《Where She Belongs》Don't Look Back.
After taking a shower, I would have been more than happy to just curl up in bed with Aiden and forget everything that had happened. Of course it wasn't that simple. As we had walked home I told him what I could about the attack, which left him silent and tense. Things like that don't just happen without a reason, but what could that reason have been? It wasn't like I had enemies around every corner; if anything the only person I had issues with around here was the girl at the supermarket that would constantly make remarks on the amount of alcohol I brought. It wasn't as bad as it appeared, she was just always working every time I went in so of course she thought it was the only thing I ever purchased.
Cause enough to organise two werewolves to try abducting me? No.
Before my Dad made his presence known, before Aiden came into my life, before my world was turned upside down - this would have been completely and utterly terrifying. Now when things out of the ordinary happened, it just felt like a Tuesday. Maybe I was just too tired to care. Maybe it would hit me in the morning like the hangover I was currently working my way towards as despite Aiden's look of, 'really, you're doing that now?' I skipped the glass and drank the bourbon straight. Maybe I did have a bit of a problem.
"And you really didn't know them?" He asked for the third time.
"No. Never seen them before in my life." He sat thoughtful for a moment and I savored the quiet. Yet as I watched him, I saw that familiar rage bubbling under the surface. His eyes seemed to darken and I sighed. "David has nothing to do with it."
"I know you want to believe that Sam, but it's just a little too convenient he was there. I thought you asked him for some space so why the hell was he lurking around your neighbourhood? I hadn't sensed him nearby for a while, so on a whim he suddenly has some kind of fatherly instinct to check on his kid?" He was trying to stay calm and I appreciated the effort it clearly took him to do so.
"Not exactly a whim. It's a little more complicated than that." And then I told him the truth about how I've been spending my 'class time'.
"He's a dangerous man Sam." He finally said right before I thought he was about to walk out. He rubbed his face looking beyond tired and while my guilt had eased now the truth was out, it flared back up. "I understand that you want to believe he is who he is letting you think he is, which makes me even more certain he staged tonight."
"That's ridiculous." I shout, more in frustration than anything else. "I get he isn't a good person, I haven't forgotten his little spree before finding me, and I don't agree with his methods, and sure he has some issues, but when it's just me and him he isn't that person. He wants to be my father. He wants to know me. He cares and-"
Gods could he be right?
No. He couldn't.
David was trying. Deep down I understood what Aiden was trying to say, but I was also right in my decision - not the one I was forced into, but what I had already decided before that horrible night. He deserved a chance. Maybe my Mum thought David had once as well, she did after all write to him to tell him that I existed. Had she hoped he'd find out sooner, that he might have turned up back then and been a part of my life like he claims he would have always wanted to be? I can't change the past or what happened and how, but I can have some say in the future.
"I don't expect you to understand. I hate I've even put you in this position, but I want to give my father a chance. No one else has and these last few weeks have been kind of great with him" I admit. "I'm not going to stop seeing him Aiden."
Aiden stood in the middle of the lounge room and I almost expected him to leave; mate or not. Since that very first night together everything had changed between us. It was scary and exciting. A consuming, demanding beast that took control and we were powerless to stop it. I was still just as fascinated by him as the day we first met and a part of me still rang the alarm somewhere in the back of my mind that he was a bad idea - the knowledge he'd change my life in irreparable ways a truth. Before, it was because I didn't know what I was walking into. He was a stranger. Dark. Dangerous. Strong. He'd have the power to destroy me. Now, it was much the same. If he left before he always came back, something in me knew he would despite how frustrated I had been over it. If he was to leave now - I no longer held the certainty that he would be. If that was the case, as it meant that tiny little voice of alarm I always chose to ignore would be right. He would destroy me and in some ways, it would also be all of my own doing.
"Nothing I say will change your mind, will it?" He finally spoke, coming over to where I sat so tightly wound I was bound to explode at any second.
I shook my head.
Dropping to his knees, he took the bottle out of my hand before taken both of mine in his. Leaning down he rested his head on them in my lap, his shoulders slowly moving with each deep breath he took. I hated that he restrained my hands, I wanted to touch him. Feel him. It felt like an eternity later that he let me go, his arms either side of me as his face was brought in closer to mine.
"I'm glad you're okay. You gave me a real scare tonight." His nose brushed against my cheek before his warm breath tickled my neck and I stopped breathing. "If anything had happened to you-"
I gasped as I felt his mouth on my neck, the subtle sharp pressure from his fangs snapping me back to life as my arms went over his shoulders and I slid my legs up to wrap around his waist. The few aches and pains I had vanished as I felt his hands slide around my hips and the lower as the sofa vanished beneath me, only to be replaced by the hardness of the wall beside us as he pinned me against it.
Like a cat I flexed my nails against the fabric of his sweater, kneading the fabric underneath until I felt the tear and then his flesh was beneath my fingertips. I held on as those sharp points teased my collar bone, then my breast as his scent began to overpower me.
"Aiden." I gasped, as the second of pain form his bite instantly being replaced by a rush of pure bliss as he stopped teasing.
If it was even possible my body curled around him further before he released me, his mouth now on mine as he spread the sweet yet metallic taste of my blood across my tongue. My claws dug in, tearing into shirt now with little remorse as I desperately sought all of him. Clothing was too much, just an obstacle to be removed and tugging on his sleeves, I felt the rumble of his laugh in his chest.
"If you wanted it off, you should have just asked." He murmured, swinging me around.
The lounge room was left behind and my mouth never left his until I was dropped gently onto the bed. In seconds I'd tossed my t-shirt aside, sweatpants soon following and before I could complain, he was back. His skin was hot against mine, as I began to ache for a whole new set of reasons.
"I thought you were going to leave." I whisper as the roughness from the lounge room eases into gentle kisses and soft caresses as though we're just discovering each other for the first time.
He stops, arching his back as he moves so his body is completely covering mine. I reach up to stroke his cheek, my thumb sliding over his lips as our eyes meet. "No Love, we're in this together."
Together. A weight I hadn't know existed was suddenly gone from my shoulders as we became joined as one. Something had changed within these few short hours, I wasn't sure what that was exactly but I felt stupid for ever doubting him, for doubting us and for thinking he would actually leave me.
That said, just because he was going along with it didn't mean he was thrilled about it either. The next night David came by as we knew he would and the pair sat as far apart as my lounge room allowed. Having them in the same room was a great start though and I ignored the constant glaring war that I was now stuck in the middle of.
"I am to blame for the attack." David admitted regretfully. "Who ever hired them had obviously been watching us and going to use you to send a message to me."
Aiden growled. David and I ignored it.
"Why? Do you know who it could be?" I realised asking why may have been a little redundant due to what I already knew of his past. Unlike my weak suspects he probably had a list of enemies a mile long.
"There are a few possibilities that I have, a friend, looking into. You shouldn't worry though. It's taken care of." He assured us.
"Ok, so that's good. Right Aiden?" I looked at him hopefully and all he did in response was blink.
"I assume you've had someone-" David started.
"I have. We don't need anymore of your help." Aiden told him flatly.
Well, that would have to be his first sentence all night so and he said more than I expected him to.
"Brianna came by this morning." I explain and David simply nodded.
"So long as that's all taken care of, I'll see you next week like usual?"
I smiled, getting up as he went to head towards the front door. "Yes, sounds good!"
"No." Aiden stood too and his sudden inclusion made us both jump.
"Aiden, please-" I took a step towards him as David upped the glaring game to looks would do more than kill.
"You have no-" David growled only Aiden held up his hand and we both stopped.
"That's just stupid. If someone is watching you and possibly using Sam as a target, change your plans." He rolled his eyes. "I guess your class has changed times or something."
Aiden stalked down the hall and into the bedroom and I couldn't hide my smile. "He has a point."
"Well he seems to be taking, this, better than I thought he would." David mused.
"Just be nice. He's trying." I warn, well aware he'd be listening to every word.
David looked thoughtful for a moment. "How about, Aiden, joins us?"
He says Aiden in the same anxious voice that you'd use when summoning the boogey man and expected him to suddenly appear.
"Yes. In the spirit of reconciliation I think it could be good for all of us." He smiles and I'm not sure this suggestion is in the spirit of anything other than causing trouble.
"We'll think about it." I decide.
We get to the front porch and David turns to face me. "Then again, how about we do something a little different. In light of recent events, how about we do a bit of self defence. Do you even know what you're capable of?"
"What I'm capable of?" I repeat confused.
"You're a hybrid. You're going to have abilities of some kind, and should you find yourself being hunted by two werewolves again it might be a good idea to know what they are."
He had a point. "I can run faster than I could before?"
"Are you like him, and can transform into a mutt?"
"Ah, no?" I shrug. "I never have been like them. Maybe it's Dad related you know? Aiden's Dad was one, and he is and you're well, vampire so-"
"Doesn't matter." He shook his head. "I've heard of hybrids born from either and it hasn't impacted their abilities on either side."
"Oh." I didn't know what to say.
"Think about it." He smiles and with a wave disappears.
"I hate to admit it, but he has a point." Aiden mumbles from behind me, dropping his arms over my shoulders as he pulls me close. "And I'd rather he not find out what you're capable of."
He says the last part so they're is no doubt he is mocking David and turning around to look up at him, I narrow my eyes.
"At least until you know we're all friends." He smirks.
"What if this is as good as it gets for me though?"
"From where I'm standing, there ain't nothing wrong with that." And I believed him.
A week later we have somehow ended up in an abandoned warehouse with David, discussing the process of changing into a wolf - which you know I have never heard before after being raised in a pack with a family of werewolves.
"I don't get it." I shrug.
Aiden gives a little nod, daring a look at David who sighs. "Alright. What about-"
"I think that's enough." Aiden interrupts. "She isn't going to be your little project."
"You think that's what this about?"
"Why wouldn't I? Do you really think I'm here out of the goodness of my heart to get to know you? I was there when you and your friends were shopping for a pet remember. Tell me this isn't about you trying to get one up on him, by using her-"
David hissed and within the blink of an eye, he and Aiden were across the room with his hand around Aiden's throat. Despite the suddenness of his attack, Aiden must have sensed it or been ready as he easily managed to get free and dodge the next hit thrown his way. I froze. Aiden's words lingered in my mind and as David crashed loudly nearby, Aiden practically flew through the air, and his hit didn't miss.
"Stop!" I screamed, rushing over before Aiden could hit him again. Grabbing his arm, I pulled him back and the shaking that took over was a sign I knew as someone was fighting the urge to the shift. "Don't!"
"Let's go, now." He ordered but I shook my head just in time to hear David laugh.
"You idiot. You think I want to use her against him?" He laughed again.
"Who is him?" I demand from either of them.
"His maker. He is a very old, very powerful vampire who happens to be fucking insane." Aiden told me quickly. "Let's go Sam."
"The one that changed your Mum and-"
"Yes. He mostly keeps to himself these days, no one has seen him for a good couple of years and there is no reason for us getting involved in any of his schemes and changing that."
"Is that true? You wanted to see if I'm capable of going against him?" For a second I thought I might cry as a sense of betrayal started to seep in.
"No. If you were that powerful, your uniqueness would have been discovered years ago no matter how they tried to hide it. A few leads happen to be pointing in his direction from the attack the other night. You need to know how to defend yourself." David told me rather matter of factly.
"Bull. Shit." Aiden snarled.
"Think what you want of me, but when it comes to Sam and her safety, nothing else matters to me. Why do you think I'm even allowing you to be near her? There are few with your reputation or abilities that I would trust to be able to keep her safe." He challenged.
"You don't get to make those kind of decisions!" I argue now, making him laugh.
"He would have been dead the night we first met had I not seen how he watched over you Samara. He was so distracted by you that night, I would have finally had my chance to end this little feud."
I glanced at Aiden who seemed to be thinking of that night too and for a second, I think he actually believed him.
"So say that's all true, why would your maker come after me?" That didn't make sense, especially if he had disappeared off everyones radars.
"Because your dear old dad has a price on his head and if most didn't think Antonino was crazy, they may have taken it seriously a long time ago. Say, twenty or so years ago when David murdered my mother." The way he spoke with so little emotion sent a shiver up my spine and not the good kind.
"But you said-"
"I lied." David admitted. "I was sent to kill her bastard child, the only thing she loved as much if not more than Antonino who didn't like that at all. Plus he hated the fact you were a hybrid. Few things can be more powerful than an ancient vampire and you had him scared."
"How? I was just a baby?" Aiden asked, a hint of desperation in his voice.
"You had fangs, for that first year you thrived on blood yet even then held the scent of a wolf. I watched you after your mother took you to your grandparents. You got sick as they treated you as any other mortal child. The wolf took over and because of that you were able to survive. Not that different to Samara. Your parents were told to feed you blood, but they refused and while not as strong as Aiden's, your wolf genes took over and ensured you survived. Just." He added bitterly.
"How do you know this?" I asked hesitantly.
"Well, watching him grow made me curious about hybrids. How do you think I knew where to look when I heard you existed? There aren't well advertised hybrid orphanages or pet shops you can visit to go and find yourself a pup. Those that use dark magic keep them hidden, I've spent years forming my own network and building up my defences."
"I wasn't lying when I told you Brianna and her coven, as well as many others like them fight to free any hybrids that they collect. Its a dark, cruel world, especially when you're different." Aiden told me and I felt like an idiot for ever doubting him. "What I do, to help the coven or act as their guard dog as you like to put it, is what they can't when it comes to finding and stopping these monsters. They're of the light and there is only so much they can do before their magic and intentions become tainted."
So many things were becoming clearer and clearer to me and I was almost desperate to go back to being naive and unaware. What good did the truth ever really do for anyone anyway?
"Ok. So you kill your makers soulmate, let her hybrid baby grow in hopes he will what, take him out at some point in the future, turn to the dark side and use your dark magic friends to help you on this journey until something changes and you decide Aiden has to go and then suddenly get a change of heart when you learn about me?"
"Since we're all being honest, I never planned on trying to kill you." David told Aiden, shrugging like the whole life and death thing meant nothing. Maybe to him it didn't. "That just changed when you found out it wasn't Antonino that killed your grandparents."
"You did that to set him up?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing as the image of this reformed, apologetic good guy that I wanted to call my Dad wasn't just crumbling to pieces but being smashed apart.
"I had to get his attention off me. Once he found out I had killed his mother it got a bit complicated." It all just came out so easily and a rage I'd never known started to burn deep inside.
Maybe Aiden sensed the change as he reached for my hand, which I pulled away instead stepping closer to David.
"And what did Aiden mean before, about you shopping for a pet?" I demanded.
"Sam-" Aiden warned, but I held up my hand to silence him.
I wanted to hear it. I needed him to say it.
"You really want to know?" He asked cautiously, glancing to Aiden before looking at me. "Samara, darling, this is all in the past. We obviously both never told you about it for a reason and-"
"Tell me." I growled, the heat spreading like wildfire through my veins as I struggled to remember the good I had once seen in him.
Like knowing how a magician managed to cut his assistant in half and then put her back together - I chose to believe the fiction over the reality. I had no doubt this whole charade was just like that magic trick. He had showed me a glimpse of it that night he threatened my family but I was too blind to see it. My eyes were open now.
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Last Embers: A Loki Story
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Paper Bride ✔️ (Book 4 - DP Series - COMPLETE)
{Complete}{Book 4 in Dismantled Pride Series}---It's been four years since they sealed the deal, and yet he still makes her heart flutter with the undeniable ache of desire. She loves him. More than she's loved anyone else before.It's just too bad he no longer feels the same way.Now it's up to Mercy to save her marriage, and she will do everything in her power to bring the passion back into their lives. But, while struggling to hold the broken fragments of her marriage together, tragedy strikes. With no other options, she's forced to abandon her hopes of rekindling that dying flame. But sometimes it takes letting go to realize that you weren't holding brokenness together at all... you were holding restoration back.---Book 4 of The Dismantled Pride Series (though it can be read as a standalone... sorta.)Book 1: Porcelain SkinBook 2 : (coming soon)Book 3: Liquid FeelsNote: This story has not been edited, so enter at your own risk. :)
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The Beast
What if the Beast never turned into the prince?My father had just sold me off.Bartered my body to erase his debt to the very devil himself.A Beast of a man. Literally.A creature whispered about amongst the villagers and feared by all.He was a beastly visage at three times the size of a man, his monstrously huge body covered in fur. Sharp fangs and eyes that held an unearthly red glow. He had pawlike hands tipped with claws and horns that arched back from his inhuman face.I was to live with him, to be his in every way-all ways-he saw fit.I was to be his wife, and so I offered myself up as the proverbial sacrifice to the very devil himself. I just didn't expect to enjoy being with a monster as much as I did.-------------This is a book by Jenika Snow.I do not own this book nor take credit for it. This is for offline purposes only.
8 114