《Hook, Line & Sinking (Completed)》23. Chance


Yeah you can guess what the title of this chapter means! :-) Enjoy everyone!



Matt drove me to school that Monday morning and insisted he pick me up as well. Apparently the Corenth's boat had not shown up yet in any of the known marinas they docked. The entire McLaren family was still on the alert about it; they didn't like not knowing where they were at when this put me at risk. Matt added to that that he didn't trust Jamie either and wanted to make sure the girl wouldn't have another shot at me either.

During school I had a text from my dad asking if I'd be home tonight because he'd still like to talk and if so he'd stick around. I contemplated that for a while but in the end texted him that I'd be home. With my dad in the house, I'd be safe too and he was right, we did have to talk and it was nice to see he was trying; actually staying home for it.

All the same I hesitated in telling Matt about my evening plans, we hadn't discussed where I'd sleep tonight but I was certain that he wouldn't like it. He was in super protective mode it seemed, except for during school he hadn't really left my side since the attack by the Corenths.

Since Dev and Mitch hadn't shared my last class with me that day I was walking on my own to the front gate. I'd already gotten a text from Matt saying that he was outside waiting so I figured it was fine to just walk out on my own instead of waiting for one of the boys like Matt had insisted I do that morning.

I spotted Matt's truck almost immediately and waved at him as he was reaching over to unlock the door for me when Jamie halted me. I was still maybe twenty feet away from the car so I knew Matt could hear and see me with the window open. Jamie had to know it too but she took hold of my arm and sneered, "Wasn't that one lesson enough? Why are you even going near Matt McLaren? He isn't interested in you, he's just being nice because you're friends with Dev!"

Staring at the angry Jamie I was momentarily confused. Was she accosting me like this because of the fact Matt was picking me up? I knew she'd once said that she thought Matt was hot but since that was one of the most obvious things about him I hadn't read anything into it. Was she jealous of me?

"What cat got your tongue?" Jamie hissed, since I hadn't responded and from the corner of my eye I caught Matt staring intently and sliding across the seat. He was going to interfere if I didn't put a stop to Jamie right now, I so did not need him to stand up for me here. "Jamie, unhand me this instant," I told her in a calm and quiet voice. She had no back up like last time and she seemed nowhere near as frightening as dealing with Gavin and the deep water had been like.

She flinched back in surprise, clearly not expecting me to sound so cool and collected. "You stay away from the McLarens, you got that? You don't want me as your enemy!" the girl hissed and I thought it was hilarious that she seemed to think that would stop me from doing anything. "I thought we already were enemies Jamie. What with you and your friends five to one attempting to beat me up... Get a clue, I'm not scared of you. You can't tell me what to do and who to be friends with."


I turned on my heel without waiting to see what she might do and headed straight for Matt's truck. He'd swung open the passenger door for me and I hopped in and closed it, now aware that Jamie was angrily telling me to get back to her, she wasn't done with our conversation. Ignoring her I met Matt's eyes and noticed the excited, amused gleam there. "Wanna rile her up some more?" he asked huskily in an undertone and when I nodded he slid across, wrapped a big hand around the back of my head and leaned in to kiss me.

He held me firmly so I couldn't slip away and pressed eagerly against my mouth, catching my surprised gasp and taking the opportunity to slip his tongue past my lips. The sensations he created were electric and I went from startled and stiff to pliant and soft in an instant. Matt was without a doubt the best kisser I'd ever met and each time I thought he'd pull back and break contact, the pressure and intensity softening, he'd suddenly renew and press even closer.

Not until with a final angry shriek Jamie stormed off did he let me come up for air but he did so slowly, continuing to leisurely sip at my mouth for a few more moments before pulling back completely. Though I could hold my breath for easily fifteen minutes I was breathing fast and shaking. Not ashamed to let him see how he'd affected me I sank limply into my seat and just dreamily stared. "Wow Matt, what a way to say hello."

He smirked, his full lips looking red and moist and his eyes filled with satisfaction, "I want a chance Dani. It isn't fair that you're just deciding that I can't do it. I want you and I want you for more than just a day or a few weeks, I can't imagine not wanting you. Give me a chance, please?" He seemed almost as stunned at the words that had just come out of his mouth as I was but then he got that determined frown that told me he meant it and he wasn't taking it back.

I didn't know how to react at first, still completely overwhelmed from the way he'd kissed me only moments ago. Then it sunk in that he'd come out and told me that he wanted a relationship, not a fling, that he wanted more than bit of fun the way he'd phrased it before. "Shit say something darling..." he muttered and I saw that his eyes had gotten a little more intense, a little desperate and worried. He meant it, he really did, he wanted to do this with me.

Holding up a hand to signal that he shouldn't speak I tried a few deep breaths to stop the pounding of my heart. "Hang on Matt I'm a little overwhelmed," I said while rubbing at my lips and trying out a smile for him. He grinned a little ruefully, "Not the best timing I know... I've been trying to hold back since those assholes..." he trailed off and looked away but I saw how his jaw had clenched and his black brows had lowered dramatically while he struggled with his anger.


"So much for holding back, it's only been two days..." I murmured while I reached out a finger to stroke over his eyebrows. "I know, I'm sorry, forget I said it okay? I'll wait." He caught my hand and squeezed it once before laying it down on my knee and releasing it gently. "Take your time."

"Now hold on a minute," I started when he clearly seemed to think that was the end of the conversation by starting the truck and pulling out of the school parking lot. "You haven't even asked me out," I said and he flashed me a surprised look. "What?" Heart still pounding furiously in my throat but my belly telling me this was the right choice I said more firmly: "Ask me out Matt McLaren."

"Will you go out with me Dani Davenport?" he asked with the clear beginnings of a smile, though it was still hesitant. "Yes I'll go out with you. Drop me off at my own place okay? I'm not scheduled for work tonight."

"Just like that? No begging? Pleading? Bribing? Proving my devotion to you? You'll just say yes like that?" he asked me, completely ignoring what else I'd said though he'd turned in the right direction for my house.

I slid across the seat towards him and folded my hand around his tattooed arm, leaning my head against his shoulder and settling down. "Yeah just like that, you weren't the only one doing some thinking the past two weeks..." It felt just right to be sitting there, leaned up against him and the normalcy of the conversation that followed, something about an event coming up at the Marina, was absolutely soothing. He hadn't even made a fuss about bringing me to my place.

Though as soon as he parked his truck he frowned, "Am I invited tonight? Or are you planning on spending the night alone? You know we still haven't heard where the Corenth's are, I don't like the thought of you alone as long as they're in the wind." While he spoke he'd, almost without thought it seemed, wrapped his arm around my shoulders so he could hug me tightly to him. It felt good but I wondered if he realized how protectively he was holding me.

"My dad's still home. I promised I'd sit down and talk with him, try and smooth things out between us..." I could hear the doubt and uncertainty in my own voice and I saw Matt's eyes narrow, "Want me to come in with you?" The way he was all ready to spring to my defense made me smile, "No, I need to do this myself. I'll be by the Stonefish after school tomorrow for my shift, I'll see you then okay?"

I thought that maybe he'd object and maybe secretly I hoped that he would. Depending on how my conversation with my dad was going to go I might need to unload afterward though I didn't really want to put that on Matt just yet. He didn't though, he just looked a little thoughtful as I opened my door and started to slide out.

With a hand on my arm he halted me, "At least give me a kiss for the road. I'll have to miss you for a whole day." Judging by the cheesy grin on his face he knew as well as I how over the top he sounded but I leaned back in and let him press his lips to mine. "Call me if anything happens, I mean it. I don't want you alone in that house, I can't stand the thought of anything happening to you."

With an eye roll I assured him that I would by fine and then got out of his truck and made my way to the front door. Pausing there to wave at him as he started backing out of the drive but he waited in the street until I'd actually gone into the house before he drove off.

It was really quiet in the house but that meant nothing, knowing my dad he'd be in his study working behind his computer. A look inside the study however told me he wasn't there and when I searched the house all I found was his suitcase with dirty laundry and a note on the kitchen table. He'd bailed again and he'd left me a goddamned list of chores to do as well.

Feeling a mixture of disappointment, hurt and sadness I sat down and simply stared at the note for a while. He'd surprised me by still being here today and asking me to be home tonight so we could talk, I suppose it was too much to expect him to actually stick around for more than a day. Not for the first time I wondered if he'd ever get over avoiding me and treating me like the help.

Though Matt had kept saying he didn't think it was safe for me to be by myself I didn't call him to let him know my dad was in the wind. He'd come if I did, either to get me or to sleep over but I didn't want that. I was hurt enough as it was that my dad had left like this, I didn't want to have to explain to Matt what had happened or cover for him. Already I knew Matt suspected that my dad was practically never around, but I'd have to tell him how true that was if I called him now.

I'd have to tell him anyway because I didn't want to keep secrets but not today at least, I could find a place for this hurt first. Besides it was the first time since this weekend that I was by myself, I had more memories to deal with.


And? Did it fullfill expectations? What did you guys think? And what do you think is up with her dad being gone again?

Vote, comment, follow if you feel like it! I appreciate it ;-)

Much love,


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