《Vallyk vs dejaune》Vallyk


Someone was at the door and I went to open it and it was jaiden


J: hola

Ja: where is vallyk

J: why u worrying about all that

Ja: I was just askin- nvm

J: he's in the bathroom

Ja: oh I came up here to ask u two if y'all wanted to go on a double date

J: oh well sure

Then vallyk gets out the shower with a towel on

Ja: I guess that's my que to go

J: lmao yeah

Jaiden leaves

V: what was y'all talkin bout

J: he just asked me if we wanted to go on a double date and I said yes

V: oh

It went silent for a min

V: u tryna fuck

J: boy no go somewhere

V: aight imma get dressed

Later on

J: vallyk u ready to go

V: yeah just a sec

J: ok I'll be outside in the car

Vallyks POV

Damn I can't wait to go on a date with jazz. She's the love of my life so I wanna make it special. Nothing can ruin this night

Jasmine's POV

I'm sitting in the car waiting for vallyk and then he comes out the door.

V: hey babe

J: hey u ready

V: yeah

He gets in and pecks me on the lips

J: ha u got a lil bit of lipstick on your lips

V: hell nah wipe that shit off

J: I'm kidding

V: baby don't play like that

J: aight let's go

We drive to the place and park. I text Lisa and tell her that we are outside the place. We get out to meet Lisa. And as we are walking we see a person who could ruin this night forever. It was........


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