《Jurassic Park: Altered LOST World: Origins /Rexy And Crusher's Love Story》Welcome to Jurassic Park
The next morning, as the sun rose from the eastern side of the island, Rexy woke up bright and early.
Before she could get up and leave, she turned around to see that Crusher was still asleep, and his tail, intertwined with hers.
So, she decided to uh, stay with him for a while, though she kind of, didn't exactly trust him, and he with her.
They didn't quite trust one another, but had to remain a united front, for the sake of Crusher's adopted daughter.
So, she ended up cuddling with the male next to her and rested for a little longer, though she started to slowly blush inside as she stared at the male, who was sleeping happily.
Until the king's adopted daughter began to, curiously investigate.
Only for Deia to find that, her foster father, is sleeping next to the queen of Isla Nublar, she let out a small giggle, that soon turned into laughter.
And Crusher slowly blinked his eyes open.
Yawns. "What's going on? What am I-"
Crusher asked.
Deia stared in amusement. "You were resting with queen Rexy last night. Are you two in love?" She teased.
Both Tyrannosaurus stared at one another and blushed with embarrassment.
Crusher stammered. "Uh, no, I uh, mean, she- we're, n-not in l-l-love. Just f-friends." He looked away, facing the wall out of nervousness.
Rexy answered for him. "Y-yes, Deia. I was just. W-we're just... friends, nothing more." She was also embarrassed. And she looked away also.
Deia began teasing them.
"Really? Then why are your tails intertwined with one another? Why are you two cuddling then?"
Crusher and Rexy were both so embarrassed, they didn't say anything.
Deia giggled to herself before leaving for a drink.
Both Tyrannosaurus sighed in relief.
"That was close." Crusher added.
Rexy agreed. "Yes, it was. Shall we get a refreshment first before patrolling and maybe, sparring sometime later?"
Crusher nodded.
"Yep. Let's go."
The king and queen left the cave, releasing their tails and went to go for a drink as morning rose.
They headed to a nearby lake in their enclosure and began to sap their tongues in the water.
Deia had already finished drinking minutes ago, and was waiting for the two adults, who were already there.
Elsewhere in the island...
Alan's eyes widened as he stared at Dr. Malcolm from under the brim of his hat.
He was acting more like a young child than Lily had ever displayed.
He was acting the annoying, petulant, disruptive child that Alan detested, the kind that Lily Grant, never had been.
Lily, who barely understood a work Ian said, was giggling quietly at his behavior, ducking her head to hide her smile.
"Dr. Sattler, Dr. Grant, you've heard of chaos theory?" Ian asked, turning his attention to the paleontologists again.
"No," Ellie admitted as Alan remained silent.
"No? Nonlinear equations, strange attraction?" Again, Ellie shrugged, which prompted Ian to smile again. "Dr. Sattler, I refuse to believe that you aren't familiar with the concept of attraction." Ellie smiled down at her hands and then glanced over at Alan, who was rolling his eyes and shaking his head.
She subtly slipped her hand into his to give it a tight squeeze, something that Lily noticed and smiled about.
"I bring scientists, you bring a rock-star," Hammond said pointedly to Gennaro.
Gennaro looked like he was about to protest, but Hammond, with a gleam in his eye, pointed out the window. "There it is!"
Everyone turned to look out the window on the right hand side of the helicopter, gazing out at the island they approached.
Isla Nublar wasn't horribly large, but it wasn't tiny either.
Waves broke against the shore and the rocks that lined it, and mist clung to the lush forests that seemed to cover the entirety of it.
The helicopter banked to the right and flew them towards a divide between two mountains, taking them closer to their destination.
Lily stared out the window in utter awe, an unerasable grin stretched across her face.
Everything was lush and green and dense, and it made her wonder just what was running around beneath all that foliage and just what sort of park it was that Hammond was openning. Alan watched her with a small smile on his face, glad to see her so excited and so happy.
He slipped his sunglasses on and adjusted the bandana around his neck, already feeling the humidity.
They hovered in one spot for a moment, just above a gushing waterfall that splattered into a small pool at the bottom.
Next to said pool was a helicopter landing pad. Suddenly, the helicopter lurched downwards slightly.
"Bad wind sheers!" Hammond announced. "We have to drop pretty fast. So hold on, this can be just a littlethrilling."
As if on cue, the helicopter dropped suddenly, causing everyone to jump. Ellie squeaked a little and Alan grabbed onto her knee for balance. "Yah-hoo!"
Lily gripped onto the edge of her seat, scrambling to put on the provided seat belt.
Gennaro skittishly followed her lead, looking as though he very well may throw up.
Everyone followed suit in varying degrees of calmness; Alan discovered that his seatbelt was just two clipping mechanisms, and no locking one.
He sighed quietly as Hammond informed him of where the correct one was, and that, as he struggled, they would have landed before he got it right.
So Alan settled with tying the two buckles into a knot around his waist, much to his daughter's amusement. He arched an eyebrow and playfully kicked her foot, which she returned with equally gentle force.
Once they'd landed, they all piled out, with Ellie donning her sunglasses, and Alan removing his hat so it wouldn't fly off. Lily slung her bag over one shoulder and turned around in a circle, staring at her surroundings.
She had never been anywhere tropical before, and she felt as though she were in some tv show or another.
The helicopter blades still spun overhead, whipping around her hair, which fell loose around her shoulders.
The heat was stifling, nothing like she'd ever experienced, even in the middle of summer.
Sweat was forming on her spine already, and gathering at the nape of her neck. The air smelled of foliage and dew, humidity and rain.
It smelled exactly what she would have thought a jungle would smell like.
After taking in her fill––for the moment––Lily followed her father, Ellie, and Ian to the open top jeeps that had been provided for transport.
They were painted tan and red and the doors were embossed with the silhouette of a Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton and the words 'Jurassic Park.'
Before Lily could question what on earth that meant, he was ushered into the jeep by a park attendant wearing a pink polo shirt.
She was seated in the back of the vehicle between Alan and Ian, which was a bit of a squeeze, but it worked.
Ellie sat in the front, unfolding a map as the jeeps roared to life and pushed them forward into the jungle laden lands before them.
As soon as the chopper dropped off Alan, Malcolm, Sattler, Gennaro and Hammond, they went off to show their first dinosaur before heading to the Visitor's Center. In the form of a Brachiosaurus. Grant stared in awe and surprise.
For the first time in millions of years before man ever existed, was a dinosaur.
'Did I just saw a d-d, a dinosaur?-' Grant thought to himself as he stared directly to the left of the jeep, speechless as a massive animal the size of a combination of an elephant and giraffe approaching a nearby tree to graze on the leaves up ahead.
Lily got up and leaned her body to her right, eventually, she saw the same thing her father did.
Her jaw dropped.
It was grey in color, standing on four thick legs, and it's neck was long and curved. It was a Brachiosaurus, from the Jurassic Period. And bellowing out what appears to be resemblance to whale calls.
"Alan, this species of vermiform was been extinct since the Cretaceous Period.
This thing - -"
Grant, never tearing his eyes from the brachiosaur, reaches over and grabs Ellie's head, turning it to face the animal. She sees it, and drops the leaf. She also gasped and got up, seeing what Grant was also seeing.
"Oh - - my - - God."
Ellie said in a quiet, joyful tone.
Grant lets out a long, sharp gasp, and a combination of a laugh and shout of joy.
He gets out of the jeep, and Ellie follows.
His daughter does the same.
Grant points to the thing and manages to put together his first words since it's appearance.
"It's, it's- - it's a dinosaur."
The dinosaur continues chewing the branches with leaves.
Technically, it's a Brachiosaur, of the sauropod family, but we've always called it a Brontosaurus.
It crunched the branch in it's mouth, which is some thirty-five feet up off the ground, at the end of its long, arching neck. Not been seen since the age if dinosaurs.
It stares down at the people in the car with a pleasant, stupid gaze.
Ellie looks up at the sauropods in wonder.
They've pretty light on their feet - a far cry from the sluggish, lumbering brutes we would have expected in previous interpretations.
That's…" Lily murmured in awe, stumbling forward a few steps. "That's a brachiosaurus!"
As she continued to step towards the massive long-necked herbivore, Alan immediately lurched forward and grabbed hold of her wrist, drawing her back against his chest.
He placed both hands on her shoulders and squeezed, conveying both a silent plea to stay put and his own excitement. "Dad… that's a brachiosaurus!"
"I know… I know!" he exclaimed excitedly, the two Grants grinning like crazy. The brachiosaurus was Lily's favorite dinosaur.
She didn't know how this was possible, but it was real. She could she flesh move and muscle shift under thick, wrinkled, grey skin.
Could feel the ground shake as it moved its giant feet.
Hear its groaning call as it opened its mouth and munched on leaves and branches.
It was real; and Lily had never felt so excited in her life.
It was like getting to see your favorite exotic animal at the zoo, but ten thousand times better; it was seeing the most exotic, impossible creature on earth.
Letting go of his daughter's shoulders, Alan moved forward till he stood at a distance that could be classified as too close.
He shielded his eyes from the now present sun and tilted his head back to stare up its impossibly long neck.
ammond gets out of his jeep and comes back to join them.
He looks like a proud parent showing off the kid, chuckling.
Ian Malcolm looks at Hammond, amazed, and with an expression that is a mixture of admiration and rapprochement.
"You did it. You crazy son of a bitch, you did it." Malcolm murmured.
Grant and Ellie continue walking, following the dinosaur.
"Ellie, we can tear up the rule book on cold-bloodedness. It doesn't apply, they're totally wrong! This is a warm-blooded creature. They're totally wrong."
Grant commented.
"This thing doesn't live in a swamp to support it's body weight for God's sake! "
Ellie replies in excitement.
Several of the top branches are suddenly RIPPED away.
Another sauropod, reaching for a branch high above their heads, stands effortlessly on its hind legs.
The paleontologist turned to Hammond, asking, "That thing's got a what, twenty-five, twenty-seven foot neck?"
Hammond answered proudly. "The brachiosaur? Thirty."
Grant and Ellie continue to walk.
Grant added in again."- - and you're going to sit there and try to tell me it can push blood up a thirty-foot neck without a four-chambered heart and get around like that?! Like that!? This is like a knockout punch for warm-bloodedness."
Alan laughed in happy disbelief, threading fingers through the front of his hair to brush it off his forehead.
They all watched as the brachiosaurus rose up on its hind legs and rose a couple more feet, biting down on the top most branches of the skinny-trunked tree.
Lily placed both hands over her mouth to hide what she was sure was a goofy looking grin. It was so agile!
So sure of its movements.
Lily laughed when the impact of its feet meeting the ground again made them all stumble.
She didn't recover from the stumble too well, though. She fell flat on her bottom, but that didn't bother her in the least bit.
Hammond approaches them.
Grant asked another question.
"How fast are they?"
"Well, we clocked the T-rex at thirty-two miles an hour. "
Sattler turns around, speechless, wondering what he just said.
"T-T-Rex?" Ellie asked, just shocked.
"You've said you got a T-rex!? He's got a T-rex!"
The CEO of Ingen nodded in acknowledgement.
Grant turns around, wanting a confirmation of what he just heard.
"Say again?"
Hammond reveals the secret, chuckling in amusement and excitement.
"Yes, we have a T-rex."
Grant starts to lean down and almost faint. He sits down on the ground. Ellie then approaches Grant, who seemingly was close to fainting, after hearing what Hammond just said.
"Honey, put your head between your knees, and breathe." Advised Sattler.
Hammond walks in front of them and looks out to the open plains.
"Dr. Grant, my dear Dr. Sattler. Welcome to Jurassic Park." Hammond added.
They later turn to look at the view again. It's beautiful environment was reminiscent, resembling that of an African plain.
A whole herd of dinosaurs crosses the plain, maybe a hundred.
Grant murmured in excitement to Sattler, who was sitting down, kneeling next to him.
Lily remaimed standing and stared at the dinosaurs up in the distance, still stunned at what she saw. With a look of awe in her facial expressions.
"Ellie, they're absolutely - - they're moving in herds. They do move in herds!"
"We were right!" Ellie murmured in excitement as well. But Grant continues to stare at herd of dinosaurs, speechless. He then asks Hammond a question out of curiosity.
"How did you do this?!" Grant asked, still speechless and in awe at what he just saw.
"I'll show you." Hammond answered.
Donald Gennaro, however, sort of faded into the background while the others reacted.
He's just staring, a look of absolute rapture on his face, imagining how much of money the park will make.
He then speaks in a voice that is hushed and reverent.
"We're gonna make a fortune of this place."
Alan rose to his feet with Ellie's help and then turned to face his daughter, who was trying desperately––and failing––to wipe the excited grin off her face.
She tilted her head back to look up at her father, laughing joyfully.
"There are dinosaurs," she said, still sounding shocked. "Real living dinosaurs, dad! This is… is my dream come true––our dream come true!"
Alan grinned and reached down, sweeping his daughter off the ground.
He twirled her around once, causing her to giggle, before holding her to his chest, clasping her head to his shoulder.
He hadn't seen her so happy in a very long time, and to see see her grinning made him grin as well.
Bending his head, Alan kissed Lily's shoulder and then her temple, feeling her wind her arms around his neck just a bit tighter.
Glancing Ellie's way, he saw that she was smiling sweetly, hands placed on her hips.
He returned the smile as they made their way back towards the jeeps, sparing glances back at the brachiosaurus behind them.
Lily simply stared up at it as her father carried her away, eyes glittering with wonder.
There wasn't anything in the world that could have made her happier to have been there with her father and Ellie.
Everything was simply… amazing. It was a dream come true, as she'd just said.
Her heart was thrumming with excitement, her mind was working in the most pleasant form of overdrive, and as they got back into the jeeps and made for the road again, Lily could barely think of a single thing that could have ruined her day.
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