《Rescuing the World's Fate 【BL】【Haitus】》〖Chapter Fifteen〗



"Um.. Where are we going exactly?" Marco asked as he glanced around the cave they have just entered. Both him and rio just followed the white haired man, not knowing what's in his mind.

The latter didn't reply and just smiled. While traveling their way to the capital, he didn't expect that he'll get to encounter one of the best places in the novel which is a cave full of magical treasures. Unfortunately, this place is in the hands of the evil organization before they could even find it.

According to the novel. The cave is inside a forest. It didn't said the exact location of the place but it describe how it looks like.

At the entrance, there are pointy rocks from both the sides of the cave that seems like a fang of a beast. It's also surrounded by few dead trees as if the nature's presence are not allowed near it.

When the group enter, only the fire on the torch are their source of light. Inside the cave is pitch black and it seems to be endless for the two guys.

On the other hand, Yuriel's eyes were glittering in excitement. Aside from the treasures that he can get from the cave, he might also get various ancient artifacts that he can use for the battle (even though he just wants to live his life peacefully while travelling the world.)

They kept on walking for a few more minutes and finally saw a small light at the end.

The three didn't waste time as they walk fast.

Entering the end of the cave. All of the three can't help but to gasp in awe. Even yulier's excitement reached it's climax as he can't help but to put his amazement into words.

"We're rich!" He said and run inside the cave. He's not that greedy but seeing shiny things in one place is too much to take in.


Marco and rio just nod in agreement as they looked around.

Pile of golds on the ground, different kinds of gems like sapphire, emeralds, and diamons are stuch on the walls of the cave and various necklace and artifacts that even a child from a dukedom can't help but to feel greedy when he saw a sword with a mana stone on it.

Marco saw how rio's gaze turned greedy as his mouth shaped like an 'o' which made him look like a child seeing a new kind of toy when it looked on the sword and can't help but to feel helpless.

"Among all the great stuffs in here... You become greedy just for a sword..."

Rio heard it and glared at the necromancer for a second and gone back to paying attention for the sword of his life.

He sighed and looked at the white haired guy who is also gazing at all the artifacts greedily.

He just shook his head and thought that he is the only person between the three of them who aren't swayed by anything.

He looked around and one thing suddenly caught his eyes. Feeling his excitement and greediness mixed in and quickly run into it.

"N-no way! Is this a staff meant for necromancers!? How coooooll!" He loudly and childishly exclaimed as he touched it like his life depends on it.

The two people who are seen as greedy by the necromancer suddenly glanced at him with a deadpan expression while thinking the same idea.

'And he thought of us greedy when he, himself is also the same.'

The necromancer didn't mind their stare and just felt really happy for himself to have a staff.

For his kind, owning a staff is like owning a title of duke for nobles. It helps them control many corpse in one go.

The two minded their own business while yulier is still looking around when he heard rio asked a question which made all of them halt.


"But how did all of this stuff get here? There's no sign of life so i don't think any people will use this as a storage." Rio seriously asked as yuriel thought about it.

In the story, this cave became the evil organization's base not after the heroine met the prince.

And he look at the date back when he was still at the Xandros mansion. it's still 1 year early for Emery, the heroine to meet his soon to be lover and another year before they start their journey on finding the artifact.

'There's still a year before this place will be the enemies base so how....'

Yuriel thought about everything seriously and the two next to him just glanced, waiting for the latter to finish. But no matter how much yuriel put every information he has in the novel, he can't guess who is Putting this stuff in here.

When the latter was about to give up on who's treasure this is. He felt strong footsteps heading their way that it made the ground shake.

The other two also felt it and yulier quickly signals them to come to him closer.

He then cast an invincibility spell to cover their existence and smell.

The footsteps suddenly become even more powerful as a huge scaled claw appeared on the entrance. Just from it, they all can expect that a huge creature will pop out. They waited and a figure of a dragon appeared, holding a shiny mirror on its mouth.

The dragon went inside and put the mirror on the pile of gold when his nose suddenly smelled a different scent. His eyes suddenly became deadly as he glanced around. He smelled three different scents that indicates that intruders went inside his cave without him knowing.

It roared ferociously as a killing intent aura came rushing around the area.

"WHICH INSOLENT WEAKLING DARES ENTER THIS GREAT BEING'S CAVE WITHOUT PERMISSION!?" it asked as he kept looking around. The two heard him and can't help but to frown but the latter didn't really feel insulted because the dragon's words are meant nothing to him especially that he knows dragons only use this words to threaten intruders.

Yuriel didn't mind his companions frown look and instead felt like hitting himself as he forgot to also erase their scents on the things they touched. He knows better than anyone that a dragon's sense of smell is 100 times better than a humans.

He glanced at the mythical creature. Golden scales surrounds its body as a shield along with huge wings with spiked on the corner, indicating that it is from a powerful family of the dragon race.

His sight went up to the creatures face and he saw a small gem on its forehead which made him look at it more closely.

'It looks the same as Shinra's'

He thought as he remembered the female dragon who has the same gem but is located on its chest instead.

He then thought about the time where he asked Shinra about her family. she only said that she has 3 brothers and she's the youngest. All of them have the same gem but is all located on different parts of their body.

The latter gazed at the dragon and decided to let their presence be known to the dragon.

Marco and rio suddenly looked at the latter with an unexplainable expression on their face but he didn't mind it and instead put his attention on the angry looking dragon.

Praying to god that his hunch will be right like how it always do.

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