《Life After An Unwanted Marriage》Chapter 14


The two women bonded with ease over Serenity's signature Lasagna Bolognese and Chicken Florentine Pasta. Being torn between London and Italy upon growing up had paved its way to expose Serenity to the different cultures, traditions, and recipes of the two European countries.

Once again the woman didn't fail to stun Cassandra with her fine cooking skills- another trait which the latter believed to have attracted her brother into marrying her (Serenity).

Sadly, after their meal and small talk, Cassandra had been obliged to bid her goodbyes. She said she couldn't stay long, for she was to go to London to visit her and Andrei's father.

"I am so grateful that I had met someone as nice as you," Cassandra said a moment later when she was ushered by both her sister in law and brother into his private jet. She hugged her then, showing that she meant everything that she had said.

"And I am too," Serenity said through the hug. After they broke contact Cassandra made to approach her brother who's standing a good meter away behind.

His face holds it's signature stoicism- not displaying any emotions. Andrei may be hard to comprehend at times but deep inside, he really cares. His words may not show it but his actions will and Cassandra knew that very well.

"Well, aren't you gonna say goodbye to your little sister" she joked.

His face softened and a half-smile half-smirk grazed his lips. "You'll be fine without it Cassey" he responded with mirth glinting in his eyes.

Cassandra furrowed her brows and pouted her lips, pretending to be offended, when Andrei released a laugh.

"Take care, okay," Andrei said hugging her sister.

"I will, thank-you Drei" she replied after the hug. Andrei responded with a small smile.

Serenity saw the exchange of gestures between the siblings and found it simply cute. She thought it's cute seeing him smile and laugh for a bit. It adds up to his already handsome face.


Oh for goodness sake, stop it her mind reprimanded.


An hour had passed since Cassandra's departure. Serenity was strolling along the corridor that directed towards hers and Andrei's room when her phone suddenly rang.

Looking at the caller Id, she saw her office number. It was probably her secretary calling her from the office.

As she placed the phone near her ear, her calm demeanor was quickly replaced with a surprised one. She hastened her pace to the direction of their room.

"Send me a plane. Tell the pilot to hurry"

She needs to go to Seattle ASAP.


Serenity boarded on her private jet that arrived a couple of hours after her secretary called. She did ask for Andrei's whereabouts to tell him that she's leaving on a business issue but he was not within the property and she couldn't afford to wait for him, so she left without a word. She didn't bother to leave a message to the staff so they could tell Andrei about her emergency departure, for she is in a hurry.

Earlier her secretary informed that the investors from Seattle came and was disappointed with her absence. Her secretary was trying to reach her via email, but her laptop was broken the night before, thanks to her husband. Her secretary tried to reach her through phone too, but only a selected number of rooms inside the property was at reach of the cellular service that she was using. Besides, the property was in Montagna Fiorentina; an expanse of Small hills covered with forests alternate with gentle slopes covered with vineyards and olive groves, so...that simply explains it.

Anyways, her secretary told her that the investors went back to Seattle and were a little tempted to back out of the deal. They did compromise though, her secretary mentioned. But this time, they; Serenity and her secretary are the ones who'll come to Seattle.


Of course, Serenity couldn't afford to just let the opportunity slip. Avertini Drug Corporation has a reputation of not losing deals that easily.

If it can still be resolved, then do it.


Andrei groaned in frustration, running a hand over his dark brown quiff styled hair.

"So no one knew where she went," he asked irritatedly at three of the staff members that he had summoned earlier in his study room.

"No sir, I did ask her about where she's going, but she dismissed me quickly, she seemed to be in a hurry and is not intending to tell any of us except you sir" Alfredo, the head of staff responded politely.

"What do you mean"

"She asked of your whereabouts before she left sir, but we did not provide her with an answer, for we too did not know" an honest answer from the head of staff.

The answers he was receiving aggravated him even more, but he couldn't blame them, they're simply telling the truth. Feeling the frustration in his nerves, he dismissed them.

Picking up his phone, he dialed his secretary's number. It took only a matter of seconds before another being can be heard from the other line.

"Mr. Willforth how may I help you" the other line speaks.

"Try to reach out to Avertini Drug Corporation and asked them where their boss is" the secretary on the other line knew that his boss is pertaining to his wife.

"Noted sir, is there anything else?"

"Send me a plane and tell everyone to get ready, for I'll be checking each department tomorrow and I'll be holding a meeting for the board of directors and shareholders." He spoke with such authority that meant business.

"Yes sir"

Andrei ended up the call. He had this stern face of disapproval.

The reason why he brought her here was to accompany him on Natalia's invitation. The first time that they would be seen together as a couple since their wedding attending events such as this one, had it not been for her absence. They would surely be the gossip of everyone and that's the perfect chance to show Natalia that he's living up to the idea of a married man. To show not only her but everyone that they're in love, despite the absurd truth about their marriage, to live up to the biggest charade of their lives. Of course, his dear wife wouldn't want him touching her, kissing her and being all so sweet and caring on that event, but she's gonna have to come around and comply with his ploy to deceive the elite society of greedy, selfish business tycoons.

All of that seemed to be useless now since she's not around.

Damn, Serenity is more stubborn than I thought. Andrei stated in his mind.

His initial thought was she found a chance to escape him since she was forced to come here in the first place, and it's not impossible; She's perfectly capable of slithering her way out of his grip, much to his dismay. Serenity is as rich as her husband, there's no doubt in that. She has the money, the connection and the equipment to escape, he just hadn't thought that it would happen.

Time to teach my wife a lesson when she gets back. Andrei thought.

And he was dead serious on that.

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