《Harry potter x child reader oneshots》Harry Potter x Little sister reader


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(( Yes I know this would not make sence with the timeline))

This is prisoner of Azkaban and your 4.

Dumbledore finally let you stay at hogwarts and Harry could not be happier because he didn't want you getting hurt by the dursleys. "Harry, Hogwarts isn't safe for a child and besides where are they suppost to sleep" Hermione on the over hand was not. Harry and Hermione started to argue and completely forgot about you. Being the short Attention spanned child you are, you waddled away from the common room carpet and under a table. "Ok, so what should are next prank be ?" A voice said in a sneaky tone of voice. "Suspishious (suspicious)" You muttered . "Hey Fred did you here that ?" A voice similar to the first one said. The next thing you know, two hands grab you so you scream in terror. "Don't worry we won't hurt you" The ginger boy holding you said smiling. "Wait aren't you (Y-N) Potter ?" You nodded.

Harry's POV:

"Ok fine you win Harry," Hermione said with a sigh that suddenly turned into a terrified face " You didn't let Ron baby sit right?" what does she me an by that? (y-n) is sitting right- OH GOD I LOST MY LITTLE SISTER. "Harry I think you need to get better glasses you could've lost your sister forever" Fred said from behind me holding (y-n). Geeze I should really keep her safer because who knows how long till voldemort finds out she is here.

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