

thursday june 07 11:26am

"if you won't take me then i guess i'll just have to go alone," lydia whined to her mother in which she received an annoyed look in return.

"lydia, i don't have the time to be taking you places right now. i am well aware of your boredom, but today is very important. i have a lot to do and you know that," her mother, raya spoke. "we can go tomorrow."

lydia sighed, realizing she wasn't going to get far with her mother today. raya has been pulled in so many directions this week, she was beginning to lose track of the days. work has become more and more stressful as the days went on, and raya seemed to be glued to her desk in the house.

lydia absolutely adored her mother. she wished that she could find a hobby, or a place of hire so that raya could have a break from the absolute draining job that kept them well held down financially. lydia was very grateful for her mother's job, of course, but she often pondered in her thoughts about how things used to be, before so many of rayas coworkers had left the sights of the exhausting at home office job that kept her strapped down.

the two often spent their days by one another's sides, strolling through walk ways and paths nearby to the home. they would share laughs, little arguments, and even some trips and falls amongst themselves. sometimes, raya would often walk so fast that lydia struggled to keep up, whining pleas to her mother to slow her pace down. one thing was for certain, they loved each other. and the time they spent together was always fun, even if they were seated at the dinner table silently enjoying meals together.


turning on her feet, lydia started up the stairs and towards her bedroom with a sigh. she didn't understand why her mother would choose to keep a job that was separating them so far away from one another. sure, raya received good pay, but the relationship between the two was slowly demolishing as the days pressed forwards. lydia had always thought that her mother deemed her as more important than a job, but recently she had almost been proven opposite.

rayas job had offered a free trip to the county fair as a form of an award for the work that she had been putting towards the company in the past months she had been there. obviously, lydia had assumed her and her mother would attend together. but as times have shown her recently, she was wrong. raya was glued down to her chair typing sweet nothings onto her computer while lydia was standing in her closet deciding on what to wear for her outing that she was now attending herself, to her dismay of course.

it was summer, and the sun had decided it was time to make a well felt appearance for the day being. lydia's home was cool with the breeze of air conditioning, but she was well aware that the minute she stepped outside she would be swept up and swallowed by the heat. this being said, she decided it would be best to wear a small white skirt matched with a figure fitting pale pink baby tee. lydia was absolutely stunning, and she was aware of this. although everyone on the outside saw a girl with tight clothes on her very small perfectly curved body, she viewed herself as a girl with clothes that were fitting for the heat on her tiny frame.

she never saw herself as sexually stunning to look at, but rather a little girl with a cute ditsy outfit on. when men everywhere looked at her, they wanted her to please them. they wanted her to submit to them, and tremble underneath them.

however, in lydias mind, they were staring at her simply because she was innocently cute. lydia had never seen herself as sexy.

because in her mind, she barely knew what the term meant. she knew it meant that men wanted you,

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