Excitement. So much excitement and happiness. It was like the world wasn't the same. Like I was in a planet where everything is happiness. My heart was so intensely drowned in pleasure and delightfulness, I wasn't able to think or function properly. Never in my life had I experienced such joyfulness. So foreign it was to my heart, I felt like it would explode.
So I ran. It didn't matter to me how big of a fool I might've looked like. Because I was going to get what was mine. I was going to get what I desired for. I was going to get my lifeline back. As soon as I stepped out of the hospital, realization hit me. I couldn't run all the way to Carter's house.
Deciding to ask help from Lucas, I ran my way up again. There he was standing, with his arms crossed on his chest as he smiled at me. "I thought your abilities of thinking were not completely blocked by happiness. But I was wrong," with a chuckle he walked towards me. "Come on, don't you wanna go to your Carter?"
"One.... second....," I was so breathless by that time that I couldn't walk anymore. My eyes caught Lia and Maddy approaching us. Without another thought, I tackled them in a hug, tears storming down my cheek. "Thank.... you guys. Thank you.... so.... so...... much! You're the.... best! You did the impossible!"
"You might have to say all that to someone else," Lia let out with a grin plastered on her face. For assurance, I raised my eyebrows at her. Her grin confirmed the story that Carter was the one who did the impossible.
"He talked to Richard?!" To say I was shocked would be an understatement. Carter, the person Richard hated, was able to change his mind. Lia nodded in confirmation. "Richard never mentioned him though," I pointed out.
"I'm sure Carter talked to him. Because all Maddy and I did was anger him. I saw Carter leaving your Dad's room earlier."
I can't wait to meet him! Carter, I'm coming!
When I became able to walk again, we wasted no time running outside.
"Drive the fastest Lucas! Drive like you've never driven! Drive like cops are after you! Drive like it's the last drive of your life! Drive me to Carter's house!" With a chuckle, Lucas started the car.
The feeling of meeting Carter and being able to have him all to me was beyond happiness. After a never-ending ride to Carter's house, I sighed gathering up myself as I stepped out of the car.
My breath was uneven, my heartbeat was totally accelerated due to the excitement and happiness. Ringing the bell, I prepared myself to reveal the news to Carter.
"Sophia!" Mary appeared. She didn't look surprised to see me. It was almost like she knew I was going to be at her house. "Or should I say Mrs.Woods?" She continued. I had expected a very cold welcome but what I received was a poisonous one. That was not strange at all. She had to be mad at me for the way I acted. She had every right.
She shook her head at nothing in particular and emotionlessness masked her face.
I opened my mouth to answer her but I was tackled by her in a hug. I could sense it wasn't a hug with love. It was more of a forced one. Why would she hug me if she didn't want to? Awkwardly, I patted her back, trying to figure out what was she up to. "How're you?" She asked, pulling away. The hug was not at all warm. If anything, it was a squeezing-to-death hug.
Although her tone didn't express anything she felt for me, her face expressions were now understandable. She looked like she wanted to punch the life out of me. And honestly I deserved it more than anyone. I was ready for not just a punch but numerous. The thing that annoyed me was the fact that she wasn't punching me. If she had been, it would've been a lot easier. But those expressions of her and fake hugging earlier were completely above my head.
I was shocked because I didn't expect her to even look at me yet she was hugging me. It was strange. Very very strange. "I'm fine Mary. And I'm really sorry. I'm sorry about whatever I did. I'm sorry about leaving Carter just like that. I swear I can explain."
"It's okay. It doesn't matter anymore," a sigh left her mouth, a sad expression plastered on her face as she opened the door wide. Her fists clenched and she seemed like she was trying to control her anger. "I'm sorry for acting like a bitch earlier. It's your life, you're free to do whatever you want. It's just that I lost Liam because of a girl. And," she sighed once again, "Carter is the only son I have now. I couldn't.... I couldn't let him go."
"Oh God I'm so stupid, I didn't even invite you in! Come on, come inside, meet David," she continued. The weird tone she used made me really edgy. It was like she wanted to say a lot but something was stopping her.
Not being able to control the excitement, I managed to let out, "I'll meet Carter first! Is he in his room? I've to tell him something!"
Mary looked down, staying silent. "I'm sorry if it offends you but I don't think you should meet him Sophia. You're someone else's wife now. He has accepted the fact that you can't be his. Now that he is trying to get over you, you come barging in here, wanting to talk to him? Either you take him or leave him, don't have my son hanging like that."
Her words hurt me. I knew I had hurt many people. But I was ready to explain everything to them. I was ready to narrate the whole story to them. I was ready to apologize and make up to them.
"I'll explain everything Mary. But before that, let me go give the news to Carter," I stated, not waiting for her reply as I climbed up the stairs. A giggle escaped my lips while staring at his room's closed door.
A sigh left my lips. God, don't ruin this for me. God, please, just please, this once, make things easy and right for me.
I had to be cautious to not destroy the happiness that came to me after such a long time. And I was already growing closer to the happiness. I didn't want to grow away from it anytime soon.
This feeling was not happiness. It was something beyond that. It was something that had me completely crazy– the good crazy. I opened the door, "Carter! I'm back! Your Sparkle is back! I'm not getting married! Car- Carter?"
Continuing to smile, I searched around his room. Not finding him in his room, I waited by his washroom, after knocking lightly. I sat on his bed as I looked around once again. It was only then that I noticed how clean his room looked. Everything was so proper it felt like Carter was never there.
"Mary!?" Walking down the stairs I ran towards Mary and David. My heartbeat accelerated as my mind started to calculate the percentage chances I was to lose all the happiness once again.
"Carter's not home?" I got no reply from either of them, smiling at them, telling my heart to calm down.
"When will he come back?" My next question went unanswered too. Mary's eyes didn't meet mine as she looked down. David was glancing at Mary, trying to ignore me. Their silence was horrifying. And in no time the smile was wiped away from my face.
My eyes darted in between them. "Where the hell is Carter?!" My heartbeat started to get out of control as my mood shattered like a glass. Every ounce of happiness I felt was gone now. I was full of doubts, uncertainties and insecurities.
"Where is Carter?!" I screamed, tears welling up inside my eyes. "Why don't you answer me?! Where is he?"
"You drove him away!" Mary screamed back her eyes looking at me with hatred filled in them. "He has gone! Like Liam, Carter left me too! For what? You! Are you happy now?! You drove my baby away from me!"
"W-w-w-what do you mean?! What do you mean by that?! Where'd he go?! I met him an hour ago! Where is he?!" My whole world had come crashing down on me.
"Why do you care Mrs.Woods!?" She sneered, tears welling up in her eyes.
"I'm not married! I didn't marry Lucas for God's sake! Would you just tell me where Carter is?!" I screamed back.
"He's gone," David answered this time, walking towards us while he held Mary's hand in his. At the same time Mary let out, "who are you kidding? You're in a bridal dress and what's that ring for then?!"
"Where'd he go!? I met him... like an hour ago! He talked to me! Mary, tell me, where is Carter?" Ignoring her question, I begged.
"He left for London!" Mary replied, her tone quoted in loath.
"You're kidding, right? You're pranking me aren't you?" It was so stupid. How your life could change in a span of seconds. From uncontrollably unbelievable happiness, when everything turned into shockingly painful sadness, I had no idea.
"I have never loved anyone like I love you, Sparkle. But I guess, like you said, we are not meant to be. God has different plans for us." Carter's words rang inside my head, hitting me like a wave of painfulness.
I thought he was giving up. It never occurred to me he would leave. Just like that. Without informing me. Without saying goodbye.
"Do I look like I'm kidding? He's gone because of you!"
"B-b-but he was gonna study in Yale! I mean how... I don't get-," I started. "He even had the scholarship! Why'd he do such a thing?!" I continued, trying anyway to prove Mary and David wrong. To prove that carter couldn't go just like that.
"Because of you, you little-"
"He didn't want to continue arts anymore. He decided to major in business. So he went. Leaving everything behind," David interrupted Mary. Tears could no more remain in my eyes. At last when everything was perfect Carter had to go. He had to leave! He had to give up!
"He can't just do that! He can't let go off his dream! He was so passionate about it! How can he decide upon something that was not arts! Oh god! David," by now I was sobbing.
"How could he... Jesus!" It was only then it hit me. He changed his subject because of Richard. Because Richard told him he wouldn't keep me happy If he's an artist.
"Oh god! It's... all... my f-f-fault! I-it's all because of me! Why don't I j-j-just di-"
"As if we don't know who's fault is it! If Carter wouldn't have taken my promise upon not hurting you, you'd have never been able to stand here after what you did to my only son!" Mary shouted at me, her voice echoing in the room.
"Mary," David tried to calm her down.
"It's okay, David. I deserve this."
"I thought you were better! But you turned out just like that whore who messed my Liam!" My mind was blocked. I couldn't process anything at all. The only thing I knew was that Carter was not here, Carter was gone! I felt like I had lost myself. Like I had lost the whole world. I felt empty, broken. I felt like all of the life was sucked out of my body.
"I swear... David! I swear I had my reasons! My parents threatened to harm Carter if I dated him! They wanted me to marry their business partner's son! I love Carter! I could not let his life be in danger! I didn't have a choice for God's sake!"
"Now you blame it on your parents?" Mary's sharp tone sounded. "Are you serious?"
"When did Carter leave?" Ignoring Mary, I turned my head towards David.
"About An hour ago. I guess It's just half an hour before his flight."
My mind went wild, thinking of ways to reach to the airport before Carter leaves. And without even thinking I stormed outside. It was the only chance I had left with to make things right. Lucas's face looked horror stricken as he took in my attire. "Lucas. We. Have. To. Reach. To. The. Fucking. Airport. As. Fast. As. We. Can!"
"Tell me what happened? Why are you crying? Where is carter? I don't get-"
"Just shut up and drive! Or Carter will be gone!"
"Where's he going? He's at the airport?"
"Jesus, stop shouting, I'll drive," he sighed with his hands raised in the air. Soon he started the car and drove ahead.
"Please Lucas, we have to reach to the airport! I won't be able to see Carter if we don't reach before thirty minutes," I begged, my eyes brimming with tears. "I can't lose him once again, Lucas."
"Hey, I'm driving towards the airport. You'll meet him. Although I don't guarantee you, but I'm trying. It's New York after all and you know how things here go. Just relax and.... pray, maybe?"
And all I did was pray. My mind kept wandering around the realization that god loved to torture me. He loved to test me and my patience. Lucas continued pressing his horn every other minute while he drove.
With all of the traffic, it almost felt impossible to be able to reach to the airport before Carter leaves. And that, was what drowned me. It was like you know you are going to die in the next moment and you're hoping you don't because you want to do a lot before you die.
"Lucas, can I have your phone?"
I called him, I kept calling. But he didn't pick up. "Carter, pick up. You have to pick up," whispering to myself, I kept on trying.
I had lost almost all of my energy. I was tired. Not like sleepy tired. Tired of each and everything. I knew Lucas was doing his best but looking around it looked impossible to be able to reach to the airport. It felt like the whole world was working against us. Like no one wanted us together.
Each wall I climbed, I thought it was the last one, that I'd find happiness beyond it. But more and more hurdles came in my way of happiness.
A sob escaped my lips no matter how much I tried to stay strong. My face had already been resembling a horrific clown. My white dress had stains all over it. I was disgusting.
"Hey, Sophia, we'll reach there in time. I'm driving the fastest. I probably won't be able to drive in this city again, but we gotta take you to Carter. Just calm down," after a minute, Lucas told me.
I sighed as I nodded.
Just as the car stopped at the airport I took no time to get off the car and run inside. I knew it was gonna be hard to go past the security but I was determined. I looked at the flights list above me which showed 4:15 as the departure time for the next flight to London. The digital clock above me blinked as 0401 changed to 0402.
With that, I ran towards the departure area, thinking I could easily trick the security guard but I was wrong. He caught me before I could even step foot into the hall.
"Not so fast missy," with that he had me wrapped in his hands. I struggled to get out of his grip but he was strong. "I wouldn't try doing that if I were you." He then called some other guards who dragged me away from the departure gate.
"Don't try that again. Go back to your wedding," the older one of them said, wrinkles forming near his eyes as he smiled at me.
I looked down at myself, realizing I definitely looked like a bride who ran away. And of all places I was standing in a freaking airport. I looked at the clock again my eyes watering at the sight. It was already five past four. Lucas wasn't around either. I needed to do something. "Hey, can I... maybe use your phone?" With an expectant gaze, I asked.
"Sure," he handed me the phone, his eyes inspecting my every move. As fast as I could, I typed Carter's phone number, my eyes locked at the wall clock.
"Come on Carter, you need to pick up...," I murmured to myself, holding the phone to my ear.
"The number you're calling is out of reach." That was the last thing I ever wanted. That could only mean he was in the plane already.
Think of something Sophia...
Think of something....
"TAYLOR SWIFT?! OH MY GOD!" I shouted, the first thing that came to my mind. It surely worked as both of the guards turned their heads towards the entrance and I ran towards the departure gate. Surprisingly the guard there had also taken out his phone, trying to get a picture or something. That only increased my chances of getting past him.
That was enough for me to be able to jump over the railings and sprint inside the gate. I ran like my ass was on fire, going straight to the boarding area in the departure lounge. I was aware of the number of people following me but I couldn't care less.
I obviously couldn't go inside the plane, neither did I know the way to. Wondering what to do, standing in middle of god knows what, I looked around at all the people that had now caught up to me. My heartbeat was so fast, my breathing heavy as ever. I was aware of the crime I had committed but I had to find Carter.
"I just need to find someone. He's in the plane, can anyone of you please call him? His name is Carter. I can't let him go! Please... someone... I just-" I stoped, my ears hearing the sound of a plane's engine. That stopped my heart for a moment.
The next thing I knew I was facing towards the transparent windows that showed the runway. Not just some runway, it was the same one, the plane flew from. With my faded vision I stared at the red airplane that flew and disappeared. A sob escaped my lips at my helplessness.
If he can so easily give up, let it be. At least he'll be safe away from me. My unluckiness won't affect him anymore. He'll be able to move on easily. I don't deserve his love anyways.
F*ck it. Because I'm tired of trying. I'm tired of being tired. And I'm tired of being sad. I'm tired of living. My heart is tired.
Turning towards the policemen who followed me, with all the energy I had, I raised my hands for them to handcuff whatsoever. I basically handed myself to them. Just then, my vision started to blur as things around me twisted and turned, causing a sharp pain in the middle of my head.
Losing my footing, I staggered, waiting for a terrible fall. But that never came. I opened my eyes to be greeted with a picture that I thought was just a result of my imagination. I closed them back and opened once again. A sense of deja vu hitting me. The same picture greeted me once again and horrified, I jumped back.
"How're you here? Were you not in that plane?" Not being able to believe myself, I turned towards the person standing beside me. "Hey do you see a really hot guy before me or is it just my imagination," I asked, to which both he and Carter snickered.
"Sparkle, I'm here, I'm real."
"You went to London. The plane... it just.... how?"
- In Serial32 Chapters
All the Feels
Billy had all but given up on finding the right girl. It seems they all only wanted to use him for one thing or another, but when he runs into a sweet little girl and her beautiful mother at the park, he thinks maybe he should give it one last chance.___________________________"It's like you guys are your own super secret club and, angel, I want in. Not just with you, but with her too. I want to coach her t-ball team, teach her how to ride a bike, see her face light up on Christmas morning when she sees what Santa brought her. I want both of you in my life. I want to wake up to you next to me, make you breakfast, listen to you complain about annoying things at work, support you when you need it. I swear, if you give me a chance, make me a priority in your life, you and Willow will be everything to me. I want to be the one you call when you get a flat tire, when the kitchen sink starts leaking or Willow needs a ride home from school. Before we do this, I need to know if that's what you want too. Before I fall even deeper for the two of you, I need to know that there's a future there. I need to know because if I fall any more for the both of you... Well, fuck. I don't know if there's any coming back from that, Ains." He finishes on a ragged breath. My mouth drops in surprise as I watch him watch my reaction. I curl my mouth into a smile and nod, reaching up to cup his cheek."You're not just an option to me. You are already a priority. I swear." I feel tears prick my eyes and the wide smile he gives me makes my heart flutter with affection."Really?" He asks and I nod. Cover made by @ViaAlyssaNicole
8 198 - In Serial48 Chapters
The Silver Ninja (A Lego Ninjago fanfic)
Brielle Manders. She's just your average 22 year old girl with a small temper. She's also a gymnastics instructor who lives in a small apartment in Ninjago city with her roommate.Little did she know, on one lazy Saturday, that the arrival of four guys in ninja suits would change her life forever.
8 165 - In Serial29 Chapters
ERIS: the falcon and the winter solider
ERIS|| She was the Goddess of Chaos and Strife, sister of Loki and Thor. She had known Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers during the war, having been a mischievous girl much like Loki, and she would often visit Midgard, despite her father's warnings. Later on in life she had helped Steve, Nat and Sam to work against Hydra and get Bucky back. Eris had also stuck by Steve and Bucky's side when Tony and Steve had fallen out. Bucky and Eris had gotten close, the two of them finding themselves falling for each other but after losing Loki, Thor leaving for Space and Steve passing away after growing old with Peggy, the two of them began to drift apart, finding new ways of life and different ways of coping. Now that there was a new 'Captain America' in town, Eris got curious. Who was John Walker? And what was he up to? Bucky Barnes X Fem OC
8 144 - In Serial48 Chapters
The Ðevil's Mate (Complete)
1st in hell as of June 23 2018 & July 2 20201st in demon as of August 24 2018 1st in forever as of June 12 20191st in fantasy-romance as of June 23 20202nd in soulmates as of June 19 20182nd in fantasy-romance as of July 12 2019 & June 22 20203rd in devil May 20th 20184th in demons out of 73.3k as of July 2 202023rd in love out of 160K as of September 22 2018A 17 year old girl loses her whole family in an accident. She uses a Ouija board to try and contact them. But it's not her family that she reaches... "Is anyone there?" The eye moved to the 'Yes' " Are you my mother?" It goes to the 'No' very quickly. "Are you my father?" It goes to the 'No' "Then are you my brother....?" I trail off. This is scaring me. It slowly goes to the 'No.' "Then... Who are you? Read to find out more. This story is copy right mine it also will have sexual scenes and spelling mistakes you have been warned (so please dont comment on the spelling).Editing is currently going on thanks to calmwatersabernathy!P.s. I don't own any of the pictures on the stories except for the one I drew which I will say underneath the picture.I also respond to all comments!
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Even Badder Girl
after one too many nights of jules' reckless behaviour, her father is finally sent over the edge. she's shipped off to granite bay boarding school- at which she will spend her last year of education- where she meets the school's substantial bad boy, lane evans.two wrongs don't make a right, but in this case... maybe it's an exception.
8 64 - In Serial39 Chapters
Love Her Softly
The last thing Liam Mcyntire expected to find in his barn one cold February morning, was a half-starved , frozen-solid woman. She's covered in bruises and full of mistrust and suspicions. He'd been perfectly content in his bachelor life of trapping critters, selling furs and living in solitude but this mysterious woman might just change all that. Emma Hawke was running. Running from her father, from the damage the man had done. Running from a life she didn't want--a life no different from the one that had killed her mother. She's never been off the mountain. She trusts nothing and no one--not even the man who saved her life by bringing her out of the cold. If Liam's going to win her heart, he's going to have to learn patience and how to truly care for someone more than he does himself. He'll have to love her softly. Can Emma overcome her past? Can she learn to trust--possibly even love--despite the fear that she holds of men and of marriage? Or will her past track her down and destroy any hope she has for a future?
8 201