《His Downfall☯︎》Chapter 1


*3 years ago*

Travelling is one of my favorite things to do, I get to meet new people, see the world, and eat different foods from all over the world, but travelling with my friends is another thing.

Right now we are in Milan, Italy in our hotel room and I'm trying to find our passports because we leave to go back to Canada in the morning,

Like where the fuck could the passports be, I have looked everywhere..... I don't get it did they grow a pair of legs and walk away, my gosh, this honestly is so much bullshit.

"Have you looked in the bathroom?" asked Lottie

"No why the fuck would they be there" I said

"I don't know I'm just trying to help...sorry" she stressed while rolling her eyes

" Yall wanna go to this club I found, its our last night here I wanna get fucked" Rin shouted walking into the room while holding the passports.

"Where the fuck were these?" I shouted snatching them out of her hand.

"The bathroom" she responded while sucking on a cool aid,

At the corner of my eye I can see Lottie rolling her eyes, I ignored her and put the passports on the table. "Sure, which club?" I asked, "Lux".

"Where are Cleo and Kaylie?" Lottie asked, and right on que like if they heard their names, they walked out.

"Guys we are going to the club seeing its our last night here, so get ready so we can leave in an hour, Vamos!" Rin shouted excitedly.

Right, where are my manners

Hey, my name is Esme Barrow, I'm 21 years old, and I'm from the Caribbean.... Barbados to be exact, I like to eat, umm watch movies, sing, dance and eat yay that's basically it,


I'm in my 3rd year of uni in Canada and I wanna be rich. #richauntie #milf

I have 4 close friends, their names are Kaylie, Lottie, Cleo and Rin.

We are all from Barbados and all of us decided to go college together in Toronto.

We call ourselves the flossy possie (lemme know if you get the reference), we are a bunch of dumbasses but I wouldn't trade these girls for nothing. They are my family and my home away from home,

okay enough of the sappy shit, Let's get fucked tonight literally, I hope.


First chapter completed how was it????

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