《Agreement of Being Gay for 30 Days [協議攪基30天]》021; "make sure your heart doesn't beat too fast~"


As a youth who had never dated and had always been the one pursued by others, Zhang Lingyi was originally quite ignorant about the uses of bicycles.

At least, that was only until there was a day when one of his dormmates got a girlfriend and bought a bicycle which only had a horizontal bar and no backseat. Back then, Zhang Lingyi had laughed when he saw that the bicycle didn't even have a backseat. He had jokingly warned the other to be careful in case his girlfriend ran off with someone else whose bicycle had a backseat.

At that time, his dormmate had only given him a lascivious and disdainful, yet also deeply meaningful smile.

Two days later, Zhang Lingyi watched as his dormmate passed by him on his bicycle with his girlfriend. It was then that he finally realised how foolish and naïve he had been.

Ah, it turned out that the places you could carry people on bicycles weren't only on the backseat!

Hence, Zhang Lingyi decided to wait for the day when he also got a girlfriend and try it too.

Was there any other weapon more direct than these kind of bicycles which allowed girls to throw themselves at him?

Ah, of course there definitely weren't!

Zhang Lingyi had fantasised about such scenes many times. Unfortunately, as a narcissistic sophomore, Zhang Lingyi had never yet encountered a girl who made him want to buy a bicycle with a horizontal bar.

Although he currently didn't have a girlfriend, he at least had a boyfriend now!

While thinking this, he glanced over at Wang Guangning's fresh and clean features. Zhang Lingyi felt that he was indeed more pleasing to the eye than those girls.

However, he didn't expect that his 'first time' would actually be offered to Wang Guangning. Zhang Lingyi felt extremely sad, yet also faintly......excited.

If Wang Guangning had a few incense sticks in his hand right now, he would definitely give Zhang Lingyi several stabs on his bald head without hesitation and let the other become a monk.

Couldn't this idiot be normal for even a moment?

After dealing with Zhang Lingyi for so long, even though Wang Guangning had already been frustrated to the point of orz and was howling in grief and suffering, his outward expression was still very much calm and collected. "Then, are you prepared to sit on that horizontal bar?"

Zhang Lingyi had just been imagining the scene of Wang Guangning sitting on the bar with a bashful expression as he hid in Zhang Lingyi's embrace. With a face full of expectation, Zhang Lingyi suddenly stiffened upon hearing Wang Guangning's question. Laughing, he said, "How is that possible?" Of course it's you who will sit on the horizontal bar~!

However, the second half of the sentence was automatically silenced after he saw Wang Guangning's complexion.

A wise man would submit to the circumstances, and as talented¹ xiao cao, Zhang Lingyi was not only handsome¹, but also a genius¹!


俊 (jun): this entire sentence was basically a play on words. 俊 means intelligent, handsome, and/or talented. The latter half of the sentence is saying that Zhang Lingyi is both 英俊 ying jun (handsome) and 俊杰 jun jie (elite/genius)

Hence, they finally ended up renting a bicycle with a backseat. Zhang Lingyi gazed reluctantly at the bicycle without a horizontal bar and heaved a great sigh. The only thing worth celebrating was that Wang Guangning was ticklish so he would have to sit in the backseat and hug Zhang Lingyi's waist.

If it was on the bus, then the person hugging from behind must definitely be the gong. But on the bicycle ~

Ha ha ha.

With the gong's authority to take initiative once again returned to his hands, Zhang Lingyi was very satisfied.

Consequently, a scene in defiance of the natural order appeared in G city's public transport circle of a certain district where well-known universities and colleges were assembled.

The handsome and elegant xiao cao of F University, Zhang Lingyi, appeared riding the same bicycle as the similarly handsome and elegant Wang Guangning.

It was a known fact that the roads around the vicinity of these universities and colleges were basically all flat and clean, lined with trees on either side. As it was far from the commercial centre, not many vehicles such as cars passed by here, with the majority being public buses or student bicycles. It was inevitable that these paths would be crowned with the reputation of being the 'Lovers' Roads.'

The public transport circle was of course no exception.

As a result, Wang Guangning felt considerably ill at ease and cramped sitting behind Zhang Lingyi on the bicycle. What made him even more uncomfortable was Zhang Lingyi's continuous urging to hug the other tightly from behind.

=皿= That was a face full of blood, alright? According to the initial plan, the person hugging from behind should be very aggressive like a gong. So how come the plot changed dramatically and he had fallen into the xiao shou pit again?

Wang Guangning self-reflected silently.

After waiting for a long time, Zhang Lingyi who was sitting in front still did not feel Wang Guangning's arms. He impatiently urged, "Shou shou, why are you dawdling so much? Quickly hug me~!"

Say, Zhang xiao cao, does your tone dare to become even more impatient?

In a helpless manner, Wang Guangning slowly wound his arms around Zhang Lingyi's waist.

From where Wang Guangning was sitting, Zhang Lingyi's back appeared very broad. The winter clothes Zhang Lingyi wore were thick, so he couldn't see the texture of the other's muscles. However, Wang Guangning had fought against Zhang Lingyi for many bouts. Therefore, he knew that beneath those clothes, Zhang Lingyi had lean muscles which while may not be particularly robust, were quite strong and healthy.

Zhang Lingyi's waist wasn't thick, and Wang Guangning could just about embrace the other with both hands. Although they were separated by clothes, their close distance caused the two people's hearts to simultaneously tremble for a moment.


That kind of odd palpitation once again attacked their thoughts.

It was the sort of feeling where they wanted to be closer and hug the other person even tighter, but could only repress those emotions and force themselves to move away.

It felt completely strange.

Zhang Lingyi's nerves were quite thick, and he detected his own abnormal agitation. He seemed to be somewhat embarrassed, but fortunately Wang Guangning was sitting behind him and couldn't see. He pretended as if nothing was wrong and changed the subject, "Shou shou, where is your head? Quickly lean against my back~"

But Wang Guangning didn't catch his words properly, as his heart was beating too fast. It was to the point that he had no way of being able to hear the sounds around him.

At the end of the term, the roads around the public transport circle were peaceful. Now and then, a bicycle or bus would pass by them. During winter in the south, the trees were still as verdant as before. It was merely that the leaves were more sparse. Soft rays of sunshine peeked through those leaves and fragments of light sprinkled onto their bodies.

Lost in thought, Wang Guangning watched as the trees on either side slowly fell back as they passed, and his palms tightened little by little.

He wasn't gay, but it seemed as if he felt somewhat moved towards a man he had once extremely disliked.

This truly was a crazy world.

"Shou shou!" Zhang Lingyi was still persevering in his shouts to Wang Guangning. "Can you not let your mind wander when on a date with me?"

Wang Guangning slightly recovered his mind and powerlessly rested his head against Zhang Lingyi's back. En, it was very broad and very warm.

"It's a pity that you can't lean your head on my shoulder and then speak next to my ear." Zhang Lingyi sighed with regret.

The corner of Wang Guangning's eye twitched, Zhang Lingyi, do you dare to invest yourself even more into this?

"Zhang Lingyi." Wang Guangning abruptly opened his mouth and asked, "Other than Yu Haining, have you ever liked another girl?"

Upon hearing Wang Guangning's unexpected question, Zhang Lingyi's mind was momentarily blank. Failing to understand, he answered, "Why are you suddenly bringing this up?"

"I'm just casually asking." Wang Guangning replied nonchalantly.

"Ah, well." Zhang Lingyi gazed up, "I guess Zihui." He paused for a second, then continued, "She's pretty good."

'Like' was quite a vague word, and Zhang Lingyi had never truly liked a person before. He only felt that Luo Zihui was a woman who didn't give him pressure, so she should be worthy of being liked.

In his original plan, Luo Zihui was indeed a person he found suitable to be with him.

"Is that so?" Wang Guangning's hands which were wrapped around Zhang Lingyi's waist tightened, then immediately loosened again. "That's good then!"

This entire agreement was initially just a farce, so when it ended, they would both just separately continue onto their own paths.

"Oh, right. Shou shou, let's go to my house together tomorrow after we finish the linear algebra exam." Zhang Lingyi appeared to unexpectedly not want to continue discussing about Luo Zihui and changed the topic. "We can cook together."

At F University, linear algebra was equal to advanced mathematics. Apart from language, literature and law, this was a subject which all majors needed to study. Hence, the entire university undertook this exam.

Furthermore, the university considered the fact that everyone's strength would be greatly wounded after finishing this exam, so there would be two days of vacation given for students to adjust themselves.

Of course, this wasn't a matter worthy of celebrating for the students. The longer the time period between each exam, the longer they would have to torment themselves.

Zhang Lingyi's plan was that they could take a rest at his house for the two days after the linear algebra exam. After all, there was no one at home and it was more comfortable to revise there.

Wang Guangning immediately recalled that on that guide, the seventeenth task for couples was to cook a meal together. No matter whether I tasted delicious or not, they both had to finish eating while wearing a smile.

Zhang Lingyi truly was extremely assiduous and unflagging in his efforts.

However, for Wang Guangning, this entire matter was initially something which had completely lacked any significance, and he had only treated it as a joke. But now, he had already derailed and sunk into a quagmire in which he found difficult to extricate himself from.

Wang Guangning knew very clearly that ceasing all this was what he should do at this moment.

Yet, the words which escaped his mouth were, "Alright."

This must be the work of demons and gods².

鬼使神差: idiom which refers to an unexplained event that cries out for a supernatural explanation.


(╥﹏╥)Had internet connection issues due to bad weather so I wasn't able to post earlier, but here's two chapters (*°▽°*) /

So, I did a bit of research, and this is what I found ~

Loyal dog type gong - their personality resembles the loyalty and devotion of dogs. They are firmly dedicated to their xiao shou. They match well with queen type shou.

Queen type shou - their personality is like that of a queen, arrogant and proud, brimming with superiority. They also cause others to can't help but acknowledge their charisma beneath the haughty exterior. During H, they have the authority to take initiative. They match well with the loyal dog type gong.

Emperor type gong - their temperament is aloof and remote, and they have the aura similar to that of an emperor. It is also difficult to make them yield or bow their head. They are part of the valiant class gong. 

...Zhang Lingyi, I don't think you're an emperor type gong? (・・;)ゞ

translator: k i a i

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