《Where She Belongs》What Now?
By the time the cab stops in front of my house, I am still completely lost as to what I'm supposed to do now. What had started as something to deal with later, had completely taken over and as I stood at the end of the path up to the front door, I had even less of an idea of what would happen next.
Brianna answered that question by opening the door and the next few moments happened in a blur of her calling my name, Gwen rushing out and then Aiden holding me. Questions were being thrown around constantly from the small group that now surrounded me and I just felt numb to it all until Aiden's hands cupped my face, forcing me to look up at him.
"Are you okay?" His eyes searched mine and I had no idea what he would find.
"No." I answered truthfully.
His hands dropped to my shoulders, rubbing my arms as he looked me over.
"Are you hurt?"
"No, I'm fine, I just-"
I just what?
I just don't know who to believe anymore?
I just don't know who I am?
I just want to rewind these last few months, back to when everything was simple?
"Come inside. Its freezing out here." Gwen takes charge, managing to slip between Aidens arms as she guides me inside.
The growl is unmissable and yet she doesn't falter, not looking at him or Brianna as she keeps her arms around my shoulders as we go inside. I'm actually impressed with how in control she is right now. For the most part she was all talk, and hardly following in her parents footsteps; most of her courage - like mine, came from having my brothers around to back us up. They weren't here now and so my next guess was she felt more comfortable around Aiden or she was just too worried to care.
"Was it him that took you?" She asks as she head into the living room.
"How did you escape?" Brianna lingers behind the sofa as Gwen sits me down.
"I didn't. He let me go." I tell them as Aiden is quick to replace Gwen beside me.
"He let you go?" He frowns, yet as he takes my hand I can't stop myself from pulling it away. "Sam-"
Unable to sit, I stand up moving to the centre of the room as it suddenly feels way too crowded in here.
"Are you guys okay?" I finally ask, hating the silence as they all just watch me.
"Yeah, we're fine. It was a mild sleeping spell." Gwen answers frowning. "Why would he take you, just to let you go?"
"He wanted to talk and didn't think we could with everyone around." I look at Aiden and he stares back unblinking.
"Talk about what?"
"Everything." I sigh, throwing my hands up to cover my face. "I don't know what's real anymore. Gods!"
"Whatever he said-" Aiden starts only I hold my hand up to stop him.
"How can I believe you? I hardly know you! Or you!" I turn to Brianna. "Things he said about, about all of it, somehow makes sense you know. And it shouldn't and I hate that he has me even thinking about stuff, but why did you two really come? Were packs really offering you more money than ours? What do you actually owe them Aiden, to be their little working dog or is it that they own you? And what-"
I'm ranting and I'm pretty sure the near hysterical, screaming, crazy person I'm hearing is actually me yet before I can go on, Aiden is once again in front of me and taking my hands in his, I shut up.
"I am real. We are real. Trust that." He makes it sound like it's such an easy thing to do. "Whatever he has said, isn't true."
"Were those families he killed even families? Were they good people?" I demand.
"Some were." He answers, hesitating slightly.
"And the others? What did they really do to the hybrids they were supposed to be hiding and helping?"
"Hybrids?" Gwen asks, but we ignore her.
"Some thought they were being cautious. Keep a tight leash and you can't be bit." He said it like it was some kind of mantra and my stomach sunk.
"And the hybrids? Are they really sold?"
"They have been. It didn't work they way they wanted and it was stopped. Charlie helped me as after my grandparents were killed, I went off the rails for a while. Thing was and I think that old fae knew something about it too, but I was caught by some of those, bad people, and the Aeveen coven saved me. There was no trading or buying. All done of our own free will."
"It's true. We worked with some shifters to shut those monsters down Samara. We do not own any of them. Some say we are the pack they never had or the family they had to leave behind." Brianna spoke up. "We came to your pack because a vision I had led me here. Aiden was with me in my vision, which is why he came too."
She looked at Aiden and he nodded. I just looked at her, unsure if I was about to hear more lies or something real. Some part of me knew I could trust Aiden, and if he was on Briannas side, then I was going to have to put some trust there too.
"It was only half of him with me, and his other half was trapped behind a wall. Horrible creatures guarded it and as we got nearer, we could see his other half on the other side. There were obstacles to overcome, yet once we made it over, there was another man there, a shadow that had it in chains, and before we could make it-" She closed her eyes, holding her breath for a second before whispering the rest. "The shadow killed it."
"You two are mates. Two halves of the same." Gwen gasped. "Is David the shadow man?"
"We think so." Brianna answered sadly, looking back to us. "I knew what most of it meant, but the shadow was a mystery until David reappeared in our lives."
"You think he's going to kill me?" That seemed a little far fetched, but when I thought of how we left things, I actually wondered.
"Or Aiden. You don't know which half is which." Gwen added, not so helpfully.
"He told me things, about your Mother and the vampire who made them both. He said, he said-" I didn't know how to say it.
"What?" Aiden came closer. "Just tell me."
"He said he killed her."
That was news to him. His whole body tensed and suddenly my house felt way too small again. Gwen stepped closer to Brianna who covered her mouth with her hands - her gasp the only sound in the room.
"I always wondered." He finally said. "What else did he say?"
"That the vampire who changed her was also her mate. When he found out you were hybrid he ordered you both be killed. It was one thing to be pregnant but not have wolfblood. Apparently hybrid hunters picked you up and she was going to kill herself anyway for failing you." I knew the look on his face now. It was the same one I was positive I had one mine. "Aiden, it could just be a lie?"
"It makes sense as to why I could never find her and why they came to kill us later when he found out I lived." He shook his head. "They were my grandparents. That part isn't a lie. She left me with them as she must have thought they would never find us."
"David didn't doubt she loved you." I tell him softly, but he only gave a little nod.
"How can we make you believe us, that what we've been saying is the truth in all this?" Aiden asked, breaking the awkward silence that had taken over.
"I believe you." I decide. Listening to my gut now didn't seem like a bad idea considering it was the only part of me that seemed to have some idea about what to think.
"And him?" He pushed.
"I believe he just wants to be in my life." The more I thought about it now, the more I knew it wasn't as simple as the goodbye I had given him. We both deserved more, I was sure of it.
"So, you're a-" Gwen stopped, frowning in concentration as she looked between Aiden and I. "Hybrid. Both of you? And your Dad isn't really your Dad, which honestly explains a lot and the psycho killer that we've all be scared of is actually a vampire and your real Dad, who has also killed your mates family?"
"I think that's all of it." I shrug, suddenly feeling exhausted. "You can't tell anyone though Gwen. Promise!"
"I won't. Your family all knows?"
"Yeah. It was a very Merry Christmas." Brianna hands me a glass a wine and I take it, wishing it was something stronger. "I guess it explains a lot huh?"
She nods, sipping her own glass. "I didn't think hybrids truly existed, but now I know two of them."
"Lucky you." Aiden mumbles.
Conversation dies after that until Brianna leaves and Gwen decides to disappear into my guest room, which was brave of her considering it had become a dumping ground for things I didn't know what to do with. She'd been busy earlier and cleared off the bed, found clean sheets and made some kind of sense of the crap that had blocked the doorway. Following her lead Aiden and I head into my room and the second the door closes I feel trapped. There is so much that needs to be said only I don't know what to say and yet none of it matters as soon as I'm in his arms.
"I woke up and you were gone. I've never been so scared before." His words tickle the top of my head as he holds me close. "If he had done anything to hurt you I would have-"
"He didn't and won't. I honestly think he just wants to make up for lost time. He's not at fault this time, my parents made a choice and he has had to deal with that."
"He isn't a good person Sam."
"I know your history isn't great, but-" I start only to have him pull away.
"He isn't going to change over night." Aiden steps back, shaking his head. "Don't let him fool you."
"But what if this does change him? Would you ever be able to find some kind of truce so we can try to get to know each other? I'm not asking you to forgive or to even like him, just not try to kill each other if you both happen to see the other around."
"I know him well enough to know he will never agree to that."
"He might if I talk to him and have your word you will do the same?" A tiny flicker of hope ignites as I can see him actually thinking it over. It's a huge ask and one I'm not sure I have the right to ask.
"I can't answer that Samara." He sighs.
"Not tonight. But could you think about it?" I get a nod and as he sits on the end of the bed, I quickly climb onto his lap. "Thank you."
With my head on his shoulder we just sat there, and after a few minutes Aiden moved us both along the bed until we were laying side by side.
"He said something else, about my Dad." I finally broke the almost peaceful quiet, but it had been playing on my mind and I never mentioned it before.
"You can't believe everything he told you Sam. I know you want to think he's this good guy, but there has to be a reason for it."
"I know, but, it kind of ties in with what my parents told me too. They met another family that had someone like us. Mum said it was more for support early on, and they were one of the ones killed. David said they weren't good people and it wasn't for support, but that they were going to leave me with them only when Mum realised what was going on, they left and moved to join the pack."
"What's that got to do with your Dad?"
"The letter Mum sent him was rather, basic. It pretty much told him I happened, but nothing else. It's horrible, but the ones he killed last told him what he knows about me, the grown up me, because while Mum cut ties with them, Dad didn't." I swallow down the razor blade that had been stuck in my throat, hating how that sounded the second time around.
"There could be a perfectly good explanation for why he did that." Aiden didn't sound like he believed that though. "And it could just be david trying to cause a new divide with you and your family."
"I know, but why would my parents want to keep me from him? I told you how they were just going to pack up and go."
"A lot of reasons. Maybe to avoid this too, him getting in your head, making you doubt them?"
"I should talk to them." I decide.
"No, in the morning." I wiggle closer to him, wanting to just disappear for a minute. "Right now, I just want-"
We both tense as there is a knock on the door and Aiden is quick to move to open it. Nervously Gwen pokes her head in, and holds up her phone.
"It's your Mum." She practically runs over to me and I realise my phone is still flat.
"Mum?" I sit up, unsure why she's calling so late. No one had told anyone about what had happened, so it was a little strange for her to call.
"I've been trying your phone but it keeps going to voicemail and your home phone doesn't seem to work either and I know Gwen was seeing you so i'm glad she's still there and-" She sounds frantic, possibly worse than the last time I spoke to her.
"Mum, what's wrong?"
"Did your brothers happen to come visit, with Gwen, or just on their own or talk to you on that facebook thing?" She rambles.
"No, they aren't here. I had a message from Luke about enjoying the party yesterday morning. That's all." I suddenly feel cold and turn away from Aiden and Gwen.
"Oh okay." She's in full panic mode, I can hear it in her voice as Dad's muffled words distract her. "If you hear from them, let me know. They've just been, missing since last night."
"Didn't they go to the pack party or Kyle's?"
Mum cracks now, crying as she tries to answer. "They were supposed to, but they never showed up. I called Kyle just now to see how they were since their phones aren't working either and he said they never made it."
"I'm sure they're fine. It's been a stressful time Mum. They probably wolfed out and lost track of time. I'll um, check facebook for you and see what they're up to on there okay?" I try to reassure us both with that, nodding against the phone. "Don't worry. They're good boys Mum. They'll be okay."
"I know. Thank you darling. Is Aiden with you?"
"Good, just, be careful okay. I love you Sammy."
I hang up and give Gwen her phone back. "We have to find my brothers."
"I'll get Bri back." Aiden says without blinking as clearly they both were listening in.
Gwen falls down beside me on the bed, her eyes wide and I don't miss the way she trembles either.
"You don't think he took them do you?" She asks.
"No." I hadn't, until she said it. "He couldn't have. We're miles apart and he was busy with us last night."
"You're right." She nods. "I still can't quite believe all of this."
"Me either."
Before long we're sitting at my dining table staring at a map while Brianna chants words we don't understand to make a crystal apparently locate my siblings. Only it doesn't work, and on the fourth try she gives up.
"They're being hidden." She finally says, slumping back in the chair. "I can feel something blocking them."
"Who would do this?" Gwen asks, wiping tears from her eyes. "They are the nicest guys I know."
"Someone who wants attention and revenge?" Aiden growls. "Where is he?"
I know he means David, and Brianna starts again. This time the crystal moves quickly off the map and she stops frowning.
"He's still supposed to be overseas."
"He knows we are tracking him so of course he'll set up a decoy. Can't believe we fell for it the first time." Aiden curses.
"He wouldn't take them." I decide, getting up to grab my phone. It has finally turned on and looking through my contacts, I'm not surprised to find a new number. "Let's do this the old fashioned way."
I hit call and wait, holding my breath until he answers. "Well I never expected to hear from you so soon."
"My brothers, where are they?" I demand.
"This isn't a joke. Where are they?"
"I really have no idea what you're talking about Samara. Have you asked your parents?" There is something in his voice as he says that, which gives me goosebumps.
"Mum called before looking for them." I answer slowly.
"And then you call me? Is this how it's going to be from now on whenever anything happens. I get the blame?"
"I didn't mean for it to-"
"Of course you didn't. Tell the witch to stop looking for me, it's pointless. Now if you'll excuse me, the night won't last forever and I have a couple of things to care of."
The call ends and I quickly redial mums number. "Mum, are you-"
"Oh Sammy, I just got a text message from Luke. You were right, they were stuck as wolves and had to hide until they could come back. They're exhausted, but ok and we're going to go and pick them up."
"Where? Where are they? Do not go. I think it's a trap."
"A trap?" She repeats uncertainly. "But the message-"
"Could be fake. I've got Brianna and Aiden here, let us go. If it's real, then we'll just bring them home." I decide.
"If its not fake? Sammy you can't-"
"It'll be fine Mum. Just send me their location and we'll check it out." I look at Aiden who nods. "It's probably nothing."
"I don't like this Sammy, what aren't you telling me?"
'A lot', i think and I'm not telling her anything now either.
"Later Mum. Just send it through!" I hang up, and pray it's really nothing.
Brianna gets ready, doing her little meditation thing that Gwen and I had seen before while Aiden stays quiet and serious. Everything about him says back off, but all I can do is stick to him instead. Gwen hasn't offered to come too and I wouldn't let her anyway. She's been involved enough as it is and as Brianna seems to wake up, we all stand.
"Are you sure you want to come?" Aiden asks as she opens a portal.
"Yes. I have to. If he has them, I just- well I need to be there."
"I really don't like it, but I kind of believe you when you say he isn't going to hurt you. Just, stay close to me okay."
"I will." I take his hand, holding it tightly and then we follow Brianna through the portal and hopefully to my brothers.
Just my brothers.
It's totally a trap right... or is it?
- In Serial21 Chapters
jouska (k. bakugo x reader)
"i'd like to see you try, zombie girl."y/n l/n is a mostly lonely girl living in america who is training to become a hero. when she starts talking to a random person on the internet that lives all the way in japan, will she start to fall for his harsh personality and bad attitude?June 2, 2020: #2 in bakugouxreaderJune 18, 2020: #1 in bakugoukatsuki
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Destined for Revenge
What will you do when your own prince charming becomes the villain?Your only love becomes your tormentor?As for Aveliene it was a nightmare come true.Aveliene Lawrence:"I never imagined that my fantasy will turn out to be my worst nightmare."I always got attracted to fairy tales, since childhood when my mom told me about the stories where a princess always got saved and loved by their prince charming. I also waited for the time to meet my own . BUT, little did I know that he will become my worst fear, 'Because In Reality there is no fantasy.'Vaughn Rodriguez:He was marked as the most successful young and handsome eligible bachelor according to Forbes. He was also an arrogant multi-billionaire playboy and a ruthless mafia leader. Girls easily throw themselves at his feet as if he is a charmer who likes to play with emotions.But--- he is also harbouring a 'Dark Ancestral Past'."My sole aim in life is to take revenge and get back the prestige of my family. Which was lost decades ago.""How far will you run away princess as I will always found you 'Cause I am your only Protector and Destroyer."Get ready for a journey full of suspense, deceit, drama and romance.What will happen when destiny will tie these two different sides of a thread together? READ to find out.....Note- This is not a cliché.(C) 2021 Unrevealed Author. All rights reserved.Cover designed by @navyblueee
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The Big Book of Yanderes
No one asked for this and I know its a bad idea to handle like 5 books at once but I honestly don't care :3. I'm afraid someone's gonna take my idea so basically this is a bunch of one-shot scenarios but they're all yandere and they're all different types (neko, shy, stalker, demon etc.). I wouldn't mind doing SOME real anime characters but I'm scared they'll all suck :). The art work is mine I'm sorry its kinda sorta really really bad but I tried! Hope you enjoy~ ;))
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The Brotherhood
Follow Jacob as he heads off to begin his academic career as a freshman at Kingsland University. Although KU is one of the country's most prestigious institutions for higher learning, a school where many of the world's elite send their sons and daughter, it was not why Jacob picked Kingsland. Like many of the young men attending KU for the first time, his sole desire, above all else, was to become a member of The Brotherhood. He's heard the many stories and rumors surrounding this mysterious and secretive organization. Jacob is eager to peel back the layers and discover The Brotherhood's secrets, to wield its power, but will he be able to handle the truth that is their reality? Can he step thru that door and never look back? Those are just some questions he will face on his journey of self-discovery. Will Jacob be strong enough to see it thru to the end? Are you? _______________________ ***Content Warning*** This story focuses on gay characters and places them in sexual situations. Although the sexual content is not the story’s main focus, it does appear throughout, especially in the earlier chapters. Feel free to give The Brotherhood a pass if it's not your cup of tea. But if you give it a chance, it might surprise you. The story is not what you expect. I first posted The Brotherhood online in 2001 and finished it in 2013. Over the years, it developed a loyal following that has been waiting for a sequel for many moons. That time has finally come. I want to release a more updated version of TBH before dropping the new chapters for the sequel. I hope you enjoy it!
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SAINT VALS 2021 [Closed]
Welcome to the 4th edition of the Saint Vals Contest!2021 is here and we are bringing all the love! Can you feel it? So can we! That's why we're bringing to you a contest that has everything the community has grown to know and love, with a little extra... It's all about you, and what loves means to you. Express it as only writers, poets and graphic artists can! Write about love, for love, with love in the language you adore. Be it English, Spanish , Italian, Arabic, French, Portuguese, Mandarin, Danish, Turkish, Romanian or Sinhala!
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One Shots || stopped
Hello! This book will be one shots written by Admin Winter and Admin Summer. Please read, comment, vote and follow our account! We hope you enjoy the stories:))Okay actually it isn't one shots. Sometimes it will be stories with real content, other times it will be like a diary entry. Like what you would write in a diary if you saw your crush with another girl, etc.
8 141