《His Luh' Baby (Urban)》1•


Chapter 1

SeniaMarie Milano

"We welcome today the graduates of West Minister High for the completion and the mile stone that they have came...."

After all of the 'importance' was told it was my turn to go up and receive my diploma hearing the applauses and walking on the stage, I saw my 5 year old brother sitting between Erin and my grandma.

Looking around not seeing the face I'd hope to see, I felt disappointed. Getting my diploma I smiled walking off stage seeing my calculus teachers face.

"You did it Senia..." she hugged me as I hugged back.

"You were able to do it, no type distractions and no baby to stop that." She pointed out remembering me telling her how my grandmother got pregnant with my mom at fourteen and my mother had me at fifteen.

I smiled nodding wiping away any tears that had fell.

After the ceremony I made my way through the crowd of people hugging and congratulating one another.

My Nana welcomed me with arms open wide and I held her snuggly inhaling her perfume scent.

"Your mama would've been so proud of you." She said.

"I know." I smiled.

"We did it." Tracey boom rushed me with a hug and Erin trailing behind.

"Hell yea we did." I laughed.

"Bout time... I can finally take y'all Gerber asses to the club." Erin laughed.

"Giiirrrrrrlllll." Tracey dragged nudging her shoulder excited.

I stopped in the moment and looked around at everything, I smiled at them both and tucked in my lips. It really be the moments like these.

Erin; she was older than me and Tracey by a year, but her age difference didn't get in our way in doin' what we wanted. She graduated last year, we met when she asked to do some community service in our class, while me and Tracey were in detention.


I looked around still with a lil tint of hope finally giving up.

"I haven't seen him either..." Erin spoke with a slight frown knowing exactly where my mind wondered to. I guess that's it.

After we had our little celebration date, Erin took us home. She dropped Tracey off first then it was our stop. I got out the car and held Tae's hand in mine and Nana slightly closely behind us, I was now walking up the steps getting ready to open my door.

"Nia ." I rolled my eyes turning around seeing Lauren and her big ass belly lookin' like she was 'bout to head into labour anytime.

Nana continued her way inside along with Tae behind.


"How was graduation?"

I looked at her from head to toe remembering her growing up and noticing our difference.

"It was alright, I guess." She nodded.

I stood there waiting for her to ask her other question but she pushed past it as the part in her mouth closed again. I pushed my way in my apartment now tired and stressed, kicking off my shoes and dropping my robe I flopped my body down on the couch.

I looked down seeing my phone vibrate and immediately turned it off, I didn't have the time to entertain someone who couldn't give me a few hours out of their day.

"Nia I gotta changed." Tae whined struggling to take off his light blue button down shirt. I was glad he already ate so that would be less on me head.

I felt old and exhausted from taking care of a little boy that didn't come out of me.....but anything for Tae.

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