《Where She Belongs》A New Friend.
Waking up alone makes me wonder if I imagined everything last night. A quick look over at the clock on the bedside table tells me it's nearly two o'clock in the afternoon and slowly I get up. I'm sore. More of me hurts than what it did before and yet a quick look before taking another shower doesn't show up any sign of injury. If she was so magical, why not take the pain away too?
Leaving my room a strange phenomenon has occured while I slept. Grocery bags sit on the bench while the smell of bacon fills the air. My kitchen is being used for actually cooking.
"Afternoon." Aiden greets, not turning around from his position at the stove. "I have to eat so I did some shopping. Hungry?"
"Ah, no. Cofee?" Looking at the bags, I take a peek inside. "Why does it look like you brought enough for I dunno, enough to feed my family for a week?"
"I eat a lot." He shrugs. "Coffee isn't food."
"It is for me and how long do you think you're staying for if this is all for you?" I take last night back. He can leave now.
"A couple of days."
While I let that process, I make myself a coffee and go and hide on my sofa. Kitty is nowhere to be seen and maybe a little bit of breakfast, brunch - more like afternoon tea would be nice.
"I need you to tell me what happened last night." He finally says, bringing the biggest looking sandwich I've ever seen with him as he sits opposite me. "How did you even end up in a park, alone, with a vampire?"
Like this, he just seems so normal. No bad moods. No blank looks. No aura of stay the fuck away. It's almost more unsettling than seeing him angry. He starts to eat, watching me intently as I tell him about Hannah's crap story tip off and then my bright idea to try and find out more information.
"So he is a cop?"
"No. A cop gave her his details." I clarify. "He said he does clean up?"
"I'm going to go question him later, at least i know as much as you do now." He sighs and keeps eating.
"Question him? You know who he is?"
"He's in a storage shed not far from here. Brianna has him contained until I'm ready." Of course she does.
"What happened last night that I don't know about? Did something happen to make everything really bright?"
"Brianna protects the pack and you fall under that whether you like or not. It's not just in the pack territory you're protected, and it's quite a lot for her to take on. Every night she has to recharge and reconnects with her sisters to keep her power up." Well that explains the meditation thing Gwen and I saw. "She is also the most gifted with teleportation. She can open portals into other dimensions, not just around this earth."
"I don't even want to know what that would mean."
"She came to me, brought us to you and as she distracted him with a nice little ball of sunlight, I took him down."
"You make it sound so simple. And normal."
"The human was coming and Brianna said we'd come back for you after securing the vampire. She didn't want to create a scene." Aiden finishes eating and returns to the kitchen, only coming back with more. "Eat."
"Thanks." I am glad to see the bulk of the food went to him and with my coffee finished, I'm happy to eat now.
"Only of course when we got back you'd vanished and Brianna forced me to wait for you here." Aiden huffed.
"Hannah was the human, my friend who set the whole thing up. She's working on a story about the murders that have been happening." I told him.
"Does she know anything about what the victims are?"
"If she does she didn't mention it. He gave her photos showing the attack. I think it was a vampire from what I saw."
"We were thinking a hybrid." He mumbled, still eating.
"Well he seemed to be feeding from them, not kissing as Hannah thought."
"That's odd. Vampires don't feed from shifters."
"Yeah, vampy made that clear last night." I leave out the rest.
We don't talk as we eat now, and when he's done Aiden simply grabs his jacket and heads for the door.
"Ah, bye?" I call out, getting up too.
"Thought you'd be happy to see me leave?" He mocks, looking much to smug as I stop in front of him.
"I am, trust me, I am. But I want to come too."
He turns serious. "What?"
"I want to come and interrogate or whatever too."
"I found him. This is probably the most decent lead you've had since ever, and I want in on it!" I argue
"Exactly and you're not getting in on anything. Stay here. Stay safe. And try to avoid vampires." He orders, opening the door.
I freeze as he moves in close, kissing my forehead he turns quickly and i'm left staring at the closed door. Of course by the time I open it he's gone.
I spend the afternoon with my pal Buffy and a giant bowl of popcorn, telling myself it's for training purposes. Somehow a lifelong knowledge that vampires do exist, but have nothing to do with them has been turned upside down so I need to take things more seriously. As she kicks and fights, slaying those leeches, I half mimic her movements. Thankfully it's only Kitty around to see my couch workout. I also realise Buffy and I have a few things in common and as she kisses Angel for the first time, I can only shake my head.
"Don't go there, trust me." I tell her. She doesn't listen.
We both like guys we shouldn't, but at least I don't have the job description and reputation of being a hybrid killer. If it was real life, how many awkward conversations would the pair of them have. They have enough we shouldn't do this moments as it is and we know what happens when they do 'do it' which really doesn't work out all that great. So how did that relate to my relationship issues. How was this going to work out exactly. I needed a plan for when Aiden returned especially since he seemed confident he was staying here for a couple of days. Shutting off the TV I get dressed and head out instead. He's not the only one that can run away to avoid problems.
"I'm so glad you called. I felt terrible about last night." Hannah apologises for the millionth time over a plate of sashimi.
"It's fine. I'm fine. You're fine. Just, forget it."
"Sure." She smiles. "I just can't believe I was so wrong about everything. I did get home to find cupcakes from my new flatmate. Did I tell she was a baker?"
"No, but that sounds like a good thing!"
"They were so good. I ate three, with a bottle of wine she said I could have as it was too sweet for her. Baked goods and wine. Yup, definitely a good thing."
We keep talking and order another couple of dishes to share, as well as a bottle of sake. If I have to go home to him, well I'm going to make sure i'm in the right mood for it. Yet thinking about Aiden and what he had been up to this afternoon, I decide to try and see if Hannah knows anything else.
"I was just thinking about last night again. Did you end up working anything out with those photos?"
"No." She sighed, taking the envelope out of her bag. "Nothing at all. What a waste."
I took them again and shuffled through. They were even worse than i remembered them being except for the last photo which may have been blurry and only of the possible killers back, but then I saw the mirror. You could kind of see a face, nothing clear, yet maybe it could be useful.
"Sorry, it's Stephen. I'll be back in two seconds." She grabbed her ringing phone and quickly moved outside of the tiny Japanese restaurant we were in.
The second she appeared in the window, huddled under the entry way as she forgot her jacket, I put the picture into my own bag and folded the envelope back up.
"Don't suppose you're free Saturday night to come out with us again?" Hannah asks as she sits back down. "Its freezing outside!"
"Yeah, its' called winter." I laugh. "I'll have to check my calendar."
"In Sam talk, that means no."
"This close to Christmas, I actually have a few things happening. Where are we going should I maybe be interested?"
"His parents house. They have this big Christmas bash every year and I've only met them twice. It was Stephens idea to bring you along to keep me company, so be a pal?"
"What a tempting offer."
"Please Sammy!" She started to beg and guilt from stealing a technically useless photograph kicked in.
"Alright. I'll go."
She claps excitedly and a few heads of those around us turn to see what the commotion is about.
"Yay!" She gathers up her long, dark hair and ties it loosely. "I think I want to get my hair cut."
"Oh?" I smile at the waiter as our next dish arrives, but something out of the corner of my eye has me looking out the window again. You have got to be kidding.
"Stephen likes it long, but he isn't the one that has- Sam? You okay?"
Aiden walks in, and as if it would help I duck down so my face is practically against my plate and the smell of soy sauce makes me want to sneeze.
"Do you know that guy that just came in?"
I glance up and she's turned around looking before turning back to me. For someone who is supposed to be subtle and good at her job, sneaking around and getting the scoops - she just blew our cover completely.
"No." I lie. "I dropped something."
I don't look up as i slide my chair back and drop down to hide under the table. I know it's not helping. He's coming over and then I see his boots beside the table.
"Yes?" Hannah asks much too sweetly.
"Hannah?" Aiden doesn't sound happy, but she does.
"Yes, and you are?"
"A friend of Sams."
"Of course you are!" She sounds even more excited now. "I don't believe we've met."
If she's offering her hand, I can't imagine Aiden taking it.
"One moment." Hannah appears in front of me, grinning like a maniac. "There is a very, very attractive man standing at our table, who says he knows you."
"I'm well aware."
"Then why are you down here?"
I close my eyes wishing I could make portals and disappear. "Because I don't want to see him."
"I think it's a little late for that." Well thank you Captain Obvious. We both slide back up and Hannah readjusts her scarf as she smiles up at Aiden. "Sam, are you going to introduce us?"
"No. Why are you here?" I sigh, taking my drink as a shot.
"You weren't home when I got back."
"I had dinner plans." I quickly glare at Hannah who nods, her smile slipping as she glances between us.
"Yeah, we've had them for ages." She backs my lie up. "Did you want to join us, um?"
Hannah pauses, clearly searching for a name.
"Aiden probably some place else to be." I tell her, hating that flicker of recognition from where Gwen had mentioned him earlier in the group conversation we had on facebook.
He loosens up then, his features softening as he pulls out a chair. "I really don't."
"Yes, you do."
"No, I don't."
"Go away!"
"Make me." It sounds like a rather inviting challenge and Hannah quickly steps in.
"The dumplings here are legendary. Sam prefers her raw things, but these are the reason why I keep coming back." The tray of dumplings is shoved his way and he takes a couple, smiling at her in a way that makes me instantly jealous.
"Thank you Hannah, they smell wonderful."
How is wonderful even a word in his vocabulary. "Pass the shashimi Sam?"
"No." Hannah kicks me under the table and I do as he asks and that is how the rest of the conversation goes until it's finally time to leave.
"So, I'll see you Saturday?" Hannah asks as we leave, a look appearing on her face that makes me hate her because I know what's coming. "Will you be bringing Aiden?"
"He's busy."
"Bringing me where?"
We say in unison and Hannah laughs as she gives me a hug, not subtly whispering in my ear as she did so. "Good feeling Sam!"
"I really don't think so."
"Nice meeting you Aiden!" She calls and as she walks out, of course she instantly gets a cab. "Bye!"
"Well, she's nice." Aiden says as we start walking in the direction of home.
"She is."
"Shame about that lead she thought she had in the murder story though right?" He looks at me and I shrug.
"I guess so." I stop walking and have to ask. "Did you ah, kill him?"
"Get anything helpful out of him?"
"Well, he's certain it's a vampire behind it all. There are rumours going around as they are with the shifters. No one really knows who this guy is, but he isn't that old according to our friends sources." Aiden frowns. "It makes no sense. Vampires, believe it or not, just don't go around making big bloody messes."
I hand him the photograph and he narrows his eyes as he spots the reflection.
"I kind of stole it from Hannah. The rest really are useless, but maybe that could help?" I wonder.
"It actually might. I need to speak to Brianna."
"Of course you do." I mumble, following after him as the walk home goes much quicker than it was a few seconds ago. Even more unsurprisingly, she's sitting at my dining table with Kitty.
"How are you feeling Samara?" She asks as we come in.
"Good. Great. Thanks for last night."
"I'm sorry about the pain. I did what I could for you." She smiles. Does she ever not look like a Disney princess? I half expected a little blue bird to dance around her head next.
"What you have done is plenty." I assure her as I wonder if Aiden restocked my alcohol stash in the fridge as generously as he filled it up with food. He didn't.
"I need to go somewhere, are you able to travel?" He asks her, showing much more concern than I thought possible.
"I'm fine. It's been a quiet day, I'm recharged and there is a supermoon tonight so that will help." She pats his arm and takes the photograph. "What's this?"
"A photo from one of the crime scenes. I think we might be able to get a clearer shot of the guys face." Aiden tells her.
"That's not exactly something I can do." She frowns.
"I know. I need to see an old friend only he's in hiding and the last location I have for him isn't anywhere near here."
"Ah. Say no more. Where did you need to go?"
The pair talk amongst themselves while I keep up my search for some liquid courage and just as I find a bottle of wine in the back of the pantry I look back over to see a bright light hovering in the middle of the living room wall.
"What the hell is-"
I don't get to finish as Brianna waves her hands around it, making the light grow and widen until it resemembles a door of pure light.
"Try not to turn into a frog or something while I'm gone." Aiden jokes, looking over at me before he steps into it and then nothing.
"Can you do that? Turn me into a frog?" I ask cautiously.
"No, maybe. It's not really my kind of magic." Brianna sighs.
"So he's just gone again. Just like that?"
"That's how it works!"
Well how about that. No wonder she can just pop up here and there with ease. Trying to keep neutral about everything, I hold up a second wine glass.
"Why not." She shrugs.
We end up sitting on the sofa together, the tv on low more for background noise as I wonder what it would take for to actually turn someone, not me, into a frog.
"You don't trust me." She finally says.
"I don't know you."
"You don't know Aiden, yet you trust him."
"No I don't."
"The pack trusts me. They trust in their alpha's and so that courtesy is instantly extended to me." I roll my eyes. "You're really not like them though are you?"
"No. And my answer is still the same, I don't need you to fix me." I huff.
"Aiden has plenty of shifter traits. Some vampire. He trusts you though, so that's enough for me to as well." She continues. "Few people outside the coven know what he is. For him to share that with you, well, it's just all very interesting."
"What's his deal though. I mean, I get it must suck to be a hybrid. But he's always so... I don't know." I take a big sip of my wine and Brianna smiles.
"You two are connected. Whether here and now or later, your paths would've crossed eventually. I've done your cards."
"Oh really? And what was in those cards? I'm pretty there isn't one for dysfunctional social misfits with a shit load of baggage."
"No, there's not. But there are cards that show strength, love and companionship. Sometimes you need someone that has, let's call it baggage of their own so you can unpack it together."
"I'm pretty sure one of those cheap fortune cookies I had today said something like that." I roll my eyes and she shakes her head.
"Two broken people can help put each other back together. Look at how well the ying and yang fit. Different, but the same."
"That was definitely from a fortune cookie and besides I'm talking about him. Not me. I'm not broken. He has the issues." I drink more.
"Denial is not just a river in Egypt."
We look at each other for a second, and then burst out laughing. The wine keeps coming and it's then I realise she's the one refilling the bottle. Maybe I can come to like this witch after all and as her words get a little more slurred, i start to feel much more relaxed right up to the point we are sitting side by side on the couch watching The Notebook.
"We are all made with soulmates you know." She says after wiping her eyes for the hundredth time. "We just get it easier than humans because we have like, a seventh sense for our other half. It's just, so horrible for them not knowing they have a person out there just for them and like, a fifty percent chance of finding them. It's definitely the upside to being what we are."
"Noah and Allie are totally soulmates." I sob next to her. "They're just so, so, beautiful."
"The human who made this gets it." She agrees.
And still crying together on the sofa, as possible new best friends - is how Aiden came back to find us.
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