《The List》(30)


"Can you guys get in the water with me?" Landon whined as soon as we got to our chairs at the pool.

"I was planning on tanning, but okay," I agreed unwillingly as River nodded.

The water was freezing as we got in the pool. You'd think a nice hotel like this would spring for a quality heater, but no, they'd rather have us freeze to death.

"Can we play sharks and minnows?" Landon asked, unfazed by the cold water surrounding us.

"I guess," River said.

"I'll be the shark!" Landon said before River and I lined up at one side of the pool. We looked like idiots. Luckily, the hotel and pool weren't that crowded, so there weren't that many people to judge us.

"Go!" Landon yelled as River and I tried to get to the other side of the pool. I could tell that River was not trying at all and let Landon tag him.

"Looks like I'm a shark now," River said.

"Go!" Landon said as I tried to make my way to the other side of the pool alone. Of course, now, River was trying his hardest to tag me. He came up and tackled me under the water as we both laughed.

We continued to play sharks and minnows, Marco Polo, and charades with Landon for the next few hours until it was time to get ready for the wedding.

We dropped off Landon at his room and went back to ours to clean ourselves up and shower before 5:00, which was when the wedding started.

"Want to shower together and save some water?" River asked.

"I'm pretty sure if we shower together, we won't be saving any water."

"Do you care?"

"Not at all," I said, grinning.


We took a shower, made out a little, and washed ourselves off. The sink in the bathroom was small, but we got ready side by side. There was something domestic about it that had my heart fluttering, which I quickly pushed away.

When we were done getting ready, we had about an hour to spare, which we spent watching a movie. Except we didn't actually watch any of it and instead spent the entire time talking, tickling each other, and kissing.

"We better get going," I said as River and I lay next to each other.

"Okay," He said, obviously not that excited about leaving our room.

We headed downstairs, and once we got to the beach, I saw all of the wedding decorations. It was a blue and tan theme to match the beach. Chairs with blue ribbons sat facing the front where Faith and Lola would be getting married. I was insanely happy for my sister.

River and I mingled with my family and some of Faith and Lola's friends for a bit before the wedding ceremony began. I was offered a spot in the wedding as a bridesmaid, but I didn't want it to be too crowded since Lola had so many friends. I left the space open for others.

As the ceremony started, I started to get emotional. Lola and Faith were perfect for each other, and they were so lucky that they had found each other. Jealousy coursed through my veins, and I shoved those feelings away and tried to be happy for them, but I couldn't stop wondering if I would ever find a love like they had done.

After their first kiss as a married couple, we all stood up and clapped. Then we headed to the pool area for the reception. Our family had rented out the space, so only the wedding guests were allowed to attend the party.


"That was beautiful!" I told Lola and Faith as we danced to a fast song together. River was off with Landon somewhere.

"Thank you! You're going to be next to get married!" Faith said.

"I don't know about that."

"Come on. You and River are perfect for each other. I see that way that you look at one another."

"Maybe," I said, not wanting to come clean and tell them that River wasn't actually my boyfriend. Yes, we were hooking up, but it's not like he had feelings for me.

"Where is River anyway?"

"He's with Landon. I'm going to go find them and leave you two alone," I said with a smile before walking away.

I found River and Landon by the food, of course. As I walked up, I overheard their conversation.

"I bet I can fit more pigs in a blanket in my mouth than you!" River said, causing me to roll my eyes.

"No way!" Landon said, already stuffing his mouth.

"You guys are ridiculous," I said, walking up to them.

"Wanna join the contest?" River asked with four pigs in a blanket stuffed in his mouth so I could barely understand him.

"I think I'm gonna pass," I said.

"Suit yourself."

The boys continued to stuff food into their mouths until they couldn't anymore.

"I won!" River mumbled through all of the food in his mouth.

"Congratulations," I said sarcastically. "How do you guys plan on chewing all of that?"

The boys looked confused before they realized that I was right. After running over to the trash cans and spitting the food out, they returned to where I was standing.

"Maybe that wasn't the best idea," River said.

"You think?" I said.

"Do you guys want to dance?" Landon asked.

"Of course," River said before we headed to the dance floor. It was a fast song, so the three of us held hands in a circle and danced together. Landon and River both had the biggest smiles on their faces, causing me to smile.

Before long, the DJ changed the song to a slow song, and Landon pushed River and me together.

"Dance," He demanded before the two of us started swaying to the music. Landon walked away, leaving River and me alone with the music and everyone else on the dance floor. His hands were on my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Hi," He said, causing me to smile.

"Hi," I said back.

"You look beautiful," He said as I looked down at my navy dress.

"Thank you," I replied, and at that moment, there was nowhere else I'd rather be.

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