《Vallyk vs dejaune》Vallyk


Li: I found out that I wasn't pregnant

J: aww sis it's gonna be fine just come home and we can eat and watch movies and plat games with Dre and jaune.

Li: ok sis

Call ended

An: who was that

J: it was Lisa

An: what happened

J: she went to the doctor and she found out she wasn't pregnant

An: dang bro

J: yeah. But back to u liking my sister. I think u and my sister would low key be a good couple

An: yeah but what about Jaden

J: bruh fuck jaden I think he was lying about loving her.

An: what do u think he's with her for

J: just to fuck and leave, and also to spy on me and vallyk

An: true dat

J: yeah. I can't stand Jaden

An: umm I got sum else to tell u

J: what

An: so umm have u been seeing how jaune been looking at u

J: yes I find that weird but also I get butterflies from it

An: yeah so he was telling me earlier about how much he wants u and how he feels about u

J: wow

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