《His Luh' Baby (Urban)》16•


Chapter 16

SeniaMarie Milano

Right now Tae was at school and Rah was in the room watching tv. I had just dropped Tae off to school and came home to pre season the oxtails that they had gotten the other day to cook for when I get home after work.

Rah had some boxes packed, nothing too extra since it was only mid October. He was at the shops less and we were somewhat spending more time together lately which I have to say I was really enjoying.

I just loved the fact that he was making everything about me, no excuses no backups, everything was just straight forward.

"Nia." I heard him call me from the room, sighing I cleaned off the kitchen counter and walked down the hall.

"What?" I asked reaching the room door as I looked over to the bed and saw that he had a few band of money neatly stacked. I looked at him and saw that he'd had my phone in his hand as if he were going through it.

"What're you doing?" I asked confused but he didn't pay me any mind, we've never been the type to go through each other's phones so the fact that he was doing this completely threw me off.

"The fuck is this?" He asked throwing the phone on the bed and I walked over to pick it up.

'The Medical Centre Clinic'

Reading over it I had realized this was the email that I was supposed to receive that was for Tracey. I looked up at him and saw as anger flushed his face as he started making his way over to me.

"Rah listen...it's not mine." I said causing him to furrow his brows.

"Then why that shit in your phone Nia?" He shot back stopping in his tracks.

"You really got me for some fuckin' goofy yo' I swear I-"

"Rahmik it's not mine so can you just stop it." I said turning to walk out the room but before I could he grabbed me by my arm pulling me into him.


"The fuck I'm pose' to just take yo word on shit Nia? Bro...." He said letting out a low chuckle and I was honestly beginning to get scared.

"Nia we been fuckin' now two years straight. I ain't never strapped up with you and I been bussin' in you almost every time you tryna tell me not shit happened once?" He asked and but body immediately got weak.

"What- I -you. Are you serious Rahmik?" I asked as he stared down at me looking me straight in my eyes I saw him at this point being so vulnerable that I knew that he'd believe his own assumptions.

"Man I'm really not tryna' believe what I think man." He said sternly and that right there broke me.

"I've never gotten pregnant. And if I did that wouldn't have been my first resort." I said as the tears build up and his grip on my arm loosened.

"It's really amazing how you'd think I'd do something like that without even saying anything to you. I'm not that cruel of a person Rahmik. I'm not you." I said pulling myself alway from him.

"And if you wanna know, when you be 'bussin up a storm' without a care in this world. I was maintaining shit. It's called birth control stupid." I spoke as he looked at me puzzled and obviously didn't know what to say.

3 hours later

"And he basically accused me of having an abortion." I spoke trying not to cry.

"I know he didn't." I watched as Ms. Michelle reached for her phone as I immediately shook my head.

"The last thing I want for him is to know that I've been talking to you. He's already down my throat enough about me always having you in our business." I mumble the last part.

I honestly didn't even wanna go back there and be in the same bed with him.


"Then have you considered your own space Nia?" She asked and I looked up.

"I have honestly, but I don't know." I shrugged.

"You really need to put your foot down with him. I'm sorry I've raised that boy in giving him everything he wanted. His dad and grandmother warned me." She said shaking her head sipping from her wine glass.

"I love him. I really do but I feel like we're slowly falling apart. Every other day it's an issue with him. From what time I come home, to me placing questions to him to what I wear I-"

"Y'all argue about what you wanna wear?" She asked with both brows raised in disbelief and I nodded slowly.

"Darling, as his mother and as a woman who's been where you are. Get out and take some control."

"Yes there are limits in what you wear due to respect for your spouse but I know you're not that type of girl Nia. He's mad at the fact that anything you wear draws attention." She smiled shaking her head.

"Its all so crazy to me..." I mumbled.

She was probably right. What me and Rahmik needed was most definitely some time. Maybe everything just happened too quick and all at once.

"One minute hun." She said getting up walking out of the room.

I looked down at my phone and watched as it buzzed off.


I didn't reply to his message instead I left it on read exiting our chat.

I was really fed up with him. I honestly couldn't take it anymore.

It wasn't long before my phone started to ring.

'you fuckin serious bro, you really finna' play dis' shit' he roughly spat though the phone

'Rahmik what're you talkin about?'

'Bro stop playin' like you fuckin' stupid yo' you hid my watch and my chain.' He raised his voice as he was serious but I was hella lost.

'Rahmik I didn't move your things nor did I hid them.'

'Bro only you be moving my shit yo'

'Yea when you leave them up and about the house and I tell you about it...'

'Man fuck allat, you the only one who know where my shit be. You really tryna be on some lil girl shit yo' I'm really gettin' tired of you.' He spoke as my heart literally broke and the phone went silent.

'You know what, I don't wanna be a bother to you, I'll be out of your hair in a few .' I said uneasily as I felt tears build up.

'Nia at this point do what the fuck you want.' He said as the phone hung up and I completely just broke down.

"Nia what wrong." His mom said walking back in the room.

"I told him I was moving out, he just said do what I want as if he didn't care." I shrugged.

"Then do just that. You can't be soft like this every time he throws something at you Senia. My son ain't shit. His daddy ain't shit. You better act on everything you just told him." She spoke stroking my hair and I nodded.

She was right. This was all a mistake, I owed myself some loyalty instead of him this time. I owed right to myself.

I just couldn't anymore with him.

My phone rang again and hoping it was him I'd seen that it was an unfamiliar number.


'Hello, is this Ms. Milano.'

'Yes, whose speaking?' I asked getting real confused.

'This is the Deontae's teacher. We're gonna need you to come in as soon as possible ma'am.'

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