《His Downfall☯︎》Chapter 3


*3 years ago*

Pulling up to the club we see a long line of people waiting to be let in, fucking kidding me right as if hearing my thoughts Rin spoke up "Don't worry my child I've got this" she said while swaying her hips and walking up to the security guard at the front.

Looking around to take in my surroundings I spot my dream car parked in one of the spaces out front. I tapped Kaylie to get her attention so we can savor this moment, "Bitch it's a fucking Audi r8...my god and its matte black lawd" I say while fanning myself

"Shitttt girlll I've never seen one irl...its even sexier in person" she replied while taking a step towards the car

"Girls come on let's go in" Rin shouted to get our attention. Turning around to face her I see the rest walking through the club doors...how tf did she- shaking my head I walk through the club doors while trying to ignore the dirty looks I was receiving from the people waiting.

Haha bitches

Hearing the loud music, I looked forward to see this gorgeous club with neon lights, strip poles and a big ass dance floor... damnnnn.

We walked over to the bar to start of the night with some drinks...hmm alcohol ordering myself a vodka on ice I turn towards my friends who are in deep conversation about Lottie's sex life

"Yayy so like we fucked but I didn't feel anything, he was kinda small too" Lottie said,

Taking it upon myself to speak "I told you Josh was no good come on get a grip, he still acts like pussy after all these years, leave!!!! If the sex life isn't another reason to leave idk what is" I said while taking a sip of my drink.


"Ik Ik I will soon" she said while rolling her eyes. I felt tapping on my shoulder and faced Cleo, "Hottie above is checking you out... he's hot asf" she whispered in my ear. Speaking of it now I do feel as if someone's eyes are on me.

Turning to face the balcony above us I see a tall sexy ass male staring at me hard and I mean hard, he didn't look away when I caught him, he just kept staring in my soul, he slowly dragged he eyes down my body while trying keeping his face emotionless, but I caught faint twitch of a smirk damn that's hot.

Our stare session is cut short by a man walking up behind him and whispering something in his ear. I turn around to talk to the rest instead of staring at him like I'm desperate or something.

"Come on let's go dance I wanna grind on some Italian meat before the night is over" Rin shouted so we can hear her over the music, we received some weird looks but continued our journey to the dance floor.

I swayed my hips while walking to the dance floor... I felt his eyes on me, my ass and the back of my head as if he is daring me to dance.

Ohh baby I will


Might update twice today.....

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