《His Luh' Baby (Urban)》4•




Chapter 4

Senia Marie Milano

I woke up the next morning looking down at my phone, I seen that it was almost 10:30 a.m. I got up and checked on everything as I saw Tae and Nana in the living room watching t.v, I decided to go and get me something to eat since I just got up. I rest my phone on the counter top and was in the mood for some casserole....







What the hell? I said to myself going over to my phone. I immediately got scared and started reading.

Tracey: Bittttchhhhh!!!!

Tracey:you won't believe!!!!

Tracey: hoe answerrr!!!


Tracey: ain't this some shit!!!!!

Tracey: hurry hoe I got tea to spilll!!!

From I read that last message I knew she was alright, Erin would've called by now or something. After cooking I went and ate me some and also notice some missed calls from Rah.

I was truly not fuckin' with the half ass effort no more. After eating I took a bath and carried my ass back to sleep, I was really tired and further more my body was just in shambles.

Next Morning

I awoke to banging on the front door as I got up and went to go check it out. I groaned being upset at the fact that had to get up again.

"Who's there?" I asked.

"It's me..." I heard Tracey's voice on the other side, I opened the door letting her and Erin in.

"Why you ain't answer me last night girl." She said as we all walked into the living room. I yawned plopping down in the chair and sitting a pillow in my lap as E and Tracey sat opposite me.

"I figure if it was important you would've just said it through text plus they ain't came through til' this morning. But you probably just wanted to tell me how big ole boy dick was...." I said as Erin laughed along with me and she sat there straight faced.

"What's wrong..." Before talking, Tracey sat firm and pursed her lips.

"Look Nia, it's not my place but last night while I was out to dinner with Torres, I noticed how it was more of a couples thing I saw what he was tryna do. They all had a bitch on they sleeve b-" Erin cut her off.

"Girl just say what the fuck happened." She continued to speak now annoyed.

"Any damn way...." she growled at Erin.

"I saw somethin'...." she said and I raised my brow.

"What the fuck she talking bout Erin?" E's eyes widened as I asked her.

"I really don't know, she won't tell me nothin'." She shrugged.

"Anyways I saw Rah out there.... I didn't let him see me though but, it's like they got some type connections or some shit. I asked Torres if he knew him and he said old friends but I'm not dumb." She spoke.

"My Rah?" She nodded.

"Was out was out there with who?" I asked with my brow raised seeing them both roll they eyes.

"Girl that man was out there alone, cut some slack. All I'm saying is I don't know what he's telling you but baby Rah playin' with the big boys."

I knew Rah's line of work that's no secret, but that's not even my concern. It's really that he went out to something where I clearly could've gone and ain't ask me shit. I started to gaze off as I was brought back to reality by Erin's phone ringing.


"Where was y'all been at?" I asked her bein' more nosey.

"All the way near the city, I'm talkin' rich folk shit. Torres house was basically only a twenty minute drive away."

"So you did fuck him..." Erin spoke after declining the call.

"No I didn't last night was our second encounter, where in anyway I'm gone sleep with that man?"

"Ion' know Erin, he may be really for her. If he ain't asked or nothin' than maybe he respects her for that. Chill off it..." I said.

"Exactly..." Trace said pursing her lips.

"Bitch all I'm sayin is, older niggas don't be takin' us serious. It's either some quick fuck or someone to take advantage of, let's be real."

"Nia got lucky in her shoes, but just as y'all friend, the older one, I know what niggas like that about. Drugs, money, sex don't get caught up in all that shit. Soon niggas gone think they can buy you."

Erin was right, I stood with her. Nothin' she said was wrong and I took nothing as an offense.

"Nothin' wrong with getting to know him, but just take time, if it's real it's gone work." She continued.

"I mean I know y'all mean me all kinds of good, but trust me when I say, this the most it's gone ever be, I'm starting college and getting myself together. Ion' need nobody hovering over me." I nodded agreeing with her.

"Just continue on doin' you..." Erin said with a brow raised.

Saturday had rolled in and I was at work getting packed up so I could've headed home. It's been now three days since I've heard from Rah and I knew he was in his feelings blowing up my phone non-stop. Shit... I was in mine too and as bad as I wanted to answer I wasn't going to.

After getting my stuff I walked outside and saw Rah parked up, low key I was happy on the inside but I still was mad. Although the tints were dark as hell, I felt like his eyes were boring into me.

Tossing away the pride I opened the car door and got it. His cologne immediately caught me. I stared out my window and I could've felt him fully watching me, a bitch in some nude Tb sandals a yellow button down mid thigh sun dress and a nude cardigan, my hair was simply jet black and bone straight. The same Nia he seen two days prior. I pulled down my dress a bit feeling uncomfortable with his stares.

"If you gotta pull it down like that it too short." I heard him mumbled. He drove off and no other words were exchanged between us.

"Why are we here Rah?" I asked as we pulled up to his apartment. I really thought he was just gonna drop me home but this is Rah we were talking about. Rah was aggressive and had a serious ass temper but he never and I mean NEVER laid his hands on me, I always made sure to kill that assumption.

"I left you here three days ago and I came back to you gone." He said going into his pocket for something.

I looked at him uneasily with my arms folded and said nothing.

"I'm talkin' to you I expect yo' smart ass mouth to have something to say now..." He spoke as if offended.

"That's your problem Rah you be thinking I'm your kid, I'm your fuckin woman Rah. Treat me like that."


"Show me off you wanna be out here spoiling me but don't nobody know who the fuck you be spoiling I've heard shit Rah. You and yo' boys going out to dinner they got they bitches on they arm and I'm not good enough to bring around." I said with tears building up in my eyes.

"Stop thinking am stupid Rah cause I ain't, you bring me around when you're bored..."

"That ain't true." He huffed.

"You bring me around only in your free time..." I pushed.

"You better shut yo' fuckin mouth Nia."

"You bring me around when your dick be hard to catch a good fuck....."

"I said shut fuckin up!" He yelled more angrier.

"The shit I be dealing with don't got shit bout you not being round. When I'm dealing with my shit Ion be wanting your ass around that. I know all the fuck shit I work with and be caught up with. You don't know shit. Why would I bring my only muse around some shit I can't wait to get from around huh?" He said shouting at me.

"Most days I can't wait to get the fuck from around all that shit to come and see yo' ass." He said shaking his head.

"I swear you so fuckin' stupid sometimes man. Nothin' is about me being ashamed of you, who don't know that me and you been fuckin' around since you was young, nothin' definitely about another bitch if that's what you thinkin'." He said poking my left temple.

"You out here seeing the smallest of shit Nia, yo' lil young minded ass don't know a fuck!" He yelled.

At this point point tears were streaming down my face, Lord knows how much I loved this man. It really just be times where i don't know what I should be doing. Am I asking for too much? Cause I don't think I am.

"I just hate that it's time for everything except time for Nia." I spoke as my voice cracked.

"Man stop crying'....." I heard him say as he rest his hand on my thigh. We sat there for a moment before I noticed it started sprinkling.

"C'mon." He spoke getting out, by time as I got out he was waiting for me and ready to lock up. We walked up to his apartment as he unlocked the door and let me walk inside first. I walked straight over to the couch sitting down and resting my bag down.

"You want anything?" He asked.

"Somethin' to eat would be nice..." I mumbled looking over at him, he stared at me for a nice minute and I knew why, I wasn't playing with him.

"Watchu want cause I ain't finna cook." I rolled my eyes at him.

"It's funny how I do it for you b-"

"I mean if you want your shit burnt then Imma' go right head..." He said being sarcastic.

"Don't worry bout it, I want Chinese then."

"Hmm..." He answered now lookin' down in his phone.

'So that's what we doin' I said to myself as I went scrolling on my phone. Scrolling down IG I noticed E posted a picture with some girl, I hearted the picture and kept scrolling; me knowing probably that was just some fling.

About half an hour had passed and I was now watching Grand Army on Netflix, I soon heard a knock at the door.

"Who's there?" I questioned.

"Delivery for Ford." I went over to the door opening it after fixing my cardigan. There was a man standing there with the food in his hand, he handed me the bags.

"Thank you." I spoke before he nodded then turning to leave. I closed the door locking it behind me and I saw as Rah made his way out of the dark hallway shirtless.

"What time is it?" he asked wiping his eyes yawning.

"9:15..." I mumbled glancing at the microwave. I took my food and my strawberry lemonade and headed back over towards the couch. Soon Rah came over already head in his plate.

"So I been really thinkin'...." He said still lookin into his plate.

"Thinkin' bout what?" I asked while examining my orange chicken.

"You movin' in... I know shit ain't been steady with us, I'on like it..." I know what he was doing.

"Listen to me Rah, you ain't never known me to be no 'pick me' ass female. I love your ass to death, but don't try to make me feel like I'm securing my spot, I don't gotta move in to do that. So what, I sleep with you every night that mean we spending time?"

"Nah, ain't even like that. You just said tonight that you my woman you not that lil girl no more. All I'm saying is that I want my woman under the same roof as me." He spoke calmly.

I couldn't argue with that one bit, but I'm not in a position to just leave my grandma like that.

"You know I can't leave my grandma and Tae alone over there...."

"I ain't gone never force nothin' on you. Just something I been thinkin' bout for some time. Even if, eventually what you think is gonna happen."

"I'm not saying you wrong but I gotta move in on my terms, and my time when I'm ready" He nodded in agreement and didn't mention nothin' else about it.

When I was done eating I cleaned up my mess and his and threw them in the trash I was really tired and my ass was full. I walked to his bedroom where he was already laying down watching t.v, I took off my cardigan and my dress leaving my self in my panties and bra. At this time I knew he was watching me. I turned around and climbed onto his bed sliding under the comforter.

"Don't be lookin' at me like that." I said catching a glimpse of him.

"Why you so far..." He asked as I came closer.

He brushed his hand up my thigh as he reached my panty line and began to pull them down.

The next morning had came and I had woken up butt naked laid out on Rah's chest. I squinted as my eyes had adjusted to the lighting. I got up and checked the time on my phone.

11:14 a.m

I sighed laying back down catching a two minute nap, I soon got up and went to the kitchen and started making some breakfast, it was really for me, I meant what I meant when I said that I wasn't catering to him. After seeing my bacon start to sizzle I went over and tried to stir it around.

"I swear I could wake up to yo' naked ass in my kitchen every morning." I heard him smack coming up to me.

"You not hungry?" He asked looking at the pan confusingly.

"Nigga this my shit..." I felt as he backed up off me.

"That's it....." I heard him scoffed.

"Yea." I said grabbing two plates. I could be mad a millions at him and not leave his ass out and I really hated that about me.

I picked up most of the food for him and handed it to him with a fork. I went back and picked up my food.

"Thanks." He said still eyeing my naked body. I grabbed the syrup and handed it over to him.

"I need to make a run today." He spoke turning his attention to his plate.

"K." I ain't said much after that.

"You can come." He suggested as I nodded, deep down my lil ass was jumping but I wasn't bout to show him that.

After I showered I dried off. Looking through the drawer that had some of my shit set aside, I grabbed a pair of panties a short jeans skirt and a oversized brown knitted sweater shirt and slid on my nude Tori Burch sandals. I lotioned my my body down in a thousand wishes scent and sprayed the matching perfume. I brushed my long jet black hair leaving it to fall on my back as I could see Rah coming out of the bathroom through the mirror.

"I gotta check on Tae and my grandma before we do anything." I spoke.

"You seen my other pair of white forces...." He asked lowly looking down in his closer confusingly.

"You left em' by me in your gym bag." I heard him cuss under his breath and I ignored it. He literally had about three of those.

"You ready?" He asked instead of answering I just grabbed my bag and walked out.

I heard him step after step as he turned off every light except the living room which he always left on.

After I had dropped Tae and Nana off some breakfast from McDonald's Rah had dropped me off to the nails shop to get a redone as he went to the barber to get a lil shape up to kill time. By time as I was done, I texted him letting him know that I was ready.

"Yea that's her, you know they be fast." I heard a nail tech whisper to a client and I looked up catching them both looking at me as they pretended they weren't. Things like this didn't bother me anymore as much as it did before. Rah was my man and it was just that, he always tried to instill in me that what people had to say about us didn't matter but it was different from my end who dealt with this shit when he wasn't around.

Rahmik Ford

I looked in the mirror makin' sure Shawn hadn't fucked my shit up, I soon heard my phone vibrate seein' a message from Nia. I hopped out the chair and headed on my way to get her.

When I pulled up to the salon I was bout to call her but she came out as if she was watching out for me. I could've seen a bothered look on her face and I really wasn't for her brat ass ways today.

"Hey." She kissed my cheek after getting in, I looked at her nails and they were now white with silver studs on multiple fingers.

"So it ain't me this time." I breathed reversing and driving off into the street.

"It's that noticeable?" She asked and I let out a slight chuckle.

"Somethin' happened I should be worried 'bout?" I asked with my brow raised and she shook her head.

"Nah, just some buggin' ass bitches." She mumbled latching her seatbelt on.

Female shit...

"What so buggin' bout it?" I asked when I really wasn't interested, but I owe her my attention at-least.

"Same ole stuff, me bein' that fast ass lil' girl."

"Ain't I tell you bout that shit...." I heard her mumble somethin' and I ignored it. I really was just tryna' make up for shit nah' and her pissin' me off was the last thing I needed to fuck up today.

I pulled up to my mama's house seein' my ole' mans truck parked in the driveway, I pulled in further seein' Dre in doorway grooming a baby bully. I parked the car and pulled the key out of the ignition.

"Let's go..." I heard her sigh and got out on her side as I did the same locking up I waited for her to come over to my side as I grabbed her hand and we began to walk towards the porch.

"Wassup." Dre smiled greeting me. It was a rough couple a months before I had seen my family.

"You good?" I asked he hooded.

"Where mama at?" I asked him lookin' inside as Nia stood close behind.

"In the kitchen stay whippin' it." He joked.

"You good Nia?" He spoke standing up.

"I'm good, how are you baby boy?" She said pulling him into a hug. His ass grew a lot. I know Senia was naturally short but last time we were here he was in her face and now he's way past her head.

"I've been good." He said as she let go.

"Let's go." I gestured to her as we walked inside and I could've smelled the pot.

"Mama!" I yelled walkin' through the house.

"Boy you so loud." I watched as she came and clasped her hands with a big smile.

"Senia!" She exclaimed walking over to her and pulling her into a hug.

"Hello Mrs. Ford..." she smiled. My mama was in love with Nia, she always talked about how she admired how she cared about me and always looked out for me. She really adored that Nia wasn't bout the money eitha' she was just that down ass girl.

"And my big baby." She said hugging me as I grabbed my mother's lil middle aged frame.

"Why you took so long to come back out here." She said hitting me with the kitten and Senia laughed.

"Ma' you know I be caught up..." She rolled her eyes.

"Work work work, just like yo' damn daddy." She said fed up.

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