《Make It Right || kσσkv》vii


Taehyung was able to successfully hide his bruises from his parents that weekend. Having to miss out on hanging out with Jia and Jungkook since his parents wanted Taehyung to 'think about his decisions' although all he did was sit in his room all day playing minecraft on his phone. When his parents came to check on him though he would pull out the textbooks and look through random pages just until they would leave his room. Eighteen yet they treated Taehyung like a little kid and don't get Taehyung wrong he loved that his parents cared so much but that's the problem. They cared too damn much that it was driving Taehyung crazy.

Did he go against his parent's words though? Never. Partly because he was afraid to get caught and if he did go against their words then he would also feel bad the whole time so he just let his parents control his life basically. Well... until one night when Taehyung was again, told to stay home and study for the upcoming entrance exams that would be in literal three! months but his father wanted Taehyung to be ready and to ace the exam although Taehyung felt like he could ace the test with just a month worth of studying but nope, not to his father.

So ever since his graduation night, he wasn't allowed to go out or do anything really and it was starting to get on Taehyung's nerves. Being in the same household doing the same things each and every day was sickening him to the point if he was told to study one more damn time he would lose his mind. This brings him here, on his bed looking at the ceiling. He's done everything that could keep him busy and now he was just... laying there? Looking at the ceiling and thinking about everything and anything helped Taehyung not lose his shit but he really was about to until he heard knocks on his window which scared the living daylights out of him.

Looking towards the window, Taehyung jumped back once Jia suddenly looked in and hit the window yet again just so Taehyung would hurry his ass to the window. "What the fuck?!" Taehyung looked towards his door that was shut before he hurried to the window and opened it up. Jia smiling as she waved at Taehyung. "Hi. I came to save you. Come on, let's go." Jia said as she started to slowly climb back down. "What?! What do you mean?! Go where?" Taehyung whispered to Jia who was whispering back. "Out. Hurry!" She jumped onto the grass.


Taehyung scoffed at that and was about to shut the window but looking at Jia who literally climbed to Taehyung's window for him? And to mention he could go out- but his parents. "Hurry up!" Jia whisper yelled and so Taehyung shrugged it off and grabbed a hoodie before he was sneaking out of his window and jumping onto the grass after slowly making his way down the roof. The two running off the lawn and into a vehicle that was parked at the corner. "Go go go." Jia chanted as she got into the vehicle and started to laugh once they drove off.

"That was fun. We need to sneak you out more." Jia turned to Taehyung who was in the back trying to buckle himself in but he was struggling a bit. "The fact that I have to sneak out even though I'm legally an adult." Taehyung moved to the middle so he could talk to Jia but saw that Jungkook was the driver. "To be considered an adult, you gotta be nineteen." Jungkook took the lollipop he had in his mouth out and held it while he came to a stop at the stoplight and looked at Taehyung through the rear-view mirror.

"Okay but technically I'm like... twenty. Korean age." Taehyung mentioned which was a good point. "Probably because you're the only child." Jungkook suddenly brought up which made Taehyung confused. "How do you know that?" Taehyung asked and that's when Jia cut in. "Jungkook is a nosey loser. He asks about you all the time so I just spilled everything I know about you." Jia then stopped herself. "Not everything but the basics." Jia then turned to Taehyung who looked a bit weirded out as Jungkook shook his head. "Okay no. First of all, I said I wanted to know these things because he's your friend."

"... And second of all?" Taehyung blinked several times. "Second of all, I'll drive this vehicle off the bridge right now if Jia calls me a loser one more time." That made Taehyung sit back and pull at the buckle that was still stuck. "Your buckles don't even work. Guess I'll just die." Taehyung acted to die right on the spot as he stuck out his tongue. "They work if you pull hard enough," Jungkook mentioned as he started to drive again. Taehyung looking at the belt before he started pulling at it again. Having the fight of his life with the seatbelt.


"I'm out here playing tug of war with a seatbelt," Taehyung spoke and that made Jia laugh while Jungkook held back his laughter although he was embarrassed that his seatbelt suddenly didn't want to work for Taehyung. His car was pretty old but it didn't have to give out the day he had Taehyung in his car. "You know what Tae? I think you might just have to sacrifice yourself. Sorry." Jungkook clicked his tongue and Taehyung's jaw fell. "Sorry what? I'll jump out right now."

This time Jungkook laughed while shaking his head. "I'm kidding! I'm a good driver, have some trust yeah?" Jungkook looked at Taehyung from the rear-view for a second since he had to focus on the road. "Right right. Where are we going anyway?" Taehyung asked and that's when Jia connected her phone. "Well, it was kind of an in the moment 'let's go get Taehyung' when really Jungkook and I were just going to get some food and drive around," Jia explained. In which Taehyung did not mind at all. At least he had Jia and Jungkook to keep him company now.

Pulling into Mcdonalds, Jungkook ordered for all three of them. Taehyung only getting a drink since he wasn't hungry but when they got into the parking lot, Taehyung was grabbing some of Jia's fries until Jia was quickly eating her fries. "Not hungry my ass." Jungkook looked back at Taehyung who was chewing slowly on his last fry, trying his best to enjoy the taste. With a sigh, Jungkook looked at his fries before he held them out towards Taehyung who looked confused but didn't question it as he grabbed the fries from Jungkook.

"You- I should have gotten those fries. Taehyung isn't hungry, he said so." Jia put her hand in front of Taehyung who was teasing Jia by wiggling the fries he held and eating them. "Okay and clearly he is if he's dogging the fries down right now," Jungkook mentioned and that's when Taehyung stopped himself from eating since he was, in fact, dogging down the fries and he didn't know Jungkook actually noticed. "Fair." Jia chuckled as she finished up her fries. Taehyung feeling a tad bit bad as Jungkook sat there scrolling through his phone.

Taking two more fries, Taehyung nudged Jungkook and that made Jungkook look back at Taehyung. "Sharing is caring," Taehyung said with a smile that turned into a laugh once he saw Jungkook's facial expression. "Sharon and Karen?" Jungkook asked since he thought that was what Taehyung said but since his mouth was full of fries, his pronunciation came out a bit wrong. "Oh my god." Jia laughed at Jungkook who was genuinely confused. "I said, sharing is caring. Grandpa needs a hearing aid?" Taehyung joked while holding back his laugh and giving Jungkook back the fries. "Oh- wait, shut up." Jungkook scoffed while grabbing the fries.

There all three were in a conversation. Either it was Taehyung arguing with Jia or even Jungkook. Talking about the weirdest things or even just talking about random shit that no one knew about. It was nice having someone who knew how to joke around though. Jia was good at that but Taehyung was already close to Jia so it was nice to actually see this side of Jungkook. Seeing how he could get frustrated by his own words or the hint of annoyance lingering in his facial expressions when Jia teased him about something. It was the little things that made Taehyung enjoy the night out with the two.

By the time Taehyung had to go home, it was quite late and he decided to sneak back in from the window but it took a lot longer than Taehyung expected it to be since he did still have a bruised side that hurt but he made it work and eventually he was back in his room. Everything still the same and all as he sat on his bed with a smile. Okay... maybe sneaking out wasn't all that bad.

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