tried helping with the dishes, but she refused to let me.
- In Serial135 Chapters
Last Flight of the Raven
„Some people live lives with narrative weight. A story woven into the possibilities of everything they do or say. A princess in a golden cage. A baker swept away by circumstance. A father challenged, a mother desperate or a son lost. Twice – Born are those who lived a life of narrative weight and died a death worth telling. Just to do it all over again, for the gods enjoy a good story as much as everyone else. And they want more. Always more.“ - Dio, the Mad King Rather than being thrown to his death by the hands of the demons of the Wyld, eternal foes of his empire, a young man takes his last free choice. The choice to die defiant of the wishes of his enemies, to die on his own accord and to jump. His last desperate act of freedom catches the eye of the gods and so he is reborn as a Twice-Born of the Wanderer, his patron a boundless spirit of freedom. A second life to survive the hell he had jumped down into. A second life to carve a new path to freedom from the depths and darkness. A path to freedom for the lost, forsaken and shackled. A second life for himself in a world he doesnt know anymore. For the Wyld has won and the old ways are gone. He enters the dark tunnels with nothing but a faint hope and the powers of the Twice-Born: to manipulate the class system and tailor to his needs what he thought was destiny. Light on the LitRPG elements. Book 2 will feature heavy kingdom building. I am not a native speaker and try to learn and improve. Please correct me when I'm wrong!
8 200 - In Serial17 Chapters
Sanctuary Within Entropy
After experiencing a cataclysmic event that had befallen three universe's including his own for a wish from one who refers to himself as God, Zenith who considered himself as an Apex being, discovered that words such as Existence, Reality, Universe are still too insignificant to describe just how enormous the entirety of things he had yet to see was. His journey to discover the new secrets regarding his body after rebirth and discovery that a wish from God is not all it seems to be will lead to even more questions that await an answer.
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Deity of carnage - Unholy Kingdom
Book 2 has started: Without body, withouth strenght. How do you fight the strong when you are nothing? Will Keeper survive the ordeals ahead of himself to finaly come out on the top? And become the greatest calamity Terra has ever seen! Authors note: Hello guys, some heads up. Not native in English and got dyslexia. Fret not I atleast have autocorrect. So, I hope its readable for you guys and girls out there. Hope you enjoy :) I will release ones a month optimally.
8 167 - In Serial64 Chapters
the ability to understand and share the feelings of anotherJasper Hale x OC
8 186 - In Serial87 Chapters
Bakugou Katsuki x reader one shots
Requests are always opens. Message me the details.
8 103 - In Serial50 Chapters
[BHTT] Thôi Miên Trên Đầu Lưỡi - Diệp Sáp !!!
Tên gốc: 舌尖上的催眠 Tác giả: Diệp Sáp - 葉澀.Thể loại: đô thị tình duyên, mưa dầm thấm lâu, tình hữu độc chung, báo thù ngược ngẫuTình trạng bản raw: Hoàn (50 chương: 49 chương + 1 chương ngoại truyện về Hạ Dĩnh)Nhân vật chính: Trầm Thước Hi-Hạ NhânNhân vật phụ: Hạ Dĩnh, Tống Niên Niên, Tiêu Bảo BốiVăn án: Một nhà tâm lý chững chạc có thể đoán hết tâm tư bệnh nhân gặp gỡ một nữ nhân xấu xa, xảo quyệt như hồ ly.Trốn không khỏi vận mệnh.Thứ thôi miên không phải là lòng người, mà chính là tình yêu, là dục vọng cuối cùng, chính là đầu lưỡi.------------**Nguồn: https://wtulip01.wordpress.com/2016/09/10/dau-luoi-thuong-thoi-mien-diep-sap/!! LƯU Ý !!-TRUYỆN NÀY LÀ REUP. -Tôi lưu lại để dễ xem và tiện cho việc tìm kiếm khi bản thân muốn xem lại .
8 198