《Safe with You - Jurassic World Fan-Fiction》Chapter 12


Owen and his raptors were off tracking the Indominus Rex. Barry and the InGen were with them. I still sat with Claire and her nephews, in the ambulance. We were watching the mission on a tablet.

"What's happening? Is everyone okay?" Gray asked.

"Everyone is fine" Claire said.

"Don't lie to him! Please!" Zach said.

"No, I'm not lying to him" Claire said.

"I want to go to home to mom and dad" Gray said.

"Don't worry sweetie. You'll be home tomorrow" Claire said.

Then, a bloody hand hit the outside of Claire's window, leaving a bloody hand print. There was a man outside, who was scared for his life.

"Get out of here!" The man cried.

Claire started up the ambulance and sped off. The raptors started to chase us. I held on for dear life.

"Hold on, boys!" I called to Claire's nephews.

Then, one of the raptors came flying through Claire's window. Claire and I screamed. Claire knocked the raptor out of the window. Then, Zach and Gray (Claire's nephews) tased another raptor, who had tried to jump in the back of the ambulance.

"Zach, Gray, are you both alright?" Claire said.

"That was so cool" Zach said.

"I want to tell mom and dad" Gray said.

"Please don't tell your parents" Claire said.

Then, I heard the sound of a motorcycle. It was Owen. That god that he was okay. Owen rode up next to my window.

"Are you okay, baby?" Owen asked me.

"I'm fine babe. Are you alright?" I asked him.

"I'm okay baby. We need to get inside the park" Owen said.

Owen rode ahead and we followed him in the ambulance. When we arrived inside the park, Claire and I climbed out of the ambulance, and her nephews followed us. Owen climbed off of his bike, and ran up to me, grabbing my hand. All of ran inside, heading for the control room, but we stopped in the lab. The lab was empty.


"Everyone evacuated" Claire said.

We all went into one room, where they had some small animals in tanks. Then, some men from InGen showed up, and started taking the lab tubes.

"What do you think you're doing?" Claire asked.

"That's none of your concern" A voice said.

Hoskins appeared in the room. All of us became angry with him.

"You son of a bitch!" I said, in an angry tone.

"Yeah, I've been known to be one" Hoskins said.

"What are you going to do?" Claire asked.

"Dr. Wu works for InGen. We are going to use these embryos to create more dinosaurs and use them in the military" Hoskins said.

Just then, Delta came running into the room. She corned Hoskins in the room, as she protected us. Hoskins held out his hand. Delta chomped down on Hoskins hand, which caused him to scream.

"Go! Run!" Owen cried.

Owen grabbed my hand, and Claire grabbed the hands of his nephews. The raptors chased us. We ran outside, and came to a halt. Delta and Echo surrounded us. Blue stood in front of us. Owen carefully reached out to Blue, and took off her tracking headset. Then, the Indominus Rex appeared in front of us.

Blue turned and looked at us. She nudged Owen's hand, and she nudged my arm. Then, she turned around and roared at the Indominus Rex. Blue was protecting us again. Blue, Delta, and Echo began to attack the Indominus Rex. All four raptors were now protecting us. Owen turned to look at me.

"Go with Claire. I'll find you, baby!" Owen said.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you too" Owen said.

Owen kissed me, so passionately. I ran and hid with Claire and her nephews in a gift stand.


"We need more teeth. There's not enough" Gray said.

Claire grabbed a flare and a walkie talkie.

"You both stay here with Carly. I'll be right back" Claire said.

Claire climbed out of the fit stand, and ran off somewhere. She obviously had an idea. Zach and Gray grabbed me, and held on to me tightly. I hoped that we would all be okay. I was worried about Owen.

NOTE: Hey guys! More chapters are coming!

All rights for the GIF (Above) go to Jurassic World, Universal Studios, and Bing.

Link for the GIF: https://78.media.tumblr.com/617900a2ffaa288acf92ad134496bfd5/tumblr_nra53dhqrf1uutgwwo1_500.gif

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